C_HCDEV_03 - SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP HANA Cloud 1.0 Practice Exam
C_HCDEV_03 - SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP HANA Cloud 1.0 Practice Exam
About C_HCDEV_03 - SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP HANA Cloud 1.0 Exam
The C_HCDEV_03 - SAP Certified Development Associate - Exam has been developed to validate the skills and knowledge of the candidate to develop native software applications running on the SAP Business Technology Platform using the SAP HANA Cloud DB.
Skills Validated
This C_HCDEV_03 - SAP Certified Development Associate exam builds on the basic knowledge gained through related SAP HANA Cloud training. The exam covers the development tools and a programming model, used to realize the different parts of a software application in SAP HANA Cloud QRC01/2022.
Exam Validity
The C_HCDEV_03 - SAP Certified Development Associate exam issued for passing this exam will be valid for 5 years.
Course Outline
The C_HCDEV_03 - SAP Certified Development Associate exam covers the following topics -
Domain 1 - Understand Persistence Data Model Creation and Deployment (> 12%)
- Learn the basic concepts of Core Data Services (CDS) such as Core Data Services entity, Core Data Services context, Core Data Services association, and Core Data Services view.
- Learn the deployment options of the persistence models.
Domain 2 - Understand Expose Data as OData Services and Create and Integrate the UI (> 12%)
- Learn the basic concepts of OData in SAP HANA. Create an OData service.
- Learn development using server-side JavaScript with Node.js
- Learn to create and execute a Node.js module. Describe key capabilities of SAPUI5.
Domain 3 - Understand Event Handling and Error Handling (> 12%)
- Learn methods for event handling and error handling. Debug the Node.js application.
Domain 4 - Understand SAP HANA Cloud, Modeling, and Administration Basics (8% - 12%)
- Learn the basic concepts and components of SAP Business Technology Platform and SAP HANA Cloud.
- Learn the basics of administration and data modeling.
Domain 5 - Understand Application Development using the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (8% - 12%)
- Learn the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model and the tools used for application development with SAP HANA Cloud.
Domain 6 - Understand Basic Multi-Target Application (MTA) Development (8% - 12%)
- Learn the multi-target application (MTA) and the different files involved during the development of an MTA.
Domain 7 - Understand Application Security (8% - 12%)
- Learn basic concepts of authorizations in a Cloud Foundry application and in Cloud Application Programing. Maintain application security in a multi-target application (MTA) project.
Domain 8 - Understand Source Control Using Git (8% - 12%)
- Learn the use of Git as a source control system.
Domain 9 - Understand SQLScript Development (< 8%)
- Learn the advantages and usage of SQLScript.
- Learn to create and debug a SQLScript procedure.
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