Certified Business Process Professional (CBPP)- FAQs

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Certified Business Process Professional (CBPP) FAQs

Why get CBPP certified?

The CBPP is an international standard that tests your multidisciplinary knowledge and breadth of experience as a BPM Practitioner. 

Why is the BPM certification different from other certifications?

The BPM Certification Program is a professional certification program that requires both experience and knowledge. The CBPP is unique in our rapidly changing market place. This certification is for BPM practitioners. This is the professional examination and certification program in the area of BPM. The CBPA and CBPP certification are for complying with international certification standards and are now the internationally recognized standard for BPM professionals.

What is the application process?

  • Review qualifications and experience requirements
  • Maintain an active Professional Membership with ABPMP.
  • Decide to pursue the application process
  • Candidate submits an online application.
  • ABPMP Certification Committee reviews and assesses the application. Then, ABPMP Certification Committee notifies the candidate of application assessment. If approved, Candidate receives a link to register and pay for the exam.
  • Applicant takes exam within 6 months of registration

For how long is the certification valid?

Certificate is valid for 3 years.

What is the exam re-certification policy?

For recertification, candidates must complete all of the following:

  • Maintain an ABPMP Professional Membership
  • Complete and log 60 hours of continuing professional education activities
  • Pay the non-refundable recertification fee
  • Update your current mailing address to include street address, city, state/province, postal code, and country

How many questions will be on the CBPP Exam?

There will be 130 multiple choice questions.

What is the time duration for the CBPP Exam?

Candidates will have 3 hours to complete the exam.

What is the course outline for CBPP Exam?

The topics covered in CBPP exam are:

  • Business Process Management
  • Process Analysis
  • Modeling in Process
  • Design & Transformation in Process
  • Process Performance Management
  • Improvement Methodologies in Process
  • Process Organization & Change Management
  • Enterprise Process Management (EPM)
  • Business Process Management Systems (BPMS)

What is the exam process?

Vendor Hosted:

  • The option is available at many locations without a local chapter
  • Candidate registers online at the website
  • A candidate receives a confirmation number
  • Number of confirmation count on event day to launch the exam
  • Code of Ethics is necessary as part of the logon/launch process
  • The exam takes 3 hours to complete
  • A candidate receives online feedback on passing the exam
  • Candidates can receive Formal Certificate via mail to a new individual holding certificate within one month after successfully passing the exam

How to prepare for the exam?

You should study the BPM CBOK. However, the exam is based on the knowledge areas of the BPM CBOK. This exam tests candidates’ experience as a BPM Practitioner as much as your knowledge of BPM. It is recommended that in addition to studying the BPM CBOK, you also take refresher training and participate in a Chapter study group if applicable.

Will there be vendors who provide training for the CBPP Exam?

No, no vendors will provide training to individuals for the sole purpose of taking and passing the exam. PMI does have vendors that provide exam preparation courses to help individuals pass their exam. 

How much does the CBPP Exam cost?

CBPP exam cost for Members is $500 and for Non-Members, it is $650. 

What if I don’t pass the Exam?

To give yourself enough time to prepare, you must wait at least 30 days before retaking the exam. Test takers who fail the certification exam have 45 days from the original test date to retake it. You cannot retake the exam without paying the application fee for more than 6 months. They can reapply for the exam on the ABPMP website after six months.

Are the CBPA and CBPP accredited?

ABPMP International follows the procedural guidelines to meet the accreditation standard.

What is the difference between Certificate and Certification?

Professional or personnel certification is a process by which evaluation of individuals against the standards for knowledge, skills, or competencies. Participants demonstrate that the standards by successfully completing the assessment process are granted the certification.

An assessment-based certificate program is a non-degree program that:

  • provides instruction and training to aid participants to acquire specific knowledge, skills, and/or competencies associated with intended learning outcomes;
  • evaluates participants’ achievement of the  learning outcomes
  • awards a certificate only to those participants who meet the performance, proficiency or passing standard for the assessment(s).

In which language the CBPP exam is available?

Candidates can take the CBPP exam in English, German and Portuguese languages.

What are the eligibility requirements for the CBPP?

For CBPP, candidates should have:

  • 4 Years of BPM experience
  • Process management, process improvement, or process transformation experience
  • Documented experience and qualifications

Education Requirements

  • Undergraduate degrees may not be substituted for experience – no additional credit is provided.
  • Approved graduate degrees can be substituted for up to 6 months of BPM experience.

Are there sample questions available?

Yes, candidates can have access to the sample questions from the ABPMP website.

How do CBPP differ from OCEB (OMG Certified Expert in BPM) certification from the OMG?

OMG is a computer industry association with a majority of its members being IT vendor-related businesses. However, this places a greater emphasis on direction and viewpoint in their BPM strategy. Furthermore, the goal of OMG BPM Certification is to ensure compatibility between software and hardware, not to verify practitioner skills. The OMG certifications are more focused on BPM as packaged software and one-off initiatives than on BPM as a management discipline and enterprise-wide strategy. As a result, OMG standards assessments are not focused on increasing the quality of BPM practise or assuring expertise. Finally, the OCEB verifies knowledge of OMG “standards” for BPM that have not been widely adopted by practitioners – BPMN is a good example.

ABPMP International (Association of Business Process Management Professionals) International is a vendor-independent professional organization that is for the advancement of business process management concepts and practices. ABPMP International is practitioner-oriented and practitioner-led. Our program is run by and for the practitioner community and not run by and for a vendor consortium. Therein lies the major difference from OMG.

Do you offer a junior level of certification for people who have less than 4 years of work experience?

Yes, the ABPMP offers two levels of certification for people who work in business process management and transformation. The Certified Business Process Associate (CBPA) credential is the initial level for people who work in business transformation. CBPA, on the other hand, necessitates a foundation of knowledge and abilities. These individuals have a strong grasp of BPM ideas and may have some job experience in the industry, but they lack the four years of hands-on experience necessary for the Certified Business Process Professional (CBPP) certification. In this approach, the CBPA serves as a foundation, and the CBPA holder will be entitled to sit for the CBPP certification after receiving additional training and experience in real-world company improvement/transformation initiatives.

Is there a practice test for the CBPA?

Yes, there are sample examination questions for the new CBPA certification. As the CBPP exam is based on practical experience in the BPM field, there is not a practice exam available. Further, the study of the terminology and disciplines in BPM-CBOK is essential for both exams.

What if I cancel or reschedule my exam?

Due to the cost increases for our national testing centers and the number of cancellations,  the retake and cancellation policies have changed. Starting on June 1, 2018, there will be a fee for canceling your exam within 72 hours of your scheduled testing date. The cancellation fees are now $105.00, which covers the testing center costs and administration fees.  And, if you reschedule your exam 72 hours prior to the exam date, there will be no fee. 

What is the exam refund policy?

According to refund policy, if a candidate pays for an exam but cancels it completely. Then, if you cancel the exam before 72 hours, you will get a refund. 

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