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SAS Certified Platform Administrator for SAS 9 Practice Exam

SAS Certified Platform Administrator for SAS 9

SAS Certified Platform Administrator for SAS 9

The SAS Certified Platform Administrator for SAS 9 exam is designed to test the understanding and the knowledge relating to the securing the SAS configuration on each server machine, checking the status and operate servers, monitoring server activity and administer logging, establishing formal, regularly scheduled backup processes, adding users and manage their access, etc. 

Target Audience 

For those who have the skills and knowledge necessary for the administration of the platform for SAS Business Analytics. 

Course Structure

The important domains and their topics that the SAS Certified Platform Administrator for SAS 9 exam covers are: 

1. Securing the SAS configuration

Secure a SAS platform configuration.

Update SAS Software

2. Monitoring the Status and Operation of SAS Metadata Servers

Manage metadata repositories.

Identify the properties and functionality of SAS servers.

Configure a SAS Metadata server cluster.

3. Monitoring, Logging, and Troubleshooting SAS Servers

Monitor SAS servers.

Administer SAS server logging and modify logging configurations.

Troubleshoot basic SAS server issues such as server availability.

4. Backing Up the SAS Environment

Backup and restore the SAS environment.

5. Administering Users

Manage connection profiles.

Manage roles.

Register users and groups in the metadata.

Give users access to processing servers and data servers.

Determine when to store passwords in the metadata.

Manage internal SAS accounts.

Identify SAS server authentication mechanisms.

6. Administering Data Access

Register libraries and tables in the metadata.

Update table metadata.

Pre-assign a library.

Troubleshoot data access problems.

Use the metadata LIBNAME engine.

7. Managing Metadata

Identify how the metadata authorization layer interacts with other security layers.

Identify where, how, and to whom metadata permissions are assigned.

Determine the outcome of metadata authorization decisions.

Use metadata permissions to secure metadata.

Create and use Access Control Templates.

Promote metadata and associated content.

Exam Format

  • Exam Name: SAS Certified Platform Administrator for SAS 9
  • Exam Number: A00-250
  • Number of Questions: 70
  • Exam Format: Multiple-choice
  • Time Give: 110 minutes  
  • Passing score: 70%
  • Exam fee: €160 EUR

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Tags: SAS Certified Platform Administrator for SAS 9 Practice Exam, SAS Certified Platform Administrator for SAS 9 Exam Questions, SAS Certified Platform Administrator Free Test, SAS Certified Platform Administrator Online Course