Splunk Phantom Certified Admin Practice Exam - RETIRED
Splunk Phantom Certified Admin
About Splunk Phantom Certified Admin
Splunk Phantom Certified Admin exam is the final step towards completion of the Splunk Phantom Certified Admin certification track. This highly technical certification exam evaluates a candidate’s knowledge and skills in installing and configuring a Phantom server and integrating it with Splunk. This also includes planning, designing, creating, and debugging Playbooks.
A Splunk Phantom Certified Admin has the ability to install, configure, and use Phantom servers and plan, designs creates, and debugs basic playbooks for Phantom. These highly skilled individuals are well proficient in complex Phantom solution development. They can integrate Phantom with Splunk as well as develop playbooks requiring custom coding and REST API usage.
Recommended Prerequisite Courses
Candidates for the exam are recommended to complete the lecture, hands-on labs, and quizzes that are part of the course which are:
- Administering Phantom
- Developing Phantom Playbooks
- Advanced Phantom Implementation
Learning Skills/ Important Areas
The following content areas are general guidelines for the content to be included on the exam:
- Installation/Initial configuration
- Apps and assets
- User management
- Ingesting data
- Events and containers
- Mission control
- Running actions and playbooks
- Case management/workflows
- Multi-tenacity
- Clustering
- Automation best practices
- The visual playbook editor
- Using actions and decisions
- Using action results
- Testing and debugging playbooks
- Using interaction
- Output formatting
- Complex logic
- Interacting with artifacts
- Using the vault in a playbook
- Custom lists
- Integrating Splunk with Phantom
Course Structure
The Splunk Phantom Certified Admin Exam covers the following topics -
Topic 1: Deployment, Installation, and Initial Configuration 5%
1.1 Describe Phantom operating concepts
1.2 Identify documentation and community resources
1.3 Identify installation and upgrade options
1.4 Describe Phantom architecture
1.5 Configure licenses, administration, and product settings
Topic 2: User Management and Multi-tenancy 5%
2.1 Configure authentication options
2.2 Add users
2.3 Add roles
2.4 Configure multiple tenants in a Phantom site
Topic 3: Apps, Assets, and Playbooks 5%
3.1 Configure apps
3.2 Configure assets
3.3 Configure data ingestion assets
3.4 Configure labels and SLAs
3.5 Manage Playbooks
Topic 4: Analyst Queue 5%
4.1 Use the Analyst Queue
4.2 Use search features
4.3 Create filters
4.4 Use the indicator view
Topic 5: The Investigation Page 10%
5.1 Use the Investigation page to work on events
5.2 Manually run actions and examine action results
5.3 Manually run playbooks
5.4 Use the vault to store related files
Topic 6: Case Management and Workbooks 5%
6.1 Use case management for complex investigations
6.2 Use workbooks
6.3 Mark items as evidence
Topic 7: Customizations 5%
7.1 Customize severity levels
7.2 Customize CEF fields
7.3 Customize status values
7.4 Customize workbooks
7.5 Add global custom fields to containers
Topic 8: System Maintenance 5%
8.1 Run reports
8.2 Use system health displays
8.3 Examine health logs
8.4 Identify steps to back up and restore a Phantom server
Topic 9: Introduction to Playbooks 5%
9.1 Understand automation best practices
9.2 Describe playbook capabilities
9.3 Determine available app actions
9.4 Use I2A2 design methodology
Topic 10: Visual Playbook Editor 5%
10.1 Use the visual playbook editor
10.2 Execute actions from a playbook
10.3 Test new playbooks
Topic 11: Logic, Filters, and User Interaction 5%
11.1 Use decision blocks
11.2 Use filter blocks to process data
11.3 Describe the use of different join options
11.4 Interact with users during playbook execution
Topic 12: Formatted Output and Data Access 5%
12.1 Use Format blocks to structure data
12.2 Understand the structure of action results
12.3 Compose datapaths to access data
12.4 Use the API block to modify containers
Topic 13: Modular Playbook Development 5%
13.1 Design modular solutions with interacting playbooks
13.2 Invoke child playbooks from a parent
13.3 Exchange data between playbooks using artifacts
Topic 14: Custom Lists and Data Routing 5%
14.1 Create custom lists
14.2 Access lists from playbooks
14.3 Use filters to control data flow
Topic 15: Configuring External Splunk Search 5%
15.1 Describe the benefits of externalizing search to Splunk
15.2 Configure the Phantom instance for externalization
15.3 Configure the Splunk instance for externalization
15.4 Use reindex to push existing content to the Splunk instance
15.5 Use the Splunk app for Phantom Reporting
Topic 16: Integrating Phantom into Splunk 10%
16.1 Install the Phantom app for Splunk
16.2 Send Enterprise Security notables to Phantom
16.3 Install and configure the Splunk app in Phantom
16.4 Use Splunk search from playbooks
Topic 17: Custom Coding 5%
17.1 Describe when and when not to use the global block
17.2 Use custom function blocks
17.3 Write and test custom Phantom code
Topic 18: Using REST 5%
18.1 Describe the capabilities of Phantom REST API
18.2 Use Django queries to search for data in Phantom
18.3 Use Phantom REST from other systems to access Phantom data
Exam Pattern
- Exam Name: Splunk Phantom Certified Admin
- Number of Questions: 121
- Length of Time: 117 minutes
- Exam Fee: $125 USD
- Exam Language: English
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