CSS3 Practice Exam Questions
CSS3 Practice Exam Questions
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is a standard style sheet language used for describing the presentation of the web pages. Cascading Style Sheets Level 3 (CSS3) is an iteration of the CSS standard used in the styling and formatting of Web pages. CSS3 incorporates the CSS2 standard with some changes and improvements. Nearly every sector requires CSS3 professionals for performing website support tasks such as keeping the website updated and troubleshooting if any problem arises which helps to keep the website running smoothly and efficiently.
What is the purpose of CSS?
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are designed to enable the separation of presentation and content, like layout, colours, and fonts.
- It improves content accessibility; provides more flexibility and control in the specification of presentation characteristics
- It allows multiple web pages to share formatting by specifying the relevant CSS in a separate .css file
- It decreases complexity and repetition in the structural content
- It enables the .css file to be cached to improve the page load speed between the pages that share the file and its formatting.
Knowledge Required
CSS3 requires HTML knowledge that helps organizations to develop a website and other web-based applications
Who should take the CSS3 Exam?
The CSS3 Practice Exam is suitable for professionals and technical graduates who wish to validate their skills and make a career in the Software industry.
Course Outline
The CSS3 Practice Exam covers core topics including -
CSS Basics
- Introduction
- CSS3 Evolution
- Why to use CSS
- CSS Editors
- A CSS Example
- Custom CSS
- Cross Browser Testing
- Including CSS
- Validating CSS
- Browser-Specific Prefixes
CSS Components
- Rules
- Selectors (Grouping & Type)
- Declaration Block
- Property
- Value
- Keywords(Auto, Multiple & String)
- Lengths
- Relative Units (px, em, ex, %)
- Numbers
- Colors
- URL()
- Quirks Mode
- Selector Basics
- Tag Selectors
- Class Selector
- ID Selectors
- Group Selector
- HTML Hierarchy
- Descendant Selector
- Universal Selector
Advanced Selectors
- Pseudo-classes and Pseudo-Elements
- Pseudo-Classes for Links
- Direct Child Selectors
- Next Sibling Selector
- Attribute Selectors
- Pseudo-Elements :First-Letter And :First-Line
- Advanced Pseudo-Classes
- CSS3 New Attribute Selectors
- CSS3 New Pseudo Classes
Cascade and Inheritance
- Inheritance Basics
- Why Inheritance
- Inheritance Rules
- Cascade Basics
- CSS Specificity: An Overview
- What is Specificity?
- Specificity hierarchy
- Finding Selectorâ€s specificity
- Important Usage
Applying Font Formatting
- Font Formatting Basics
- Font-Family
- Font Combinations
- Font-Style
- Font-Weight
- Text-Transform
- Text-Decoration
- Font-Variant
- Font Size
- Font Shorthand
Text Display Control
- Text Display Basics
- Line-Height
- Letter-Spacing
- Word-Spacing
- Text- Indent
- Text Align
- White Space Property
- Adding Color to Text
Page Background
- Background Basics
- Background-Color
- Background-Image
- Background-Repeat
- Background-Position
- Background-Attachment
- Background Shorthand
- CSS3 Multiple Background Images and Styles
CSS Box Model
- Box Model Basics
- Margin
- Margin Collapsing
- Margin for Horizontal Alignment
- Border
- Padding
- Height and Width
- IE quirks mode
- Min and Max Dimensions
- Overflow Property
- CSS3 Border Properties
- Float Basics
- Float Property
- Clear Property
- IE 6 Float Bugs
- Bug Removal Technique
- Vertically Aligning Content
- Positioning Basics
- Positioning Introduction
- Relative Positioning
- Absolute Positioning
- Fixed Positioning
Styling Lists
List Styling Basics
- List Tags
- List-Style-Type Property
- List-Style-Image Property
- List-Style-Position Property
- List-Style Shorthand Property
Styling Tables
- Table Styling Basics
- Table Elements
- Captions
- Columns
- Table Layout
- Borders Collapsing
- Border Spacing
Print Styling
- Print Styling Basics
- Print Style Sheets Advantages
- Applying Styles Based On Media
- The @media rule
- Page Breaks
- Content Property
- Print Style Sheets Tips
Customizing styles
- Customizing Basics
- Custom Fonts
- Gradient Backgrounds
- Custom Mouse Cursor
- Custom Opacity
- Custom Visibility
CSS3 Enhancements
- Multiple Columns
- CSS3 User Interface module
- Media Queries
- Text Effects and Typographic styles
- Color, Gradient and Opacity
- Transition and Animation
- 2D and 3D Transformation
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