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Advanced Excel Macros and VBA Practice Exam Questions

Advanced Excel Macros and VBA Practice Exam Questions

Advanced Excel and VBA help you learn and assess powerful features, expanding opportunities to explore VBA. VBA, or Visual Basic for Applications. The VBA Macros also called Visual Basic Application in Excel used for creating custom user-generated functions to speed up manual tasks by creating automated processes. Also, VBA is used to access the Windows Application Programming Interface (API) as well.

Who should take the Exam?

The Advanced Excel Macros and VBA exam are suitable for managers, supervisors, executives and those responsible for using Excel. 

Course Outline

The Advanced Excel Macros and VBA Practice Exam covers - 

Domain 1 - Overview of MS-Excel Basics

  • Learn Workbook and Worksheet
  • Learn Manipulating Data
  • Learn Worksheet Formatting
  • Learn Page Properties and Printing
  • Learn Excel Formulas
  • Learn Sort and Filter
  • Learn Charts and functions

Domain 2 - Overview of Advanced Excel

  • Learn Excel Cell Referencing
  • Learn Excel Functions
  • Learn Excel Formulas
  • Learn Working with Ranges
  • Learn about the VLOOKUP function
  • Learn Pivot Table
  • Learn Advanced Excel Filter

Domain 3 - Overview of VBA

  • Learn VBA Basics
  • Learn Variables, Comments, Constants and Data Types
  • Learn Visual Basic Arrays
  • Learn VBA Conditional Statements
  • Learn VBA Loops
  • Learn VBA objects
  • Learn Subroutines
  • Learn Functions
  • Learn Labels and the On Error statement
  • Learn VBA and Excel functions
  • Learn Excel Objects
  • Learn Excel Events

Domain 4 - Overview of Macros

  • Learn recording a Macro
  • Learn to perform the Macro
  • Learn how to run a Macro
  • Learn to change macro security settings
  • Learn to copy a macro module to another workbook
  • Learn to Copy a module from one workbook to another
  • Learn to assign a macro to a Form or a Control button
  • Learn Macro Virus Protection

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