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Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) Practice Exam

Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) 

About the Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) Exam

The Certified International Trade Professional (CITP)  has been developed specifically for Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) possessing the skills and the knowledge to connect business and technology, while adhering to the rigorous prerequisites for a CPA license.

Exam Prerequisites

  • The Certified International Trade Professional (CITP)  exam requires the candidates to posses additional education and hands-on experience in IT assurance, risk management, security, privacy, data analytics, and technology.
  • For obtaining the CITP designation, candidates are required to successfully complete the CITP Exam.
  • Note that candidates who have already passed the Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) certification exam administered by ISACA are exempt from the CITP Exam requirement.

Exam Format

  • Exam Name: Certified International Trade Professional
  • Exam Code:  CITP
  • Exam Format: Non-disclosed exam
  • Exam Delivery: In-person OR online Computer-Based Exam
  • Exam Duration: 4 hours 
  • Total Questions: 160 questions
  • Type of Questions: Multiple-choice questions
  • Exam Availability:  All year-round 




Exam Format

CITP Standard Pathway

Candidates are required to -
1. Hold AICPA membership
2. Posses a valid and unrevoked CPA license or qualified equivalent
3. Qualify the CITP examination.
4. Meet the minimum business experience and continuing professional development requirement.

Note - The candidates who have passed the ISACA’s Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) certification exam
are exempted to take the CITP Exam

1. Candidates are required to have  at least 1000 hours of business experience in the CITP body of knowledge within 5 years after the CITP credential application date.

2. candidates working in academia would need to be working as a full time professor and taught minimum 4 accredited college courses with 50% course covered in the CITP body of knowledge

1. Exam Delivery: In-person OR online Computer-Based Exam
2. Exam Duration: 4 hours
3. Total Questions: 160 questions
4. Type of Questions: Multiple-choice questions
5. Exam Availability:  All year-round

CITP Experienced Pathway

Candidates are required to -
1. Hold AICPA membership
2. Poses a valid and unrevoked CPA license or qualified equivalent
3. Qualify the CITP examination.
4. Meet the minimum business experience and continuing professional development requirement.

Note - The candidates who have passed th ISACA’s Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) certification exam
are exempted to take the CITP Exam

1. Candidates are required to have at least 7000 hours of business experience in the CITP body of knowledge and at least 7 years of related experience when applying for the CITP credential application.

2. Candidates must have completed 100 hours of continuing professional development (CPD) within the CITP body of knowledge over the past five years.

1. Exam Delivery: In-person OR online Computer-Based Exam
2. Exam Duration: 2 hours
3. Type of Questions: Multiple-choice questions (Case study based and single question)
4. Exam Availability:  All year-round

Course Outline

The Certified International Trade Professional (CITP) exam covers the following topics - 

Domain 1 - Describe the components of Information Security and Cyber Risk (40%)

  • Learn about the concept of information security governance
  • Explain the concept of Cybersecurity risk management
  • Learn about SOC for cybersecurity

Domain 2 - Describe the concept of Business Intelligence, Data Management and Analytics (20%)

  • Learn about the concept of Data management and application
  • Explain the process of Data analysis and reporting
  • Understanding Business intelligence management techniques

Domain 3 - Describe the concept of IT Governance, Risks & Controls (40%)

  • Understanding IT governance, techniques and strategy
  • Learn about the various IT risks, process and controls
  • Explain the concept of System and Organization Controls (SOC) Reporting

What do we offer?

  • Full-Length Mock Test with unique questions in each test set
  • Practice objective questions with section-wise scores
  • In-depth and exhaustive explanation for every question
  • Reliable exam reports to evaluate strengths and weaknesses
  • Latest Questions with an updated version
  • Tips & Tricks to crack the test
  • Unlimited access

What are our Practice Exams?

  • Practice exams have been designed by professionals and domain experts that simulate real time exam scenario.
  • Practice exam questions have been created on the basis of content outlined in the official documentation.
  • Each set in the practice exam contains unique questions built with the intent to provide real-time experience to the candidates as well as gain more confidence during exam preparation.
  • Practice exams help to self-evaluate against the exam content and work towards building strength to clear the exam.
  • You can also create your own practice exam based on your choice and preference 

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