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DHTML Practice Exam

DHTML Practice Exam

A DHTML professional is accountable for creating, customizing web pages. This is a very challenging as well as a fun job. These professionals develop the front-end of a website and work developing the existing front-end applications for different platforms. These professionals have knowledge of various other applications like CSS, JS, and HTML. Moreover, these professionals make up an important part of the coding community.

Who should take this exam?

Technical Graduates

Software engineers

Web Developers

Skills Required

HTML5 and CSS3 expertise is required.

Experience with mobile and responsive design

Adobe Creative Suite skills are second to none.

The capacity to multitask while working on various tasks

Career Opportunities

Junior Developer

Website Editor

Social Media Manager

Digital Marketing Coordinator

Content Editor

Table of Content

The DHTML exam covers the following topics - 


Learning Internet and WWW


Learning HTML

HTML Formatting

Learning HTML Basics

Learning Text Formatting tags (b, i, u, tt, etc.)

Element Alignment

HTML Links and Lists

Learning Hyperlinks and Named anchors

Learning Lists and types (ordered, defined, etc.)

HTML Table

Learning Table basics and structure

Learning Table, tr, td and th tags

Table Cellpadding and Cellspacing

Learning Colspan and Rowspan Attributes

Learning Nested Tables

HTML Frame

Learning Frameset, no frame and frame tag

Learning Frame-based content menu

Nesting Framesets and inline frames


Learning Forms Basics

Learning Form Controls (input, text, radio, button, etc.)

Learning Form Processing and formatting

Image and Multimedia in HTML

Learning Image, Audio and video formats

img tag

Image as links and image maps

Learning Multimedia plug-ins and flash

Learning embed and object tags



Learning Advantages and disadvantages

CSS Basics

Learning CSS Components (value, property, etc.)

Learning Syntax and Rules

CSS Selectors

Learning Selectors (class, ID, universal, etc.)

Learning Advanced Selectors (pseudo-classes, pseudo-elements, etc.)

CSS Cascade

Learning CSS Specificity

Specificity Hierarchy

Learning ! important Usage


Learning Language constructs (Variables, objects, etc.)

Learning Object Hierarchy and predefined objects

Functions, arguments and function object

Predefined JavaScript functions

JavaScript Statements and Operators

Learning JavaScript Operators (comparison, arithmetic, string, etc.)

Learning Conditionals and loop statements

JavaScript Events

Learning Event Objects and handlers

Capture and release events

JavaScript Arrays and Strings

Learning Arrays object and methods

Learning String object, methods and regular expression

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