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Flutter & Dart Development Practice Exam

Flutter & Dart Development Practice Exam

About Flutter & Dart Development Exam

Flutter is a powerful open-source framework developed by Google that allows developers to create high-quality mobile applications for both iOS and Android using a single codebase. It is based on Dart, a programming language designed for high performance. Flutter provides fast development, expressive UI, and native performance, making it a popular choice for mobile app development. This course offers a step-by-step guide to mastering Flutter and Dart, covering everything from basic UI design to advanced features like animations, backend integration, and state management.

Skills Required

  • Basic understanding of programming concepts (helpful but not necessary).
  • Familiarity with using a computer and installing software.
  • No prior experience with Flutter or Dart is required.
  • No experience in iOS (Swift/Objective-C) or Android (Java/Kotlin) development is needed.

Knowledge Area

By completing this course, learners will gain expertise in:

  • Flutter framework and Dart programming language.
  • Building mobile applications for Android and iOS using a single codebase.
  • Understanding and using widgets to create user-friendly interfaces.
  • Connecting Flutter apps to backend servers and databases.
  • Integrating device features like cameras, push notifications, and Google Maps.
  • Managing app state efficiently using state management solutions.
  • Adding smooth animations and page transitions for a better user experience.
  • Debugging and optimizing Flutter apps for high performance.

Who should take This Course?

This course is perfect for:

  • Beginners who want to learn mobile app development from scratch.
  • Experienced iOS or Android developers who want to build cross-platform apps.
  • Web developers looking to expand into mobile app development.
  • Software engineers interested in learning a powerful mobile development framework.
  • Anyone looking to create their own mobile apps without learning multiple programming languages.

No prior knowledge of Flutter, Dart, or mobile development is required.

Course Outline

The Flutter & Dart Development Exam covers the following topics - 

Domain 1. Introduction to Flutter and Dart

  • Overview of the Flutter framework and its advantages.
  • Understanding how Dart is used in Flutter development.
  • Exploring the benefits of a single codebase for multiple platforms.
  • Setting up Flutter development on Windows and macOS.
  • Installing and configuring Visual Studio Code and Android Studio.
  • Running a basic Flutter application for the first time.
  • Learning about Material Design and how it influences UI development.

Domain 2. Understanding Flutter and Dart Basics (Roll Dice App)

  • Exploring a new Flutter project structure and understanding its components.
  • Learning how Dart code is compiled into machine code.
  • Understanding functions, arguments, and passing values between widgets.
  • Working with constructor functions and custom widgets.
  • Splitting large code files into smaller, manageable parts.
  • Using constants, variables, lists, and objects in Flutter.
  • Styling widgets and using color gradients for UI design.

Domain 3. Building Interactive Apps (Quiz App)

  • Adding buttons, icons, and conditional rendering to apps.
  • Creating stateful widgets to handle user interactions.
  • Understanding initState method, lists, and object properties.
  • Mapping lists and filtering data dynamically.
  • Using the Expanded widget for responsive layouts.
  • Making apps scrollable using SingleChildScrollView.
  • Practicing real-world Dart programming challenges.

Domain 4. Debugging and Troubleshooting Flutter Apps

  • Identifying common errors and debugging issues in Flutter.
  • Understanding error messages and using Debug Mode.
  • Working with Flutter DevTools to optimize performance.

Domain 5. Adding Interactivity and Theming (Expense Tracker App)

  • Building a full-featured expense tracker application.
  • Creating a data model for storing expenses.
  • Using ListView to efficiently display long lists.
  • Adding modal sheets, text input fields, and dropdown buttons.
  • Using dialogs for error handling and validation.
  • Implementing custom themes, color schemes, and dark mode.
  • Adding charts and statistics to visualize expenses.

Domain 6. Designing Responsive User Interfaces

  • Understanding what makes an app responsive.
  • Managing screen orientation and adaptive layouts.
  • Using SafeArea and LayoutBuilder for better UI handling.
  • Designing widgets that adjust dynamically based on screen size.

Domain 7. Flutter and Dart Internals (To-Do List App)

  • Understanding Flutter's widget tree, element tree, and render tree.
  • Improving app performance by refactoring and extracting widgets.
  • Learning how keys help manage widget rebuilding.

Domain 8. Navigating Between Screens (Meals App)

  • Implementing multi-screen navigation using Navigator and routes.
  • Using GridView to display categories and meal items.
  • Passing data between different screens.
  • Adding tab navigation and drawer menus.
  • Managing app-wide state and user preferences.
  • Creating custom filters and search functionalities.

Domain 9. Managing State Efficiently (Meals App - State Management)

  • Exploring different state management techniques.
  • Installing and using Riverpod for managing global state.
  • Handling user interactions and updating UI based on state changes.

Domain 10. Adding Animations to Flutter Apps

  • Understanding implicit vs explicit animations.
  • Creating smooth page transitions and UI effects.
  • Using AnimationController to control animations manually.

Domain 11. Handling User Input and Forms (Shopping List App)

  • Working with forms and validation logic.
  • Handling text input fields and dropdown selections.
  • Managing state for user inputs across multiple screens.

Domain 12. Connecting Flutter Apps to Backend Servers (Shopping List App)

  • Understanding backend integration and HTTP requests.
  • Setting up Firebase as a backend for storing and retrieving data.
  • Handling user authentication and login/logout functionality.
  • Fetching real-time data and updating the UI dynamically.

Domain 13. Using Native Device Features (Favorite Places App)

  • Accessing device camera for taking photos.
  • Using Google Maps API for location-based features.
  • Storing images and data locally using SQLite.
  • Implementing dynamic maps and manual location selection.

Domain 14. Adding Push Notifications and Chat Features (Chat App with Firebase)

  • Setting up Firebase Cloud Messaging for push notifications.
  • Creating a real-time chat application.
  • Handling user authentication and image uploads.
  • Storing messages and user data in Firestore database.
  • Sending and receiving push notifications automatically.

Domain 15. Next Steps and Course Summary

  • Reviewing key concepts learned throughout the course.
  • Exploring advanced Flutter topics and best practices.
  • Guidance on deploying Flutter apps to the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

Tags: Flutter & Dart Development Practice Exam, Flutter & Dart Development Online Course, Flutter & Dart Development Training, Flutter & Dart Development Tutorial, Learn Flutter & Dart Development, Flutter & Dart Development Study Guide