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SAS Certified Statistical Business Analyst Using SAS 9: Regression and Modeling Practice Exam

SAS Certified Statistical Business Analyst Using SAS 9: Regression and Modeling

SAS Certified Statistical Business Analyst Using SAS 9: Regression and Modeling

Designed for SAS professionals who use SAS/STAT software to conduct and interpret complex statistical data analysis. The SAS Certified Statistical Business Analyst Using SAS 9: Regression and Modeling exam tests the candidate’s abilities in the areas such as analysis of variance, linear and logistic regression, preparing inputs for predictive models, measuring model performance.

Course Structure

The important domains and their topics that the SAS Certified Statistical Business Analyst Using SAS 9: Regression and Modeling exam covers are: 

1. ANOVA - 10%

Verify the assumptions of ANOVA

Analyze differences between population means using the GLM and TTEST procedures

Perform ANOVA post hoc test to evaluate treatment effect

Detect and analyze interactions between factors

2. Linear Regression - 20%

Fit a multiple linear regression model using the REG and GLM procedures

Analyze the output of the REG, PLM, and GLM procedures for multiple linear regression models

Use the REG or GLMSELECT procedure to perform model selection

Assess the validity of a given regression model through the use of diagnostic and residual analysis

3. Logistic Regression - 25%

Perform logistic regression with the LOGISTIC procedure

Optimize model performance through input selection

Interpret the output of the LOGISTIC procedure

Score new data sets using the LOGISTIC and PLM procedures

4. Prepare Inputs for Predictive Model Performance - 20%

Identify the potential challenges when preparing input data for a model

Use the DATA step to manipulate data with loops, arrays, conditional statements and functions

Improve the predictive power of categorical inputs

Screen variables for irrelevance and non-linear association using the CORR procedure

Screen variables for non-linearity using empirical logit plots

5. Measure Model Performance - 25%

Apply the principles of honest assessment to model performance measurement

Assess classifier performance using the confusion matrix

Model selection and validation using training and validation data

Create and interpret graphs (ROC, lift, and gains charts) for model comparison and selection

Establish effective decision cut-off values for scoring

Exam Format

  • Exam Name: SAS Certified Statistical Business Analyst Using SAS 9: Regression and Modeling
  • Exam Number: A00-240
  • Number of Questions: 60
  • Exam Format: Multiple-choice
  • Time Give: 2 hours 
  • Passing score: 68%
  • Exam fee: €160 EUR

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Tags: SAS Certified Statistical Business Analyst Using SAS 9: Regression and Modeling Practice Exam, SAS Certified Statistical Business Analyst Exam Questions, SAS Certified Statistical Business Analyst Free Test, SAS Certified Statistical Business Analyst Online Course