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  • No. of Questions5
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
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Practice Exam

  • No. of Questions171
  • AccessImmediate
  • Access DurationLife Long Access
  • Exam DeliveryOnline
  • Test ModesPractice, Exam
  • Last UpdatedMarch 2025

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Database basically refers to a cluster of data and the way it is organised. This data is usually accessed by the “Database Management System” (DBMS) that consist of an integrated set of computer software that allows the users to interact with other databases. Learning and having expertise in databases is in great demand by companies since, they require professionals to organise, store, analyse, retrieve, modify and delete the useless data from the computer systems. They can be easily managed, updated, and organised.

Topics Covered

The Databases exam covers the following topics - 

DBMS Basics

Data Modelling

Relational Data Model

Relational Database Design

Data Storage and DBMS File Structure

Indexing and Hashing

Transaction Processing

Concurrency Control

Backup and Recovery


Open Source DBMS

Commercial DBMS

NoSQL or Big Data DBMS

Cloud DBMS

Databases FAQs

Database basically refers to a cluster of data and the way it is organised. This data is usually accessed by the “Database Management System” (DBMS) that consist of an integrated set of computer software that allows the users to interact with other databases. Learning and having expertise in databases is in great demand by companies since, they require professionals to organise, store, analyse, retrieve, modify and delete the useless data from the computer systems. They can be easily managed, updated, and organised.

Anyone who is interested in the IT sector can take this exam. This exam will upgrade your skills. Even students can take up this exam to develop SQL skills.

DBMS Basics

Data Modelling

Relational Data Model

Relational Database Design

Data Storage and DBMS File Structure

Indexing and Hashing

Transaction Processing

Concurrency Control

Backup and Recovery


Open Source DBMS

Commercial DBMS

NoSQL or Big Data DBMS

Cloud DBMS

Software developer

Web developer


Data engineer

Data analyst

Data scientist

Problem-solving skills.

Good organisational skills.

Communication and interpersonal skills.


Basic computer knowledge


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