DevOps Foundation Practice Exam
DevOps Foundation Practice Exam
About DevOps Foundation (DOFD)
DevOps Foundation is a freestanding certification from DevOps Institute. This certification is to test and validate knowledge of DevOps basic vocabulary, principles and practices. The DevOps Foundation is intended to provide individuals with an understanding of basic DevOps concepts and how DevOps may be used to improve communication, collaboration and integration between software developers and IT operations professionals.
Exam Eligibility
As such there are no prerequisites for the exam but it is highly recommends that candidates complete at least 16 contact hours (instruction and labs) as part of a formal, approved training course delivered by an accredited Education Partner of DevOps Institute.
Target Audience
The target audience for the DevOps Foundation includes Management, Operations, Developers, QA and Testing professionals such as:
- Individuals involved in IT development, IT operations or IT service management
- Individuals who require an understanding of DevOps principles
- IT professionals working within, or about to enter, an Agile Service Design Environment
Course Structure
The DevOps Foundation Exam covers the following topics -
Domain 1 Exploring DevOps
- Purpose, objectives and business value of DevOps
Domain 2 - Core DevOps Principles
- The Three Ways
Domain 3 - Key DevOps Practices
- Emerging DevOps Practices such as continuous delivery and continuous integration
Domain 4 - Business & Technology Frameworks
- The relationship between relevant frameworks and standards and DevOps
Domain 5 - Culture, Behaviors & Operating Models
- Characteristics of a DevOps culture and of culture change
Domain 6 - Automation & Architecting DevOps Toolchains
- The Deployment Pipeline, DevOps toolchains and other automation considerations
Domain 7 - Measurement, Metrics & Reporting
- Common DevOps practices and related processes
Domain 8 - Sharing, Shadowing and Reporting
- Responsibilities of key roles and considerations relative to the organizational structure.
- Getting started - adoption challenges, risks, critical success factors and key performance measures
Exam Format
- Exam Name: DevOps Foundation
- Exam Duration: 60 minutes
- Number of Questions: 40 Questions
- Pass Score: 65%
- Exam Language: English
- Exam Validity: 2 years
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