JNCIS-MistAI-Wireless (JN0-452) Practice Exam
JNCIS-MistAI-Wireless (JN0-452) Practice Exam
About JNCIS-MistAI-Wireless (JN0-452) Exam
The JNCIS-MistAI-Wireless (JN0-452) exam has been developed to equip with a comprehensive understanding of WLAN technology and Mist AI features and functionality. The certification exam assesses your intermediate understanding of WLAN and Mist AI technology, features, and functionality.
Who should take the exam?
JNCIS-MistAI-Wireless, the specialist-level certification in this track, is tailored for Wireless LAN networking professionals with intermediate knowledge of wireless networking using Mist AI.
Exam Tracks
The JNCIS-MistAI-Wireless (JN0-452) exam track contains three certifications:
- JNCIA-MistAI: Mist AI, Associate.
- JNCIS-MistAI-Wireless: Mist AI Wireless, Specialist.
- JNCIS-MistAI-Wired: Mist AI Wired, Specialist.
Course Outline
The JNCIS-MistAI-Wireless (JN0-452) covers the latest and updated exam topics -
Domain 1 - Understanding Wi-Fi Fundamentals
Identify basic Wi-Fi technologies, including:
- 802.11 physical layer protocols
- Frequency bands
- RF basics
- Modulation and coding
- Network arbitration and contention
- WLAN association and roaming
- WLAN life cycle
Domain 2 - Understanding Juniper Mist WLAN Architecture and Deployment
Understand Juniper Mist Cloud architecture, including:
- General architecture concepts
- Account organization and subscriptions
- Configuration objects
- RESTful API concepts
- Webhook concepts
- Organization objects
- Site objects
Demonstrate knowledge of Juniper Mist configuration, including:
- Initial setup
- Access points
- Juniper Mist Edge
- WLAN objects
Domain 3 - Understanding Juniper Mist WLAN Concepts
Identify WLAN concepts and functionality, including:
- WLAN concepts
- Security concepts
- Juniper Mist WLANs
- Policy (WxLAN)
- Guest portals
- Wireless intrusion detection and prevention
Demonstrate knowledge of WLAN configuration or troubleshooting, including:
- Multiple preshared key (PSK)
- Policy (WxLAN)
Domain 4 - Understanding Juniper Mist Network Operations
Identify components of Juniper Mist network operations, including:
- Service-level expectations (SLE) for Juniper Mist Wi-Fi Assurance
- Events and insights
- Alerts
- Radio resource management (RRM)
Demonstrate knowledge of wireless configuration or troubleshooting, including:
- SLE configuration
- SLE troubleshooting
Domain 5 - Understanding Marvis Virtual Network Assistant
Identify the concepts and functionality of Marvis Virtual Network Assistant, including:
- Reactive troubleshooting
- Proactive troubleshooting
- Marvis languages
- Marvis actions
Demonstrate knowledge of using the Marvis Virtual Network Assistant, including:
- Reactive troubleshooting
- Proactive troubleshooting
- Marvis languages
- Marvis actions
Domain 6 - Understanding Juniper Mist Location-based Services (LBS)
Identify concepts or methods of location-based services (LBS), including:
- Wi-Fi location
- Virtual Bluetooth Low Energy (vBLE)
- User engagement
- Asset visibility
- Proximity tracing
Exam Details
- Exam Code: JN0-452
- Prerequisite Certification: JNCIA-MistAI
- Delivered by: Pearson VUE
- Exam Length: 90 minutes
- Exam Type: 65 multiple-choice questions
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