ADM-201 Interview Questions

Looking for resources to prepare for the Salesforce Administrator (ADM-201) interview? Well, you are at the right place. As you know that interview preparation requires an equal amount of attention as the exam itself. Therefore we provide you a combination of basic to advanced level ADM-201 interview questions that are asked frequently. So, before beginning with the questions, let’s look into what the exam is all about.
Salesforce Administrator (ADM-201) exam is meant for the candidates who have knowledge of the salesforce community and wish to add more knowledge to their skill set so as to serve their company in a better way. Salesforce is basically a customer relationship management software that brings companies and customers closer. It is a single shared platform that enables all your departments a single and shared view of every customer. In particular, the Salesforce Administrator certification is designed for people who have experience with Salesforce and continuously look for ways to assist their companies in getting even more from additional features and capabilities. The exam covers the breadth of applications, the features and functions available to an end-user, and the configuration and management options available to an administrator across the Sales, Service, and Collaboration Clouds.
Now, let’s move towards the frequently asked ADM-201 interview questions.
Q1. What is the use of web request limits?
Limits are placed on the number of long-running web requests in order to make sure that the resources are available for all the users of Salesforce. Salesforce monitors the number of concurrent requests issued by all users logged in to an organization and then compares that number with the maximum limit. So, in this way, the number of concurrent requests stays below the maximum limit. Moreover, the limits ensure that the resources are available uniformly and hence prevent deliberate over-consumption by any organization.
Q2. What are collapsible sections?
Collapsible sections allow users to collapse or expand sections on their record detail page with the use of the arrow icon present next to the section heading. While enabling collapsible sections, one needs to verify that the section headings are displayed for each page layout. Until the user changes the settings for a tab, the sections remain expanded or collapsed. If an organization has enabled record types, Salesforce remembers a different setting for each such record type.
Q3. Explain the use of Quick Create?
The Quick Create area on a tab home page lets users create a record quickly with the use of minimal information. By default, it displays on the tab home pages for leads, contacts, accounts, and opportunities. Moreover, an individual can control whether the Quick Create area is displayed on all relevant tab home pages.
Q4. What does the term full view emphasize?
Full-view displays the record information in a data-dense, single column. This view presents details and related lists by managing to put all the information on the same page. This view is similar to Salesforce Classic if you’re transitioning to Lightning Experience.
Q5. How is defining a fiscal year helpful?
The definitions of fiscal year allow you to use these fiscal periods throughout Salesforce including in reporting, opportunities, and forecasting. So, if your fiscal year follows the Gregorian calendar and does not start in January, then you can define a standard fiscal year with a different starting month. Additionally, if your fiscal year follows a different structure from the Gregorian calendar, then you can define a custom fiscal year in such a way that it meets your needs. However, whether you use a custom fiscal year or a standard fiscal year, you define individual fiscal years one time.
Q6. How can we freeze or unfreeze a user’s account?
In order to freeze or unfreeze an account, follow the given steps:
- From the Setup, enter Users in the Quick Find box and then select Users.
- Select the username of the account that you wish to freeze.
- Click Freeze to block access to the account or Unfreeze in order to allow access to the account again.
Q7. What is the full form of SCIM?
The full form of SCIM is System for Cross-Domain Identity Management.
Q8. What is the need of user licenses?
One must choose a license for each user so as to enable specific Salesforce functionality for your users. For enabling more functionality, one can assign permission set licenses and feature licenses to the users or may buy usage-based entitlements for the company.
Q9. Describe delegate administrative duties.
Use delegated administration to assign limited admin privileges to users in your org who aren’t administrators. For example, let’s say you want the Customer Support team manager to manage users in the Support Manager role and all subordinate roles. Create a delegated admin for this purpose so that you can focus on other administration tasks.
Q10. What is the use of profiles?
Profiles basically define how users access objects and data, and what can they do within the application. When we create users, we assign a profile to each of them. In Contact Manager and Group Edition organizations, we can assign standard profiles to the users, but can’t see or edit the standard profiles, and connot even create custom profiles.
Q11. What do you know about name-credentials?
Well, a named credential specifies the URL of a callout endpoint along with the required authentication parameters in one definition. In order, to simplify the setup of the authenticated callouts, you need to specify a named credential as the callout endpoint. If instead a URL is specified as the callout endpoint, you must register that URL in the organizations’ remote site settings and handle the authentication.
Q12. Explain transaction security.
Transaction Security is that framework which intercepts the real-time Salesforce events and also applies relevant actions and notifications based on the security policies created. It monitors events according to the policies that are set up. These policies are applied against events in the org and specify actions to take when certain combinations of events. When a policy is triggered, you can take an action and receive an optional notification.
Q13. What is the use of Shield Platform Encryption?
Shield Platform Encryption gives a completely new layer of security to data while preserving the critical platform functionality. This enables encryption of sensitive data at rest, and not only when transmitted over a network, so that the company can confidently comply with privacy policies, regulatory requirements, and also contractual obligations for the handling of private data.
Q14. Explain the Salesforce security feature?
The Salesforce security feature helps in empowering the users to do their jobs with safety and efficiency. Salesforce limits the data exposure to the users that act on it. Implementation of security controls is appropriate for the sensitivity of data.
Q15. Define Salesforce Edge Network.
Salesforce Edge Network delivers a consistent user experience regardless of the location of a user. It improves the download times and network experience of users, and it’s required for enhanced domains. The move to Salesforce Edge Network is seamless for end-users. They use the same URLs to access the organization with a better experience.
Q16. How is Real-time event monitoring helpful?
Real-Time Event Monitoring helps in monitoring and detecting standard events in Salesforce in real-time. We can store the event data for the purpose of auditing or reporting. Alongside, we can create transaction security policies using Condition Builder or Apex code.
Q17. When does chunking occur?
Chunking occurs when a report or list view execution returns many records and hence Salesforce divides the returned data into chunks. When Salesforce chunks a ReportEvent or ListViewEvent then it breaks it into varied events in which most of the field values are repeated. The exceptions are the Records, Sequence, and EventIdentifier fields. The data is viewed from a chunked result by correlating the fields with the ExecutionIdentifier field, that is unique across the chunks.
Q18. What does threat detection identify?
In particular, Threat Detection identifies:
- In case, a user session is hijacked.
- Anomalies in report view or exports of a user.
- When a user successfully logs in during an identified credential stuffing attack. Credential stuffing occurs when large-scale automated login requests use the stolen user credentials so as to gain access to Salesforce.
Q19. What is session hijacking?
Session Hijacking is an attack focused on customers where the attackers try to steal information by using a client’s access to a web application that is Salesforce in this case. So, when a client successfully authenticates with Salesforce, they receive a session token. Thus, the attacker tries to hijack the session of client by obtaining their session token.
Q20. Explain the meaning of credential stuffing?
Credential stuffing is a kind of cyber attack that makes use of stolen account credentials. It’s also called “credential spills” or “password spraying”. Attackers obtain large numbers of usernames and passwords from data breaches or other types of cyber attacks. Then they use these credentials to gain unauthorized access to the account of users through large-scale automated login requests against a web application like Salesforce.
Q21. Define report anomaly.
An anomaly is a user activity that is quite different from the historical activity of the same user. The metadata is used in Salesforce Core application logs about report generation and surrounding activities so as to build a baseline model of the historical activity. Then it compares a generation activity with this baseline in order to determine if the new activity is different enough to be called an anomaly.
Q22. What is API anomaly?
An anomaly is a user activity that is quite different from the historical activity of the same user. The metadata is used in Salesforce Core application logs about API generation and surrounding activities so as to build a baseline model of the historical activity. Then it compares any new API generation activity with this baseline in order to determine if the new activity is different enough to be called an anomaly.
Q23. What is the use of API client certificate?
The API client certificate finds its use by workflow outbound messages, delegated authentication HTTPS callouts, and the AJAX proxy. The API client certificate should be only known to the organization, for security purposes.
Q24. What do you know about the Lightning Usage App?
The Lightning Usage App allows you to monitor the adoption and usage of Lightning Experience in the organization, with metrics like daily active Lightning Experience users, the most visited pages in Lightning Experience. Also, the app lets you monitor login metrics in the company.
Q25. What is the full form of MFA?
MFA stands for Multi-Factor Authentication
Q26. What does Portal Roles box show?
On the system overview page, the Portal Roles box shows the data usage and limit for the total partner portal, Customer Portal, and the Communities’ roles. When an organization reaches 75% of its allotted portal roles, the system overview page displays a message.
Q27. What are the basic types of storage?
Storage is categorized in two types.
- File storage – files in attachments, Salesforce CRM Content, Files home, Chatter files, Documents tab, assets, and custom File field on Knowledge articles.
- Data storage – accounts, campaigns, article type translations, article types, campaign members, etc.
Q28. Explain Einstein intelligence.
Einstein intelligence is built on data. The more data Einstein has, the more powerful the predictions are. Though not everyone has enough data to build a predictive model. So, to present meaningful results, Salesforce builds global predictive models for all customers. Global models look for aggregate, anonymous trends across many Salesforce customers.
Q29. Which domains should be added to receive all content in the Salesforce mobile app?
Q30. Mention the ways of managing record-level access.
- Organization-wide defaults
- Sharing rules
- Role hierarchies
- Manual sharing
Q31. What are sharing rules?
Sharing rules are automatic exceptions to the organization-wide defaults for specified user groups so that they can get the records they don’t own or can’t see generally. Moreover, sharing rules are used to only give additional users access to records. They can not be stricter than the organization-wide default settings.
Q32. How is auditing useful?
Auditing is helpful as it offers important information for diagnosing potential security issues or dealing with real ones. Thus there should be someone in an organization who should regularly audit to detect potential abuse.
Q33. What is a change set?
Well, a change set basically represents a set of customizations in an organization or metadata component that we can deploy to a connected organization.
Q34. Define workflow.
Well, workflow is an automated process that fires an action based on evaluation and rule criteria.
Q35. Give the full form of CRM.
Customer Relationship Management
Q36. What is a merged field?
A merged field is a field that one can put in an email template, custom link, mail merge template, or custom formula to incorporate values from a record.
Q37. What does Schema builder adds to the schema?
Schema builder adds the following:
- Custom objects
- Master-detail relationships
- Lookup relationships
- All custom fields except Geolocation
Q38. Mention the types of reports.
The three types of reports are:
- Tabular reports
- Matrix reports
- Summary reports
Q39. What do you mean by Hierarchical relationships?
Hierarchical relationships are a special kind of lookup relationships that are available only for the user object. It allows the users to use a lookup field to associate one user with another that does not directly or indirectly refer to itself.
Q40. What are lookup filters?
Lookup filters are basically the administrator settings that restrict and control the valid values and lookup dialog results for lookup, master-detail, and hierarchical relationship fields.
Q41. Define indirect lookup.
An indirect lookup relationship is meant to link a child’s external object to a parent standard or custom object. When we create an indirect lookup relationship field on an external object, we specify the parent object field and the child object field in order to match and associate records in the relationship. In particular, we select a custom unique, external ID field on the parent object to match with the child’s indirect lookup relationship field, the values of which come from an external data source.