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CTET Paper 1 Practice Exam

CTET Paper 1 Exam

CTET stands for "Central Teacher Eligibility Test" which is conducted by the CBSE. This exam is held twice every year in the month of February and September. CTET was introduced in 2010 by the Government of India, intended to improve the Indian teaching standards. The very first CTET exam was conducted back in 2011.

Eligibility for CTET Paper 1 Exam

As per the clause (n) of section 2 of the RTE Act, for primary stage Teachers;

The candidate must have completed his/her senior Secondary equivalent level of qualification with a minimum of 50% aggregate. And must be appearing or have passed the final year of 2 year Diploma in the Elementary Education. 


Completed senior secondary or equivalent level of education with a minimum of 50% aggregate and must have passed or appeared in the final four years B.EL.ED.


Graduate with minimum of 50% aggregate and passed or appearing in the first year of Bachelor in Education programme (BED).


Graduate with minimum of 50% aggregate and passed or appearing in 1 year BED (Special Education).


Completed Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with a minimum of 50% aggregate and passed/appearing in final year of 4- year BA/BSc.Ed or BA.Ed/BSc.Ed.

*The candidates belonging to reserved categories (SC, ST, OBC and differently abled) will get 5% relaxation in the qualifying marks in the minimum Educational Qualification for CTET eligibility.

Syllabus For CTET Paper-1

Syllabus for the CTET Paper-1 exam is revised and decided by the CBSE every year. The Paper-1 CTET consists of five compulsory sections in total.

Child Development and Pedagogy: Concept of Inclusive education and understanding children with special needs and Learning and Pedagogy

  • Language-I: Language Comprehension and Pedagogy of Language Development
  • Language-II: Language Comprehension and Pedagogy of Language Development


  • Numbers, 
  • Solving simple equations, 
  • Algebra,
  • Geometry patterns,
  • Time,
  • Measurement,
  • Data handling,
  • Solids,
  • Data handling, etc.)

Environmental Studies

  • Environment,
  • Food,
  • Shelter,
  • Water,
  • Family and friends, etc.)

Each section will consist of 30 questions with weightage of 1 mark each. This exam follows MCQs and no negative marking is there in the CTET. The topics covered under this exam are throughout classes from 1 to 5. Although the aspirant must know that the difficulty level of questions may be up to the Secondary School level. The examiner will frame questions to check and test the teaching aptitude of the candidates. 

How to register for the CTET Paper-1 exam?

The registration of this exam involves basic four steps- Online Application Form, Uploading Images & important required Documents, Fee Payment and Downloading Confirmation Page. The candidate must keep in mind the following key points:

  • Scanned copies of the recent passport size photograph and signature ready before starting the registration process.
  • If applying for only one paper then the fee is INR 600 and for both the papers INR 1000 for both the general and OBC categories.
  • There will be three examination centers and the applicant can choose accordingly.
  • If any error in the form then the correction window will be there to assist you for the five days period only.
  • While no offline correction will be entertained by the authorities.

Filling the Online Form

The candidate first needs to sign-up for the further application process and then read all the required instructions carefully and follow them throughout the process. Then click on the Apply online to start the process. 

The applicant must fill the mandatory details carefully and click on the next button and there is also provided a reset button for the corrections if required. The candidate will be redirected to the Review page and once done the click on the Final Submit button. The registration number will be provided to the candidate to note down carefully. 

The second step of the registration involves the uploading of the mandatory documents along with the pictures. Candidates need to upload the latest passport size photograph (more than 4kb and less than 100kb with dimensions 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm. Scanned copy of the signature of the candidate (size should range from 1kb ton25kb). 

*both the images should be in the JPEG format. 

The third step involves the payment, so the candidate will be automatically directed to the payment page. The payment can be made online or by downloading the e-challan. The e-challan has to be submitted at any of the nearest Syndicate Bank or the Canara Bank. 

The last step of the registration involves the downloading of the confirmation page after making the successful payment. The fee receipt and the copy of the e-challan must be kept safely by the candidate. 

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  • Full-Length Mock Test with unique questions in each test set
  • Practice objective questions with section-wise scores
  • In-depth and exhaustive explanation for every question
  • Reliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknesses
  • Latest Questions with an updated version
  • Tips & Tricks to crack the test
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What are our Practice Exams?

  • Practice exams have been designed by professionals and domain experts that simulate real time exam scenario.
  • Practice exam questions have been created on the basis of content outlined in the official documentation.
  • Each set in the practice exam contains unique questions built with the intent to provide real-time experience to the candidates as well as gain more confidence during exam preparation.
  • Practice exams help to self-evaluate against the exam content and work towards building strength to clear the exam.
  • You can also create your own practice exam based on your choice and preference 

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Table of Contents

Child Development & pedagogy30 MCQ30
Language I (Compulsory)30 MCQ30
Language II (Compulsory)
30 MCQ30
Mathematics 30 MCQ30
Environmental Studies30 MCQ30

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