AND-402 - Android Practice Exam
AND-402 - Android Practice Exam
About AND-402 - Android Practice Exam
In case you are planning to become an Android developer, take your Android development skills to the next, or even become an Android development trainer, Android ATC has build the right path of exams and courses to get in track for Android certifications. The following certification paths chart illustrates which exams you should pass to achieve each certification.
Certification Path1: Android Certified Application Developer
AND 401: Android Application Development
Certification Path 2: Android Certified Application Engineer
AND 401: Android Application Development
AND 402: Android Security Essentials
AND 403: Monetize Android Applications
Why Android Certifications?
In the last years, smartphones has become the go-to platform for developing all sorts of applications. Business applications for banks, TVs, universities have been migrating from websites to mobile applications. Furthermore, Android devices are dominating the market share of mobile phone. All this has made Android application development among the most required skills in the IT sector and the available IT jobs.
AND-402: Android Certified Security Essentials Exam
On passing this exam, you will only get a score report. You need to complete the AND-403 Monetize Android Applications exam to get the “Android certified Application Engineer” certificate.
Exams Details
All Android ATC exams are closed book.
Exams are available in English and Spanish only.
Each exam consists of 45 multiple-choice questions.
Exam duration is 90 minutes.
The passing grade is 70%.
Exam Policies and Procedures
- During each exam you can review your previous answers before ending the exam.
- The examinee will receive a score report with his/her result immediately after he/she finishes and submits the exam.
- You are not obliged to take the course before you take the exam.
- If you do not pass an Android ATC exam and you want to retake it, you may do so after 24 hours, but the retake is not for free, you must pay for the exam again.
- Trainees who have attended the Android ATC courses are expected to pass their corresponding exams easily; however, attending courses is not mandatory to sit for online official exams.
- Our exams questions cover the theoretical and practical aspects of each course. Some questions might include code snippets to test your technical and programming skills. Kindly check the exam samples on Android ATC web site under the exam tab, and familiarize yourself with the exam questions.
- The exam price for any Android ATC exam is $150 USD.
- The validity of Android certificates does not depend on the date they were issued on i.e. they have no expiry date. However, since each exam you take is built for a specific Android version, the certificates are linked to that version and explicitly show it on them. Android version 7 will be added to all Android certificates issued after November 20, 2016.
Course Outline
Lesson 1: Introduction and Android Security Architecture
● Android Security Program Overview and Architecture
● Kernel level security (Linux), and rooting Android
● Android Application Components
● The Application Sandbox
● Managers and Services
Lesson 2: Android Permission Model and third party applications
● Android Application Framework Layer
● Third party application permissions
● Using Protected APIs
● Custom Permissions
● Android Malware: Prevention, Detection, and Removal
● Security Enhanced Android (SE Android)
Lesson 3: Component Security and Protecting data storage
● How Android achieves Inter-process communication
● Restricting access to Android components
● Vulnerabilities of Stored Data
● Cryptography and Encryption
● Signing your application
Lesson 4: Client-Server communication security
● Threats Facing Devices Transferring Data
● Protecting web transferred data
● Input Validation
● Prevent Command Injection