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CCNP Security (300-720 SESA) Practice Exam

CCNP Security (300-720 SESA)

About Securing Email with Cisco Email Security Appliance (300-720 SESA)

300-720 SESA exam tests a candidate's knowledge of Cisco Email Security Appliance, including administration, spam control and anti-spam, message filters, data loss prevention, LDAP, email authentication and encryption, and system quarantines and delivery methods. This exam will provide you with the with the knowledge and skills to implement, troubleshoot, and administer Cisco Email Security Appliance, including key capabilities such as advanced malware protection, spam blocking, anti-virus protection, outbreak filtering, encryption, quarantines, and data loss prevention.  After you pass 300-720 SESA you will earn the Cisco Certified Specialist - Email Content Security certification.

Knowledge required for the exam

The knowledge and skills you should have for this exam:

  • TCP/IP services, including Domain Name System (DNS), Secure Shell (SSH), FTP, Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), HTTP, and HTTPS
  • Experience with IP routing
  • You should have one or more of the given technical competencies:
  • Cisco certification (Cisco CCENT certification or higher)
  • Relevant industry certification, such as (ISC)2, CompTIA Security+, EC-Council, Global Information Assurance Certification (GIAC), and ISACA
  • Cisco Networking Academy letter of completion (CCNA 1 and CCNA 2)
  • Windows expertise: Microsoft [Microsoft Specialist, Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA), Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE)], CompTIA (A+, Network+, Server+)

Target Audience

The course is appropriate for 

  • Security engineers
  • Security administrators
  • Security architects
  • Operations engineers
  • Network engineers
  • Network administrators
  • Network or security technicians
  • Network managers
  • System designers
  • Cisco integrators and partners

Course Structure

1. Cisco Email Security Appliance Administration 15%

1.1. Configure Cisco Email Security Appliance features

1.2. Describe centralized services on a Cisco Content SMA

1.3. Configure mail policies

2. Spam Control with Talos SenderBase and Antispam 15%

2.1 Control spam with Talos SenderBase and Antispam

2.2 Describe graymail management solution

2.3 Configure file reputation filtering and file analysis features

2.4 Implement malicious or undesirable URLs protection

2.5 Describe the bounce verification feature

3. Content and Message filters 20%

3.1 Describe the functions and capabilities of content filters

3.2 Create text resources such as content dictionaries, disclaimers, and templates

3.3 Configure message filters components, rules, processing order and attachment scanning

3.4 Configure scan behavior

3.5 Configure the Cisco ESA to scan for viruses using Sophos and McAfee scanning engines

3.6 Configure outbreak filters

3.7 Configure Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

4. LDAP and SMTP Sessions 15%

4.1 Configure and verify LDAP servers and queries (Queries and Directory Harvest Attack)

4.2 Understand spam quarantine functions

4.3 Understand SMTP functionality

5. Email Authentication and Encryption 20%

5.1 Configure Domain Keys and DKIM signing

5.2 Configure SPF and SIDF

5.3 Configure DMARC verification

5.4 Configure forged email detection

5.5 Configure email encryption

5.6 Describe S/MIME security services and communication encryption with other MTAs

5.7 Manage certificate authorities

6. System Quarantines and Delivery Methods 15%

6.1 Configure quarantine (spam, policy, virus, and outbreak)

6.2 Utilize safelists and blocklists to control email delivery

6.3 Manage messages in local or external spam quarantines

6.4 Configure virtual gateways

Exam Pattern 

  • Exam Name: Securing Email with Cisco Email Security Appliance
  • Exam Code: 300-720 SESA
  • Length of Time:  90 Minutes
  • Registration Fee: $300 USD
  • Exam Language English, Japanese

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