RSA Archer Certified Associate Practice Exam
RSA Archer Certified Associate
About RSA Archer Associate
The RSA Archer Associate examination is based on the critical job functions that an individual would typically be expected to perform with competence when providing RSA Archer deployment services. An RSA Archer Associate is a person who works in a technical support, technical sales, professional services and/or other technical implementation role within RSA, within an RSA Partner organization, or within an organization using RSA Archer.
Prerequisite for the exam
• Candidate should have completed the RSA Archer 6 Administration I course, or have a minimum of six months experience working with the RSA Archer Platform.
• Candidates should also have a basic understanding of governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) concepts, as well as RSA Archer solutions areas.
Exam Structure
1. Domain 1: RSA Archer Solution Knowledge
• RSA Archer Business Solutions
o High-level solution concepts and goals
2. Domain 2: Application Configuration
• Application-level configurations
- Data-Driven Events and Workflows
- Layout Objects and User Experience
• Field Options
- Required fields
- Calculations
• Data Import
3. Domain 3: Communication Strategies
• Subscription Notifications
• Advanced Search
- Conducting statistical reports
• Report Management
- Charting options
• Workspaces and Dashboards
4. Domain 4: Access Control
• Security Parameters
• Access Roles and Groups
• Record permission options and page privileges
Exam Pattern
- Exam Name: RSA Archer Associate
- Length of Time: 85 Minutes
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