Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies (AZ-300) Online Course
Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies (AZ-300) Online Course
Microsoft Azure is a skill in high demand in today's large business marketplace. Microsoft has more than 100 data centers, across 50+ regions and 10 geos, making it one of the largest data centers in the world.
The course follows a detail-oriented approach with specific objectives identified and tailored to a realistic, achievable goal. This course goes through all the requirements of the Microsoft exam AZ-300: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies. Multiple videos are devoted to each sub-objective, and we cover the topic thoroughly.
Course Table of Content
Quick Start
- Course Introduction
- Overview of the AZ-300 Exam Requirements
- General Azure Exam Tips
- Multi-Channel Learning & Other Resources
- Azure Hands-On Labs
Overview of Azure
- From Self Hosting to Cloud Computing
- Overview of 100+ Azure Services
- Azure Geos and Regions
AZ300 Create and Configure Virtual Machines
- What is a Virtual Machine?
- The Azure Portal
- Create a Virtual Machine in Azure
- Test a Virtual Machine in Azure
- ASSIGNMENT: Create a Virtual Machine
- Configure a VM for Availability
- Monitor a VM
- Setting up Virtual Machine Scale Sets (VMSS)
AZ-300 Automate Deployment of Virtual Machines
- Working with ARM Templates, Part 1
- Working with ARM Templates, Part 2
- Working with ARM Templates, Part 3
- Working with ARM Templates, Part 4
- Deploy a Linux VM using ARM Templates
AZ-300 Virtual Machines
- Encrypt a Virtual Machine
AZ-300 Analyse Resource Utilization and Consumption
- Configure diagnostic settings on resources
- Create baseline for resources
- Create and test alerts
- Create and test metrics
- Create action groups
- Monitor and manage Azure costs
- View alerts in Log Analytics
AZ-300 Create and Configure Storage Accounts
- Create a storage account
- Add storage account to a virtual network
- Manage access keys and secure access signature (SAS)
- Using Storage Explorer
- Setting up Log Analytics for storage
- Configure storage redundancy
AZ-300 Manage Virtual Networking
- Overview of Virtual Networks
- Public and Private IP Addresses
- Routing Traffic on a Network
AZ300 Connectivity Between Networks
- Introduction to VNET Peering
- Configuring VNET-to-VNET Communication
AZ-300 Manage Azure Active Directory
- Azure Active Directory Basic versus Premium Tiers
- Create an Azure Active Directory Account (Azure AD)
- Assign a Custom Domain to Azure AD
- Upgrade Azure AD to Premium P2
- Azure AD Identity Protection
- Setting Up Self-Service Password Reset
- Azure AD Conditional Access
- Utilizing Access Reviews
AZ-300 Manage Hybrid Identities
- Azure AD Hybrid Identities
AZ-300 Migrate Servers to Azure
- Setting Up Azure Site Recovery
- Prepare ASR Source
- Using VMWare P2V for Migration
AZ-300 Configure Serverless Computing
- Overview of Serverless Computing
- Create an Azure Function App
- Code an Azure Function
- Create an Azure Logic App
- More on Logic Apps
- Create an Azure Event Grid
- Messaging with Service Bus
AZ-300 Implement Load Balancing
- Create a Load Balancer
- Understand Load Balancer Settings
- Front End IP Configuration
- Create an Application Gateway
- Configure the Application Gateway
AZ-300 Implement Multi-Factor Authentication and Role Based Access Control
- Turn on Azure AD Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
- Enable Azure AD Conditional Access
- Setup Fraud Alerts
- MFA One-Time Bypass
- Verifying Your Identity with MFA
- Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
- Creating Custom RBAC Roles
AZ-300 Create Web Apps by Using PaaS
- Create App Services Web App
- Deploy Web App
- Create App Services Container App
- Upload Webjobs as Background Jobs
AZ-300 Design and develop apps that run-in containers
- Create a Kubernetes Cluster (AKS)
- Deploy a Kubernetes Cluster (AKS)
- Use the AKS Dashboard
- Install Docker Toolbox on Local
- Test the Container using Docker Compose
AZ-300 Implement Secure Data Solutions
- Introduction to Data Security
- Data Storage Encryption
- Azure Key Vault
- Storing ARM Template Secrets
- Storing Application Secrets
- Storing Certificate Secrets
AZ-300 Develop for Azure Storage - Cosmos DB
- Intro to Cosmos DB
- Create a Cosmos DB Collection
- Develop for Cosmos DB
- Principle of Data Consistency
AZ-300 Develop for Azure Storage - Relational DB
- Intro to Relational Databases
- Create a SQL Database
- Concept of Geo-Replication
- Using the SQL Database Firewall
- SQL Server Management Studio
- Inserting Data into SQL Database
AZ-300 Develop for the Cloud
- Message Based Integration Architecture
- Develop for Autoscaling