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JavaScript Masterclass Practice Exam

JavaScript Masterclass Practice Exam

About JavaScript Masterclass Exam

JavaScript is the heart of web development, powering interactive and dynamic features on websites and applications. This masterclass offers a complete journey into JavaScript, starting from the basics and advancing to complex topics. You will learn everything from foundational concepts like variables, loops, and functions to advanced programming techniques like asynchronous JavaScript, APIs, and object-oriented programming. By building real-world projects such as a task manager, budget tracker, and news portal, this course equips you with practical skills to create modern, responsive web applications.

Skills Required

  • Basic understanding of HTML and CSS is recommended.
  • Familiarity with Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts is helpful but not mandatory.
  • A willingness to learn and experiment with JavaScript.

Knowledge Area

This course will enhance your knowledge in:

  • JavaScript fundamentals such as variables, data types, loops, and functions.
  • Advanced programming concepts like asynchronous JavaScript, Promises, and APIs.
  • Document Object Model (DOM) manipulation and event handling.
  • Building dynamic web applications with Firebase, Babel, and Webpack.
  • Object-oriented programming, including classes, inheritance, and prototypes.
  • Deploying web projects on platforms like GitHub and Netlify.

Who should take This Course?

  • Beginners and aspiring developers eager to learn JavaScript from scratch.
  • Web designers looking to add interactivity and functionality to their designs.
  • Students and professionals aiming to build real-world JavaScript projects.
  • Freelancers and freshers preparing for internships or job roles in web development.

Course Outline

The JavaScript Masterclass Exam covers the following topics - 

Domain 1 - Introduction and Resources

  • Get an overview of the course structure and access all the resources needed for learning.

Domain 2 - JavaScript Basics

  • Set up your environment and learn how to run JavaScript files.
  • Explore variables, constants, and naming conventions.
  • Dive into JavaScript data types, strings, numbers, and template literals.
  • Learn about arrays, null/undefined values, booleans, and comparisons.
  • Understand type conversion and the difference between loose and strict comparisons.

Domain 3 - Control Flow

  • Understand control flow statements like if, else, and else if.
  • Learn about loops, including for, while, and do...while.
  • Explore logical operators, ternary operators, and switch statements.
  • Understand global and local scopes, and practice with break and continue statements.

Domain 4 - Functions

  • Learn how to create and use functions with parameters and return values.
  • Explore arrow functions and the differences between functions and methods.
  • Understand the forEach method and how to use callbacks.

Domain 5 - Object Literals

  • Learn about object literals and their methods.
  • Explore the this keyword and understand how objects work inside arrays.
  • Discover the difference between primitive and reference types.

Domain 6 - Document Object Model (DOM)

  • Understand how to manipulate the DOM to control web content.
  • Learn to query and modify elements, change CSS styles, and manage attributes.
  • Work with DOM events, including event bubbling and delegation.
  • Create and remove HTML elements dynamically.

Domain 7 - Form and Form Events

  • Explore form-related events like submit and keyboard events.
  • Understand regular expressions for validating form inputs.

Domain 8 - Project: Quiz Application

  • Build a quiz app from scratch, including score updates and reload functionality.
  • Deploy your project using GitHub and Netlify.

Domain 9 - Array Methods

  • Learn advanced array methods like filter, map, reduce, find, and sort.
  • Practice chaining multiple methods to perform complex tasks.

Domain 10 - Project: Todo List Manager

  • Create a fully functional to-do list app.
  • Implement features like adding, deleting, and searching tasks.
  • Deploy the app on GitHub and Netlify.

Domain 11 - Dates and Time

  • Work with dates and times in JavaScript, including formatting and calculations.

Domain 12 - Local Storage

  • Learn to store and retrieve data using local storage.
  • Explore JSON for handling structured data.

Domain 13 - Project: Budget Tracker

  • Build a budget tracker to manage income and expenses.
  • Implement local storage to save and retrieve transactions.
  • Deploy your project for real-world use.

Domain 14 - Object-Oriented Programming

  • Deep dive into OOP concepts like classes, inheritance, and prototypes.
  • Understand the static keyword, getters, and setters.

Domain 15 - Error Handling and Exceptions

  • Learn to handle errors and exceptions effectively in your code.

Domain 16 - Modules

  • Understand how to use JavaScript modules for organizing and structuring code.

Domain 17 - Project: Kanban Application

  • Build a Kanban board for task management.
  • Implement features like drag-and-drop and dynamic task management.
  • Deploy the app using GitHub and Netlify.

Domain 18 - Asynchronous JavaScript

  • Master asynchronous programming with setTimeout, setInterval, and callbacks.
  • Learn how to use Promises and Async/Await for handling asynchronous operations.
  • Fetch data from APIs and work with JSON.

Domain 19 - Project: News Portal

  • Build a news portal that fetches real-time data using the News API.
  • Implement category-based news filtering and display.
  • Deploy your project for public use.

Domain 20 - Babel and Webpack

  • Learn to set up Babel for JavaScript compatibility.
  • Use Webpack to bundle your JavaScript files for deployment.

Domain 21 - Firebase Integration

  • Set up and connect your projects to Firebase.
  • Learn how to fetch, update, and delete documents in Firestore.
  • Implement authentication features for secure applications.

Domain 22 - Project: Bookmark Manager

  • Build a bookmark manager to save and organize favorite links.
  • Integrate Firebase for storing and managing data.
  • Deploy the app on Netlify.

Domain 23 - Project: notNotion

  • Create a feature-rich productivity app inspired by Notion.
  • Implement advanced features like swipe gestures, modals, and accordions.
  • Deploy the final project, merging all your learned skills.

Tags: JavaScript Masterclass Practice Exam, JavaScript Masterclass Online Course, JavaScript Masterclass Training, JavaScript Masterclass Tutorial, Learn JavaScript Masterclass, JavaScript Masterclass Study Guide