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Mastering Express Framework Practice Exam

Mastering Express Framework Practice Exam

About Mastering Express Framework Exam

This exam is designed to assess your knowledge and proficiency in using the Express Framework to build secure, scalable, and dynamic web applications. The exam covers key concepts, including routing, middleware, security, authentication, authorization, database integration, and performance optimization. You will be tested on your ability to implement industry-standard practices such as using Passport.js for user authentication, integrating third-party authentication providers like Google and Facebook, and securely handling form data and file uploads.

Skills Required

To successfully complete this exam, candidates should have the following skills:

  • Understanding of Express.js and its key components, including routing, middleware, and handling requests and responses.
  • Knowledge of implementing secure login and sign-up systems using Passport.js and third-party providers such as Google, Facebook, and Auth0.
  • Ability to design and integrate SQL databases for data storage and management within web applications.
  • Proficiency in using middleware for various tasks like logging, body parsing, error handling, and routing for RESTful APIs.
  • Understanding of security practices in web development, including password hashing, session management, and secure form handling.
  • Experience with handling file uploads, including storage and validation in a web application.

Who should take the Exam?

This exam is ideal for individuals who are looking to validate their expertise in the Express Framework. It is recommended for:

  • Web Developers
  • Full Stack Developers
  • Backend Developers
  • Software Engineers
  • Junior and Mid-Level Developers

Course Outline

The Mastering Express Framework Exam covers the following topics - 

Domain 1 - Course Introduction

  • Overview of Node.js
  • Benefits of using Node.js
  • Key features and limitations of Node.js
  • Installation guide for Node.js
  • Understanding the REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) in Node.js
  • Demonstrating asynchronous behavior in Node.js with setTimeout
  • Installing Visual Studio Code
  • Configuring root directories for Node web server
  • Building and launching a basic Node.js web server
  • Exploring Request and Response objects in Node.js
  • Using Curl to fetch web server data
  • Creating multiple endpoints for responses in Node.js

Domain 2 - Node.js File System Introduction

  • Reading files using Node.js
  • Writing and appending to files with the File System module
  • Deleting files with Node.js

Domain 3 - Express Framework Introduction

  • Introduction to Express.js
  • Understanding NPM (Node Package Manager) and how to install Express
  • Creating the first web app using Express
  • Configuring routes in Express
  • Building a website with form data using Express.js
  • Handling POST requests and middleware in Express

Domain 4 - Building an Express API from Scratch

  • Introduction to Postman and its installation
  • Setting up the Express local environment
  • Launching a web server using Express.js
  • Writing basic JSON user data
  • Retrieving API data with Express
  • Using Postman for API data retrieval in Express
  • Error handling for data retrieval in Express
  • Making POST requests for API data in Express
  • Structuring and cleaning up the code with routes
  • Handling PUT requests and updating API data in Express
  • Performing DELETE requests for APIs in Express

Domain 5 - Working with Templating Engines in Express.js

  • Introduction to templating engines and Handlebars
  • Setting up a static directory for the website with Handlebars
  • Configuring views and layouts using Express and Handlebars
  • Building a static page with Handlebars
  • Using default layout properties in Handlebars with Express
  • Developing partials with Handlebars in Express
  • Working with dynamic variables and helper functions in Handlebars

Domain 6 - Implementing Authentication with Express and Passport

  • Building a login form with Express.js and Passport authentication
  • Implementing username and password local strategy code
  • Redirecting applications for authentication
  • Integrating external styles from GitHub for the login page
  • Verifying user sessions using Passport's local strategy
  • Implementing logout functionality for users
  • Creating and styling the signup form with Express.js
  • Finalizing signup functionality with database integration and password hashing

Tags: Mastering Express Framework Practice Exam, Mastering Express Framework Online Course, Mastering Express Framework Training, Mastering Express Framework Tutorial, Learn Mastering Express Framework, Mastering Express Framework Study Guide