MB-220: Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing Interview Questions

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing : MB-220 Interview Questions

It’s just as necessary to study for the MB-220: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing test as it is to prepare for the interview stage. If you want to ace any exam, you must prepare for the interview. Furthermore, it is your one chance to make a good first impression by performing well in front of the pros. Always remember that before going to an interview, you should know all there is to know about the firm you’re applying to, conduct thorough research on the job position and criteria, network with some experienced people ahead of time, and most importantly, have confidence.

As a result, we’ve compiled a list of some of the greatest and expert-reviewed Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing : MB-220 Interview questions that will undoubtedly help you prepare for the most common interview questions. Let’s start with a high-level summary of the MB-220 test.

About the exam:

The MB-220 exam is for candidates who have knowledge of marketing principles and the Marketing application’s role in relationship to the Dynamics 365 suite of applications, including integration with Dynamics 365 and Microsoft 365 applications. Moreover, this exam test your ability to accomplish the following tasks:

  • configure marketing applications
  • manage segments and lists
  • create and manage marketing forms and pages
  • manage leads, contacts, and accounts; create and manage marketing emails
  • manage customer journeys
  • manage events and webinars
  • Lastly, configure Dynamics 365 Customer Voice.

Now let’s begin with some of the most important Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing: MB-220 Interview Questions.

Advanced Interview Questions

Can you explain the main components of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing?

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing is a marketing automation solution that is part of the Dynamics 365 platform. It provides tools for managing and executing marketing campaigns, lead management, lead nurturing, and marketing analytics. The main components of Dynamics 365 for Marketing are:

  1. Marketing Lists: A feature that allows users to create, manage, and segment lists of leads and contacts.
  2. Lead Management: A feature that allows users to create and manage leads, assign leads to sales representatives, and track the progress of leads through the sales process.
  3. Lead Scoring: A feature that allows users to assign a score to leads based on their engagement with the company, such as the number of website visits, email opens, and form submissions.
  4. Marketing Forms and Pages: A feature that allows users to create forms and landing pages to capture leads and track their engagement with the company’s marketing campaigns.
  5. Lead Nurturing: A feature that allows users to create automated email campaigns to nurture leads and move them through the sales process.
  6. Marketing Analytics: A feature that allows users to track the performance of their marketing campaigns, such as website traffic, email open rates, and conversion rates.
  7. Email Marketing: A feature that allows users to create and execute email marketing campaigns, track the performance of the campaigns, and segment email lists.
  8. Event Management: A feature that allows users to create, manage, and promote events, and track attendance and engagement.
  9. Dynamics 365 Integration: A feature that allows users to integrate Dynamics 365 for Marketing with other Dynamics 365 applications such as Sales and Service, to create a seamless workflow across the entire customer journey.
  10. Dynamics 365 Automation: A feature that allows users to use Dynamics 365 to automate tasks, such as lead scoring, lead assignment, and email campaigns, based on predefined rules and triggers.

How do you create and manage marketing lists in Dynamics 365?

Creating and managing marketing lists in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing is a straightforward process. Here are the general steps to create and manage marketing lists:

  1. Go to the Marketing area in Dynamics 365 and select Marketing Lists.
  2. Click on the “New” button to create a new marketing list.
  3. In the form that appears, enter a name and description for the marketing list, and select the type of list you want to create. There are two types of lists: static and dynamic. A static list is a manually created list, while a dynamic list is a list that is automatically generated based on certain criteria.
  4. For a static list, you can add members to the list by selecting them from the existing leads and contacts. For a dynamic list, you can set the criteria for the list members
  5. Save the list.
  6. To manage the marketing list, you can edit, delete, or add members to the list.
  7. To segment the list, you can create views based on specific criteria, such as location, job title, or lead score.
  8. Once your list is created, you can then use it to target your marketing campaigns, such as email campaigns, event invitations, or direct mail campaigns.

It’s important to note that you can also import or export lists to or from Dynamics 365 for Marketing, and you can also create and manage marketing lists directly in Excel, and then import them into Dynamics 365.

Can you describe how you would use Dynamics 365 for lead management and scoring?

Dynamics 365 is a customer relationship management (CRM) platform that includes a variety of tools for managing leads. One way to use Dynamics 365 for lead management and scoring is to set up a lead scoring system that assigns a score to each lead based on certain criteria. These criteria could include information about the lead, such as the company size, industry, or job title, as well as the lead’s engagement with your marketing campaigns, such as email opens or website visits.

Once the lead scoring system is set up, leads can be automatically assigned a score as they come in, and the scores can be used to prioritize leads for follow-up and to trigger automated actions, such as sending an email or assigning the lead to a sales representative.

Additionally, Dynamics 365 can be used to track the progress of leads through the sales process, including the ability to capturing of lead information, assign leads to sales representatives, and track the progress of leads through the sales process. The system can also be used to manage and track communications with leads, such as emails, phone calls, and meetings, as well as to store and manage attachments and files related to the lead.

Finally, Dynamics 365 can also be integrated with other systems, such as marketing automation platforms or email marketing services, to provide a comprehensive view of lead engagement across multiple channels.

How do you create and manage marketing forms and pages in Dynamics 365?

By creating forms and pages, you can easily capture leads and track their engagement with your company’s marketing campaigns. These forms and pages can also be integrated with other Dynamics 365 features, such as lead scoring and lead nurturing, to create a seamless workflow across the entire customer journey.

Creating and managing marketing forms and pages in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing is a process that involves the following steps:

  1. Go to the Marketing area in Dynamics 365 and select Marketing Forms and Pages.
  2. Click on the “New” button to create a new marketing form or page.
  3. In the form that appears, enter a name and description for the form or page, and select the type of form or page you want to create. There are different types of forms, such as contact forms, event registration forms, or survey forms.
  4. Use the form builder to add fields to the form, such as text fields, checkboxes, or drop-down menus. You can also add validation rules to ensure that the form is filled out correctly.
  5. Once you have finished designing the form, you can publish it to a web page or landing page.
  6. To manage the form, you can edit, delete, or view the form’s submissions.
  7. You can also see the form’s performance in the analytics section of the form.
  8. To create and manage landing pages, you can use the Landing Pages feature, where you can create and edit pages, and also add forms to the page.

It’s important to note that you can also create forms and landing pages directly in HTML and then import them into Dynamics 365 for Marketing.

Can you give an example of how Dynamics 365 can be used for lead nurturing?

Dynamics 365 is a CRM platform that can be used to manage leads and customer relationships. One of the key features of Dynamics 365 is its ability to automate and streamline lead nurturing processes.

For example, Dynamics 365 can be used to create a lead nurturing workflow that sends targeted email campaigns to leads based on their level of engagement. If a lead shows high engagement, the workflow can automatically move them to the next stage of the sales process. If a lead shows low engagement, the workflow can automatically send them a series of targeted email campaigns designed to re-engage them.

Dynamics 365 can also be used to segment leads based on various criteria, such as demographics, industry, or job titles. This allows organizations to tailor their lead nurturing efforts to specific groups of leads, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Additionally, Dynamics 365 can be integrated with other marketing tools such as marketing automation software, to track lead engagement and behavior on the website, and use that data to personalize the lead nurturing process.

In summary, Dynamics 365 can be used to automate lead nurturing processes, target leads with personalized email campaigns, segment leads for targeted efforts, and track lead engagement and behavior to personalize the lead nurturing process. It’s important to have a designated team or person to monitor and coordinate the lead nurturing process and to ensure that the leads are nurtured in a timely and effective manner.

How do you measure and analyze the performance of marketing campaigns in Dynamics 365?

  1. Track and analyze website traffic: Use tools like Google Analytics to track website traffic and analyze the performance of marketing campaigns. Look at metrics such as page views, bounce rate, and conversion rate to see how effective your campaigns are at driving traffic to your website.
  2. Monitor lead generation: Use Dynamics 365 to track the number of leads generated by each campaign. Look at metrics such as lead conversion rate, lead source, and lead quality to see which campaigns are most effective at generating high-quality leads.
  3. Track customer engagement: Use Dynamics 365 to track customer engagement with your campaigns. Look at metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and unsubscribe rates to see which campaigns are resonating with your audience.
  4. Analyze ROI: Use Dynamics 365 to calculate the return on investment (ROI) for each campaign. Look at metrics such as revenue generated, cost per lead, and lifetime value to see which campaigns are delivering the best ROI.
  5. Monitor social media engagement: Use tools like Hootsuite or Sprout Social to monitor social media engagement with your campaigns. Look at metrics such as likes, shares, comments, and reach to see which campaigns are resonating with your social media audience.
  6. Conduct surveys: Use Dynamics 365 to send out surveys to customers and prospects to gather feedback on your campaigns. Use this feedback to make adjustments and improve future campaigns.
  7. Monitor customer satisfaction: Use Dynamics 365 to track customer satisfaction levels with your campaigns. Look at metrics such as Net Promoter Score (NPS) to see which campaigns are resonating with your customers.

Can you explain how you would use Dynamics 365 to create and execute email marketing campaigns?

Creating and executing email marketing campaigns in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing is a process that involves the following steps:

  1. Go to the Marketing area in Dynamics 365 and select Email Marketing.
  2. Click on the “New” button to create a new email marketing campaign.
  3. In the form that appears, enter a name and description for the campaign, and select the template for the email. Dynamics 365 for Marketing provides a variety of templates for different types of campaigns, such as newsletters, event invitations, or product promotions.
  4. Use the email editor to design the email, and add content, images, and links. You can also add personalization fields to make the email more relevant to the recipient.
  5. Once you have finished designing the email, you can test it by sending it to a test list or by previewing it with different email clients.
  6. To send the email, you will need to select a marketing list or segment as the recipient. You can also use a dynamic list based on certain criteria.
  7. Once the email is sent, you can track the performance of the campaign, such as the open rate, click-through rate, and conversion rate.
  8. You can also use the Dynamics 365 automation feature to set up a trigger based on certain actions, such as a lead score or a web page visit, to send an email.

It’s important to note that Dynamics 365 for Marketing also integrates with Dynamics 365 Sales, which allows you to send targeted, personalized email campaigns to specific groups of leads and contacts, and also track the progress of these leads through the sales process.

By using Dynamics 365 for Marketing to create and execute email marketing campaigns, you can easily target and segment your audience, design and send personalized and visually appealing emails, track the performance of your campaigns, and also make use of the automation feature for efficient communication with your leads and customers.

How do you use Dynamics 365 for event management?

Dynamics 365 can be used for event management in several ways:

  1. Event registration: Dynamics 365 can be used to manage event registration, allowing attendees to register for events online, and providing event organizers with a centralized database of registrants.
  2. Event schedule: Dynamics 365 can be used to schedule events, including creating and managing event schedules, setting up meeting rooms, and managing speaker and vendor schedules.
  3. Communication with attendees: Dynamics 365 can be used to communicate with attendees, including sending out event invitations, reminders, and follow-up communications.
  4. Event budgeting: Dynamics 365 can be used to manage event budgets, including tracking expenses, monitoring revenue and profitability, and creating financial reports.
  5. Attendee tracking: Dynamics 365 can be used to track attendees, including managing attendance lists, tracking RSVPs, and creating attendee badges.
  6. Lead Management: Dynamics 365 can be used to manage event leads, including tracking leads, creating lead lists, and analyzing lead data to improve future event planning.
  7. Attendee feedback: Dynamics 365 can be used to collect and manage feedback from event attendees, including creating surveys, analyzing feedback data, and using feedback to improve future events.
  8. Inventory Management: Dynamics 365 can be used to manage event inventory, including tracking inventory levels, creating purchase orders, and managing vendor relationships.

It’s important to have a designated team or person to monitor and coordinate the event management process using Dynamics 365 and to ensure that the events are managed in an efficient and effective manner. Dynamics 365 can be used to automate many aspects of event management and provide a centralized database of events.

Can you describe how you would integrate Dynamics 365 for Marketing with other Dynamics 365 applications such as Sales and Service?

Integrating Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing with other Dynamics 365 applications such as Sales and Service is a process that allows you to seamlessly connect and share data between the different applications. Here are the general steps to integrate Dynamics 365 for Marketing with other Dynamics 365 applications:

  1. First, make sure that you have the necessary licenses for both Dynamics 365 for Marketing and the other Dynamics 365 applications you want to integrate with.
  2. Go to the Dynamics 365 administrator center, select your Dynamics 365 instance, and then select the “Integration” tab.
  3. Select “Dynamics 365 for Marketing” and then select the other Dynamics 365 applications you want to integrate with.
  4. Configure the integration settings, such as the entities that you want to share data between. For example, you can share data between leads and contacts in Dynamics 365 for Marketing and accounts and contacts in Dynamics 365 Sales.
  5. Enable the integration and test the connection to ensure that it is working correctly.
  6. Once the integration is set up, you can start using the data from one application in the other. For example, you can use the lead and contact data from Dynamics 365 for Marketing to target your marketing campaigns in Dynamics 365 Sales.

It’s important to note that Dynamics 365 is a powerful platform that allows for different types of integration, such as a one-way integration, where data is only sent from Marketing to Sales, or a two-way integration, where data is shared in both directions.

By integrating Dynamics 365 for Marketing with other Dynamics 365 applications, you can streamline your marketing, sales, and service processes, and also gain a more complete view of your customer interactions and engagement across the different stages of the customer journey.

How do you stay current with the latest features and updates in Dynamics 365 for Marketing?

Staying current with the latest features and updates in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing is an important aspect of being an effective user of the platform. Here are a few ways to stay current with the latest features and updates in Dynamics 365 for Marketing:

  1. Sign up for the Dynamics 365 for Marketing newsletter: Microsoft sends out a regular newsletter that highlights the latest features and updates for Dynamics 365 for Marketing. By subscribing to this newsletter, you can stay informed about new capabilities and how to use them.
  2. Check the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing documentation: Microsoft provides detailed documentation on the latest features and updates for Dynamics 365 for Marketing on their website. This documentation can provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to use the new features, as well as troubleshooting tips.
  3. Attend virtual events and webinars: Microsoft regularly hosts virtual events and webinars that provide in-depth training on the latest features and updates for Dynamics 365 for Marketing. By attending these events, you can learn more about the new capabilities and ask questions of Microsoft experts.
  4. Join the Dynamics 365 for Marketing community: There are several online communities dedicated to Dynamics 365 for Marketing where you can connect with other users and experts, ask questions, and share knowledge. These communities can be great resources for staying current with the latest features and updates.
  5. Follow Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing Blogs: There are several blogs that provide updates about Dynamics 365 for Marketing and its features, best practices, and how to use them.

By staying current with the latest features and updates in Dynamics 365 for Marketing, you can ensure that you are making the most of the platform and are able to fully leverage its capabilities to drive your marketing efforts.

Basic Interview Questions

1. When does duplicate detection occur?

Duplicates are detected during the creation or updating of records or during data import.

2. How to Disable duplicate detection?

For disabling duplicate detection:

  • Firstly, go to Settings > Advanced Settings > Business Management > Duplicate Detection.
  • Then, select Disable.

3. What is the use of Event management settings?

The Event management settings helps to set up the connections to webinar provider accounts and set up a few defaults for event administration.

4. What is the use of Event administration?

Event administration settings set up few standard options for events, including email options, email templates, and default payment gateway. Moreover, these settings are optional.

5. What do you understand by GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the acronym for the General Data Protection Regulation. It is a regulation of the European Union (EU) that imposes new requirements on businesses, government agencies, non-profits, and other organizations who provide products and services to EU residents or collect and analyze data about EU residents.

6. How to Specify a final approver?

  • In the workflow editor, right-click the approval element, and then select Properties to open the Properties form.
  • In the left pane, click Advanced settings.
  • Select the Use final approver check box.
  • Lastly, in the list, select a user to be the final approver.

7. List the General effects of business units?

  • Every user belongs to exactly one business unit.
  • Each record belongs to the same business unit as the record owner.
  • Business units can be hierarchical.
  • Restricted users have security roles that grant them user-level access to the relevant entities.
  • Standard users have security roles that grant them business-unit level access to the relevant entities.
  • Advanced users, such as managers, have security roles that grant them parent-level access to the relevant entities.
  • Privileged users, such as admins, have security roles that grant them organization-level access to the relevant entities.

8. What are Segments?

Segments allow you to organize related contacts into groups that may be targeted with customer journeys. The segment designer is used to construct segments. Furthermore, the segment designer is the sole tool that allows you to query marketing-insights interaction records.

9. List the different types of Segments?

  • Firstly, Dynamic segments
  • Secondly, Static segments

10. Define Dynamic segments?

Logic expressions are used to create dynamic segments, such as all contacts from New York or all contacts who enjoy The Mets. New or withdrawn contacts, as well as updated contact information, are continually reflected in dynamic parts. Dynamic segments include both demographic and firmographic elements.

11. Define Static segments?

Static segments build a static list of contacts that are chosen per contact rather than logically based on field values. Based on private knowledge or offline interactions, marketers and salespeople may develop and populate a static list.

12. What is the use of Definition tab?

Use the Definition tab is used to establish the membership of the segment. For dynamic segments, you’ll find a query builder and for static segments, you’ll select specific contacts one at a time.

13. What are the applications of Members tab?

The Members tab displays which contacts are included in the section. After your piece has gone live at least once, the Members tab will appear.

14. What are Insights tab?

The Insights tab shows results, analytics, KPIs, and other information about the record that has been used and have interacted with it.

15. What is Related tab?

The Related tab is a drop-down list where you can select the type of related records you’d like to see. Moreover, all types of entities in Marketing include a Related tab.

16. What is a query block?

A query block is a group of logical clauses and clause groups that make up a query. A question block might be straightforward or complex. Multiple query blocks paired with union, exclude, and/or intersect operators can be used in your segments, although most of the time you’ll just have one query block.

17. Define standard field?

Standard fields are fields where users can freely enter any value. A typical example is the First Name field of the contact entity.

18. List the different types of Marketing pages?

  • Firstly, Landing pages
  • Secondly, Subscription centers
  • Lastly, Forward to a friend

19. What is a marketing page?

A marketing page is a webpage that includes a form where people can register for an offer, update their contact information, manage mailing list subscriptions, and more.

20. What does Sensitivity setting in Dynamic Thresholds mean?

Alert threshold sensitivity is a high-level concept that controls the amount of deviation from metric behavior required to trigger an alert. This option doesn’t require domain knowledge about the metric like static threshold.

21. List Key marketing email design features?

  • Firstly, Simple, no-code, drag-and-drop content designer
  • Secondly, Professional email templates to speed up email creation
  • Thirdly, General and client-specific email previews
  • Fourthly, Seamless integration with Litmus
  • Fifthly, HTML code editor for adding advanced customization and dynamic content
  • Sixthly, Detailed open, click, and forward results for each message
  • Lastly, Heatmap, location maps, and other advanced visualizations of email results

22. List the Key campaign-automation features?

  • Firstly, a library of pre-designed and custom templates to instantly outline your basic strategy
  • Visual drag-and-drop journey designer
  • All marketing content available in one place, viewable, and editable by using embedded content designers
  • Event-driven, extensible automation
  • During and after execution, in-place insights are provided by the designer so you can see where contacts went and what they did there
  • Lastly, the ability to create custom channels in customer journeys to extend the marketing capabilities

23. List different ways to create column and content types?

  • Firstly, Using the SharePoint Foundation user interface.
  • Secondly, Using the SharePoint Foundation object model.
  • Lastly, Deploying a Feature that installs the content type based on an XML definition file.

24. Define Extension class?

Any class that inherits from an augmented class also inherits the effective class. In other words, the classes that inherit from a class that has extensions inherit the methods that are defined in the extension classes.

25. What is an Event?

An event is a message sent by an object to signal the occurrence of an action. Moreover, the object that raises the event is the event sender.

26. How to preview and test a survey?

  • Open the survey.
  • Select Preview on the toolbar at the top of the page to see how your survey will look on a desktop.
  • To test your survey, enter responses for the questions in preview mode, and then select Submit.
  • To see how your survey will look on a mobile device, select Mobile.
  • After previewing and testing your survey, select Back in the upper-left corner of the page.

27. How to Run an overlap analysis?

  1. Go to Segments and select the Insights tab.
  2. Select New and choose the Overlap option in the Choose Insight Type pane.
  3. Choose the segments of interest and select Next.
  4. Optionally, choose one or more fields of interest to analyze overlaps for every possible field value and select Next.
  5. Provide a name for you overlap analysis, an optional display name, and a description.
  6. Select Save to start the analysis.

28. What are Stopped contacts?

Stopped contacts are contacts that got stopped in the middle of a journey. Contacts will stop their journey as soon as any of these situations occur, so no further messages or other journey actions will be applied thereafter to the affected contact.

29. What is the use of Segment differentiators?

Segment differentiators help you find out what differentiates a segment from the rest of your customers or from another segment.

30. How to add Fields to an extension?

  • Firstly, In the designer, right-click the Fields node, select New, and then select the type of field to add.
  • Secondly, Drag an existing Extended Data Type or Base Enumeration from your project onto the Fields node
Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing : MB-220 Practice test