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C2090-930 IBM SPSS Modeler Professional V3 Practice Exam

C2090-930 IBM SPSS Modeler Professional V3

About IBM SPSS Modeler Professional v3 Exam

This test will certify that the successful candidate has the fundamental knowledge to participate as an effective team member in the implementation of IBM SPSS Modeler Professional analytics solutions.

Prerequisite for the exam

Database and ODBC concepts

Basic proficiency in statistical concepts

Knowledge of basic computer programming

Course Outline

1. SPSS Modeler Professional Functionality

Identify the purpose of each palette

Describe the use of SuperNodes

Describe the advantages of SPSS Modeler scripting

2. Business Understanding and Planning

Describe the CRISP-DM process

Describe how to map business objectives to data mining goals

3. Data Understanding

Describe appropriate nodes for summary statistics, distributions, and visualizations (for example, graph nodes, output nodes)

Describe data quality issues (for example, outliers and missing data)

4. Data Preparation

Describe methods for data transformation (for example, Derive node, Auto Data Prep node, Data Audit node and Filler node)

Describe how to integrate data (for example, Merge node and Append node)

Describe sampling, partitioning, and balancing data (for example, Sample node, Balance node and Partition node)

Describe methods for refining data (for example, Select node, Filter node and Aggregate node)

5. Modeling

Describe classification models (including GLM and regression)

Describe segmentation models

Describe association models

Describe auto modeling nodes

Demonstrate how to combine models using the Ensemble node

6. Evaluation and Analysis

Demonstrate how to interpret SPSS Modeler results (for example, using Evaluation node, Analysis node, and data visualizations)

Describe how to use model nugget interfaces

7. Deployment

Describe how to use Export nodes (tools for exporting data)

Identify how to score new data using models

Identify SPSS Modeler reporting methods

Exam Pattern 

  • Exam Name: IBM SPSS Modeler Professional v3
  • Exam Code: C2090-930
  • Length of Time:  90 Minutes

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Tags: C2090-930 IBM SPSS Modeler Professional v3 Exam Dumps, C2090-930 IBM SPSS Modeler Professional v3 Exam Questions, C2090-930 IBM SPSS Modeler Professional v3 Free Test, C2090-930 IBM SPSS Modeler Professional v3 Practice Exam