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Designing SOLID and Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core Practice Exam

Designing SOLID and Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core Practice Exam

About Designing SOLID and Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core Exam

The Designing SOLID and Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core exam focuses on assessing your ability to implement robust, maintainable, and scalable software architectures using the SOLID principles and Clean Architecture in ASP.NET Core applications. The exam covers key concepts such as dependency injection, separation of concerns, business logic layer, persistence, and creating efficient, testable solutions. You will be expected to demonstrate proficiency in structuring web applications, creating modular and reusable code, and ensuring long-term maintainability.

Knowledge evaluated

The exam test your understanding of best practices for organizing complex projects, as well as the application of key architectural patterns and principles that guide the design of high-quality software solutions. This will include working with the repository pattern, CQRS, and understanding how to integrate them within the ASP.NET Core framework. Additionally, it will assess your knowledge of implementing unit tests, using appropriate design patterns, and applying principles that optimize the development process for enterprise-level applications.

Skills Required

To successfully pass the exam, candidates should possess the following skills:

  • In-depth understanding of SOLID principles (Single Responsibility, Open/Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, and Dependency Inversion) and their application in ASP.NET Core.
  • Strong grasp of Clean Architecture, including concepts such as separation of concerns and organizing code into layers (presentation, business, data access, etc.).
  • Experience with ASP.NET Core’s dependency injection system and using it to manage services and application dependencies.
  • Knowledge of design patterns, especially those relevant to enterprise-level applications, such as the Repository Pattern, Unit of Work, CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation), and Factory Pattern.
  • Ability to structure projects using modular approaches to ensure scalability and reusability.
  • Proficiency in creating and running unit tests to validate business logic and integration points within your ASP.NET Core applications.
  • Familiarity with best practices for database access, including the use of Entity Framework Core and repositories to handle data persistence.
  • Experience working with APIs, middleware, and asynchronous programming in ASP.NET Core to create responsive applications.

Who should take the Exam?

This exam is intended for experienced .NET developers, software architects, and engineers who want to deepen their understanding of designing robust, scalable, and maintainable applications using SOLID principles and Clean Architecture in ASP.NET Core. It is ideal for individuals who:

  • Have experience with C# and ASP.NET Core and wish to further enhance their architectural design skills.
  • Are software developers looking to implement best practices in designing enterprise-grade applications.
  • Have a solid understanding of object-oriented programming and want to apply design patterns to improve software quality and maintainability.
  • Are working on large, complex projects and need to structure their code to improve long-term maintainability, readability, and testability.
  • Want to improve their problem-solving and critical thinking skills related to software architecture and design patterns.

Course Outline

The Designing SOLID and Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core Exam covers the following topics - 

Domain 1 - Course Introduction

  • Overview of course objectives and structure.
  • Introduction to key concepts and the project you will build.

Domain 2 - Preliminary Concepts

  • Review of the S.O.L.I.D. principles (Single Responsibility, DRY, Dependency Inversion).
  • Introduction to Clean Architecture and its importance.
  • Outline of the project to be developed during the course.

Domain 3 - Setting Up the Clean Architecture Solution

  • Setup of the development environment with the latest version of Visual Studio.
  • Initialization of the solution structure and overview of its components.
  • Understanding the various parts of the solution.

Domain 4 - Setting Up the Application Core

  • Creation of Domain and Application Core projects.
  • Introduction to CQRS, Mediator, and AutoMapper.
  • Integration of CQRS, Mediator, and AutoMapper in the solution.
  • Organizing the project using vertical slice architecture.
  • Building CQRS query and command requests, handlers, and managing exceptions.
  • Implementation of FluentValidation.

Domain 5 -  Setting Up Infrastructure Projects

  • Creation of the Persistence project and adding Entity Framework Core (EF Core) with a database context.
  • Repository implementation and handling EF Core No Tracking.
  • Setting up the Infrastructure project and adding third-party services (email, logging).
  • Integration of SeriLog for structured logging.

Domain 6 - Creating the API Project

  • API project creation and database scaffolding.
  • Implementing controllers with MediatR for feature management.
  • Building the Leave Allocation and Leave Request features.
  • Implementing global error handling for the API.

Domain 7 - Testing

  • Introduction to testing with unit tests for application code.
  • Setting up mocks for unit testing and testing handlers.
  • Integration testing with Entity Framework to validate data persistence.

Domain 8 - Adding the UI

  • Creating a Blazor WebAssembly project for the UI.
  • Using NSwag and NSwagStudio to consume the API.
  • Configuring the app for API consumption and setting up Leave Type Management services and UI.

Domain 9 - Securing API and UI

  • Adding security to the application using Identity.
  • Implementing JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication for API security.
  • Integrating authentication services with Blazor UI and updating the UI for security features.

Domain 10 - Completing Application Features

  • Finalizing Leave Allocation and Leave Request management features.
  • Managing employee requests, admin view, approval, and cancellation of requests.

Domain 11 - Value-Added Features

  • Enhancing the application with improved logging and data auditing.
  • Adding notifications to improve user experience and system robustness.

Tags: Designing SOLID and Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core Practice Exam, Designing SOLID and Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core Online Course, Designing SOLID and Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core Training, Designing SOLID and Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core Tutorial, Learn Designing SOLID and Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core