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Full Stack Development Online Course

This has introduced a new role for developers – Full Stack Developers. However, resources to become a Full Stack Developer are limited and only offer sections or just random technologies that you must learn and combine on your own. So, we introduced this course that compiles all technologies in perfect sync to help developers transition from a simple developer to become a Full Stack Developer. 

This online course starts from front-end development, then we will take you to other aspects of development including back-end, database, debugging, version control and other essential technologies that are helpful for a developer.

TestPrep Training Full Stack Course breaks down the fundamentals of each technology that you would require to become a Full Stack Developer. The entire course is broken down into five separate segments: 

  • Frontend
  • Backend
  • Database
  • Other Essential Technologies and Debugging/Version Control. 

Each section includes multiple technologies to help you gain more experience as a developer. In addition to theory-based learning, the course also focuses on practical applications by covering multiple projects in great detail, helping you learn with hands-on experience.

Course Curriculum

Course Introduction

  • Introduction

Basic HTML Programming

  • Course Introduction: Introduction
  • Basic Elements & Document Setup - Project Basic Elements
  • Lists & Tables - Project List &Table
  • Forms & Input - Project Registration Form
  • Basic Styling - Project on Basic CSS
  • Project - Building A Simple HTML Template

HTML5 Programming

  • Getting Started With HTML5
  • New Elements - Project on New Elements
  • Video & Audio - Project Audio Visual
  • Canvas - Project on Drawing with Canvas
  • Svg - Project on Vector Graphics
  • Web Storage - Project on Web Storage
  • Drag & Drop - Project on HTML5 Drag and Drop
  • Geolocation - Project on Geolocation
  • Project MyNote - A HTML5 App

Styling with CSS3

  • Getting Started With CSS
  • CSS Basic Styling - Project on Basic Styling
  • Positioning & Background Images - Project on Images
  • Pseudo Classes - Project on Pseudo Classes
  • Colors, Backgrounds & Gradients - Project on Color Backgrounds
  • Text & Box Shadows - Project Text Shadows
  • Transitions & Animation - Project on Animations
  • Columns & Flexbox - Project in FlexBox
  • CSS3 - Project using Dropdown Menu

Twitter Bootstrap Programming

  • Getting Started With Bootstrap
  • Setup, Templates & Navbar - Project using Navbar
  • Typography, Forms & Tables - Project using Forms and Tables
  • CSS Components - Project using Components - Part A
  • CSS Components - Project using Components - Part B
  • Grid System - Project using Grid System
  • Modal, Dropdown, Tabs & Tooltip - Project on JavaScript Plugins(Part A)
  • Collapse, Accordion and Carousel
  • Project Custom Bootstrap Theme - Part A
  • Project Custom Bootstrap Theme - Part B
  • Project Custom Bootstrap Theme - Part C

Basic JavaScript Concepts

  • Getting Started With JavaScript
  • Variables, Arrays & Objects - Project using Arrays and Objects
  • Loops, Conditionals & Switches - Project on Iterations
  • Functions & Events - Project on Functions
  • JavaScript Form Validation - Form Project
  • Learning Ajax - Basic Ajax Project
  • Project - Github AJAX

jQuery Programming Techniques

  • Getting Started With jQuery
  • Selectors & Mouse Events - Project on Selectors
  • Form Events - Project Form Events
  • DOM Manipulation - Project on DOM
  • Effects & Animation - Project on Effect and Animation
  • Traversing & Filtering - Project on Filtering
  • Project - jQuery Image Slider

Backend programming with Node.js

  • Getting Started With Node
  • Installation and Simple Server - Project using Simple Node Server
  • Express Setup and Routing
  • Template Engines - Project using template Engine
  • Node MongoDB Driver - Part 1
  • Node MongoDB Driver - Part 2
  • Setup, Middleware & Routes - Starting the Project
  • Creating the UI
  • Form Validation and User Register
  • Password Encryption
  • Login Functionality
  • Access Control & Logout

App Development with Meteor.js

  • Getting Started With Meteor
  • Installation & Templates - Project on Quick Todo
  • Find & Insert Into Collections
  • Mark & Delete From Collection
  • User Accounts
  • Implementing Methods
  • Publications & Subscriptions
  • Bootstrap Package and UI

App Development with Angular

  • Getting Started With Angular
  • Part 1 - Angular 2 App From Scratch
  • Part 2 - Angular 2 App From The Quickstart
  • Components & Properties - Part 1 - Project Simple Profile
  • Components & Properties - Part 2
  • Events & Binding With ngModel - Projects on Event Binding
  • Part 1 - Fetch Data From A Service - Project on Blog
  • Part 2 - Submit Data To Service
  • Http Module & Observables
  • Routing - Project ngWebsite

Backend Programming with PHP

  • Getting Started With PHP
  • Linux Installation
  • XAMMP Environment Setup
  • PHP Programming Fundamentals - Project on Basic PHP
  • PHP Data Types & Dates
  • $_POST & $_GET Superglobals
  • PHP Cookies
  • PHP Sessions
  • Project Bookmarker
  • Objects and Classes
  • Intro to PHP & MySQL
  • Creating a MySQL Database
  • Connect & Fetch Data From MySQL
  • Insert MySQL Data From PHP - Basic DB operation project
  • Delete MySQL Data From PHP
  • JobLister Project
  • Template Class & Setup
  • Database & Job Class
  • Filter Jobs By Category
  • Single Job Listing
  • Create A Job Listing
  • Edit & Delete Job Listings

Backend Programming with Ruby On Rails

  • Getting Started With Ruby
  • Getting Started With Ruby On Rails
  • RailsInstaller Setup
  • Controllers and Basic Routes - Project Rails App
  • Views & Partials
  • Creating a Resource With Routes
  • Models and DB Migrations
  • Data Validation & Listing Data
  • Update & Delete Data
  • Model Associations
  • Basic HTTP Authentication

Database Design using MySQL

  • Getting Started With MySQL
  • An Overview of SQL
  • XAMPP and MySQL Setup
  • Create Tables, Columns and Insert Data
  • Part 1 - Selecting Data
  • Part 2 - Distinct, Aliases & Concat
  • Update, Delete & Alter
  • Part 1 - Foreign Keys
  • Part 2 - Table Joins
  • Project - CD Collection Database

Database design using PostgreSQL

  • Getting Started With PostgreSQL
  • Installing PostgreSQL in Windows
  • Add User via psql
  • Queries & Constraints in psql
  • Medic Database in PGAdmin4
  • Connecting to Postgres via PHP - Project Simple Blog
  • Foundation UI & Fetch Categories
  • Adding New Posts
  • Filter Posts By Category

MongoDB - Learning NoSQL Database Design

  • NoSQL Explained
  • NoSQL Explained
  • Installing MongoDB
  • Inserting Documents
  • Finding Documents
  • Cursor Methods
  • Operators & Aggregation
  • Updating & Deleting Documents
  • Node Express Server Setup - Project Mongo Movies
  • Mongoose Model & Get Movies
  • Get Single Movie & Post Data
  • Update & Delete Movies

Learning CouchDB

  • Getting Started With CouchDB
  • Installing CouchDB In Windows
  • Installing CouchDB in Linux
  • Create Database & Docs In Fauxton - Project in Couch DB
  • _EXTRA - Create Database & Docs In Futon
  • Views & Design Docs
  • Remote DB & Replication
  • Using cURL With CouchDB

Redis - The Cache Database

  • Getting Started With Redis
  • Installation & Redis-CLI Basics
  • String Commands
  • Working With Lists & Hashes
  • Working With Sets & Sorted Sets
  • Data Persistence Overview
  • Data Persistence In Action
  • Project Intro - Redis ToDo Project
  • Server & Redis Client Setup
  • Fecth Todos From Redis
  • Adding Todos To Redis
  • Deleting Todos From Redis

Learning Caching Using Memcached

  • Getting Started With Memcached
  • Installing Memcached
  • Telnet Commands
  • Using libmemcached-tools
  • Memcached With Python
  • Project - Page Cache Project With PHP

Markdown- The formatting markup language

  • Getting Started With Markdown
  • Markdown Basic Syntax
  • Task List & Tables
  • Project - Markdown With Node.js

Sass - The CSS Preprocessor

  • Getting Started With Sass
  • Compiling Sass With Koala
  • Sass Features By Example
  • Project Intro - Studiocity project
  • Creating The HTML
  • Add Initial CSS
  • Adding Variables
  • Nesting & Extend

Git & Version Control

  • Getting Started With Git
  • Installing Git In Linux
  • Installing Git In Windows
  • Working With A Local Repository
  • Branches and Merging
  • Branches and Merging
  • Working With A Remote Repository

Task Runners - Grunt and Gulp

  • Getting Started With Task Runners
  • Gulp Install & Minify Task
  • Compiling Sass Files With Gulp
  • Gulp JShint Plugin
  • Gulp Webserver
  • Concatenate Files Using Grunt
  • Grunt Watch Plugin

Chrome Developer Tools

  • Getting Started With Developer Tools
  • DOM Inspection &ing
  • Save Changes With Sources
  • Network Tab
  • Console & Debugging
  • Working With Storage

PHP Errors, Debugging & Config

  • PHP Error Types
  • Error Reporting & Triggering Errors
  • Helpful Functions For Debugging
  • PHP Exceptions
  • phpinfo() Function

Course Summary

  • Summary

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