HTML and CSS Foundations Practice Exam
HTML and CSS Foundations Practice Exam
About HTML and CSS Foundations Exam
The HTML & CSS Foundations Exam assesses a candidate's understanding of core web development concepts, focusing on structuring web pages with HTML and styling them effectively using CSS. This exam evaluates proficiency in semantic HTML, responsive design principles, CSS layouts, typography, and best practices for building user-friendly and visually appealing web pages. It validates foundational front-end development skills and ensures competency in creating well-structured, accessible, and maintainable websites.
Skills Required
To successfully pass this exam, candidates should demonstrate proficiency in the following areas:
- Understanding of HTML tags, elements, attributes, and document structure.
- Proper use of heading levels, lists, forms, tables, and accessibility best practices.
- Styling elements using selectors, properties, and values.
- Mastery of the box model, flexbox, grid, floats, and positioning techniques.
- Effective use of fonts, text styling, colors, and themes to enhance readability.
- Implementation of media queries and fluid layouts for mobile-friendly web pages.
- Basic understanding of creating smooth and interactive visual effects.
- Ensuring consistency across different web browsers and screen sizes.
Who should take the Exam?
This exam is ideal for:
- Aspiring Web Developers
- Students & Beginners
- UI/UX Designers
- Digital Marketers & Content Creators
- Individuals looking to build and customize their own websites for personal or business use.
Course Outline
The HTML and CSS Foundations Exam covers the following topics -
Domain 1. Introduction
- Overview of HTML & CSS Fundamentals
Domain 2. Setting Up the Development Environment
- Downloading and Installing Visual Studio Code
- Creating Your First Project
Domain 3. Fundamentals of HTML
- Understanding HTML: Tags and Structure
- Building a Basic HTML Document
- Nested Tags and Quick Tag Wrapping with Emmet
- Paragraphs & Whitespace Management (<p>)
- Void Elements and Line Breaks (<br>)
- Attributes and Their Uses (title, lang)
- The Neutral <span> Tag
- Enhancing Workflow with AutoRenameTag Extension
- Customizing Background Colors Without Generators
- Essential Color Selection Tools for Web Design
- Adding Images to a Webpage (<img>)
- Best Sources for Free Images
- Quick Image Size Retrieval in VS Code
- Understanding File Paths and Linking to Different Folders
Domain 4. Enhancing HTML Documents & Workflow
- Viewing Website Source Code and Adding Comments
- Understanding Meta Tags
- Character Encoding with Charset
- Importance of HTML Doctype
- Live Server Setup & Auto-Save Features
- Entities and HTML Validation Techniques
- Proper File Naming Conventions (index.html)
- Sweet Icons Extension for Visual Studio Code
Domain 5. Structuring Lists in HTML
- Ordered (<ol>) vs. Unordered Lists (<ul>)
- Emmet Tricks for Faster List Creation
- Definition Lists (<dl>)
- Creating Siblings and Grouping Elements with Emmet
Domain 6. Adding Links & Navigation
- Creating Internal Links
- External Links and Using _blank for New Tabs
- Utilizing #labels for Page Anchors
- Creating Email Links
- Telephone Links for Click-to-Call Functionality
Domain 7. Text Formatting in HTML
- Heading Tags (<h1> to <h6>)
- Properly Citing Sources: <cite>, <blockquote>, <q>
- Using <abbr> and <dfn> for Definitions and Abbreviations
- Semantic Tags (<strong>, <em>, <mark>) vs. Non-Semantic Tags (<b>, <i>, <u>, <s>)
- Subscript and Superscript Text (<sub>, <sup>)
- Preformatted Code Blocks (<pre>, <code>, <var>)
- Multi-Cursor Editing and Find & Replace in VS Code
Domain 8. Forms: Basics & Implementation
- Understanding Forms and Input Fields
- Creating a Simple Login Form with Username and Password Fields
- Proper Submission Techniques and Input Naming
- Using Radio Buttons, Labels, and Fieldsets
- Checkboxes and User Selections
- Commonly Used Form Attributes
- Capturing Date and Time Inputs from Users
Domain 9. Building & Styling Tables
- Basics of Creating Tables in HTML
- Merging Cells Using rowspan and colspan
Domain 10. Introduction to CSS
- What is CSS? Understanding Its Role in Web Design
- Different Ways to Apply CSS and the Cascade Principle
- Differences Between Classes and IDs
- Essential CSS Extensions for Efficiency
Domain 11. CSS Formatting & Styling
- Difference Between <div> and <span> for Grouping Elements
- Understanding Display Properties: Block, Inline, and Inline-Block
- Using Emmet for Quick ID and Class Assignments
- Best Practices for CSS Selectors to Avoid Conflicts
- Borders and Rounded Corners (border-radius)
- Styling Tables and Padding for Readability
- Creating a Horizontal Navigation Menu
- Link States: link, visited, hover, active
- Changing List Icons with ::before Selector
- Adjusting Transparency: opacity vs. rgba
- Customizing Cursor Styles and Creating Tooltip Boxes
- Attribute Selectors for Custom HTML Attributes
Domain 12. Styling Text with CSS
- Text Formatting & Decoration Techniques
- Indentation and First Letter Styling (::first-letter)
- Understanding CSS Units: em vs. px vs. %
- Line Height, Letter Spacing, and Word Spacing Adjustments
- Exploring Font Styles and Custom Typography
- Integrating Google Fonts for Custom Web Typography
Domain 13. Working with Backgrounds in CSS
- Applying Background Colors, Patterns, and Images
Domain 14. Positioning & Layouts in CSS
- Understanding the Box Model: Margin, Padding, Border, and Content
- Properly Sizing Elements Inside Containers
- Automating Width Calculations with calc()
- Utilizing CSS Variables for Consistency
- Box Sizing Techniques for Responsive Design
- Positioning Elements: Static, Relative, Absolute, and Fixed
- Practical Example of Relative vs. Absolute Positioning
- Nesting Containers: Structuring Web Page Templates
- Floating Elements and Clearing Floats (float and clear)
- Creating a Sticky Navigation Menu
- Controlling Overlapping Elements with z-index
- Managing Overflow Issues in Web Layouts
- Aligning SVG Icons Using display: flex
- Centering Elements Horizontally and Vertically
Domain 15. Enhancing HTML with Semantic Elements
- Using Semantic Tags: <article>, <aside>, <section>, <nav>, <main>, <header>
Domain 16. CSS Grid for Modern Layouts
- Understanding Grid Templates, Rows, Columns, Gaps, and Auto-Sizing
- Naming Grid Areas for Better Layout Management