Top 15 AWS services in 2021

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Getting lost in the AWS services crowd? Don’t worry, we got you covered! As you know, AWS has produced a ton of products and services! Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the most comprehensive cloud computing platform, contributing 200+ universally recommended resources, from infrastructure to machine learning. The services are categorized into domain levels including content delivery, network, identity compliance, storage, migration, management tools, database, compute, and security.

With AWS, one pays the correct amount of assistance they need, following in lower capital confinement and improved time-to-value without jeopardizing productivity.

Why use AWS services?

Amazon, the dominant cloud vendor, developed new ground by building the 1st cloud computing assistance, Amazon EC2, in 2008. AWS contributes more solutions and characteristics than any other provider and has available tiers with entrance to the AWS Console, where users can centrally control their assistance.

Created around ease-of-use for different skill sets, AWS is tailored for those different to software construction utilities. Web applications can be extended in times with AWS tools, without provisioning servers or communicating further code. Amazon receives global data hubs with a large network guaranteeing controlled latency globally. AWS’ replication capability allows one to multiply services regionally, assisting one to recover swiftly and bypass costly downtime.

In this article, we are going to address the successful Amazon Web Services, which are the usual used Amazon Services by admins and clients. Let us start!

Best 15 AWS services in 2021

Followings are the Top Amazon Web Services:

1 – Amazon S3

Amazon S3 is placed at the top of the AWS services table- because saving and recovering the data plays a noticeable role in cloud computing. So, AWS extends an excellent service known as Simple Storage Service or Amazon S3 to collect, save and regain the data from the cloud. Further, S3 enables the user to store, upload, recover comprehensive files up to 5 TB from the cloud. It is a low-cost, scalable, and high-speed web-based assistance created for archival and online reinforcement of applications and data. Employing S3, the user can obtain the same system that Amazon practices to administer its website. Users have restrictions over the public or private receptiveness of the data.

An Introduction to Amazon S3

2 – Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

EC2 cases are the servers with an operating arrangement and are utilized to run the applications on the internet just like we run our applications on the laptop during construction. Waste less time managing the servers and more time on necessary projects. 

An Introduction To Amazon EC2

3 Amazon RDS

Amazon Relational Database Service makes it secure to set up, conduct, and balance a relational database in the cloud. It presents a cost-efficient and resizable range while automating time-consuming management jobs such as database setup, hardware provisioning, patching, and backups. It frees us to concentrate on the applications so we can give them the high-speed performance, extraordinary availability, security, and adaptability they require.

What is Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)?

4 – CloudFront

Amazon CloudFront service helps to improve website activity and path to cloud-based data. Also, CloudFront operates as a Global (CDN) Content Delivery Service to produce content efficiently to end-users.

Amazon CloudFront: A Beginners Guide

5 – AWS Lambda

Amazon Lambda is assistance that enables the user to administer code without any server. Amazon Lambda administers the code only when the user required it and scales automatically. Users pay simply for the compute time, with no obligation to charge when the code is not working. This service maintains the code inscribed in Node.js, Python, Java, and languages backed by Amazon Linux.

An Introduction to AWS Lambda

6 – Elastic Container Service (ECS)

ECS is a completely controlled container orchestration assistance. ECS has been foundational support for key Amazon settings and it can natively combine with other assistance such as Secrets Manager, Amazon Route 53, Identity and Access Management, and CloudWatch giving a close encounter to deploy and scale the containers.

What is the difference between Amazon EKS and Amazon ECS?

7 – Amazon Glacier

AWS Glacier is one of the important assistance presented by AWS. An online web warehouse service gives us low-cost and efficient storage with safety characteristics for archival and data reinforcement. With Glacier, we can save the information completely for months, years, or even decades.

An introduction to Amazon Glacier : Your Ultimate Preparation Guide

8 – Amazon VPC

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) enables us to originate the AWS resources into a virtual network that we have determined. This virtual network similarly resembles a conventional network that we would operate in our own data center, with the advantages of practicing the scalable foundation of AWS.

What is Amazon VPC? – Amazon Virtual Private Cloud

9 – DynamoDB

DynamoDB is the enactment of databases that needs low latency and high achievements. Scalable, moderate cost, and simple to configure, it gives complex means to the user to optimize the production of NoSQL databases.

An Overview of Amazon DynamoDB

10. Amazon SNS

 Amazon SNS is web assistance given by AWS which holds for Simple Notification Service, and it operates and presents the messages or information to the users and customers from any cloud program. Further, in SNS, there are 2 kinds of clients, subscribers, and publishers. Publishers generate and transmit a message to the subscriber instance by the communication ways.

What is Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)?

11. Amazon ElastiCache

ElastiCache is speedy, in-memory cache assistance presented by AWS. It augments the administration of your web applications by concealing the commonly queried data at a tremendous speed as correlated to data stored on disks. Some of the corporations that practice Amazon ElastiCache: The Pokémon Company and Airbnb.

What is the use of Amazon ElastiCache?

12. AWS Beanstalk

AWS Beanstalk was produced to assist developers to manage the website foundation. It’s tough for developers to shift from development to preservation at the dash of a hat. Yet, AWS Beanstalk allows autoscaling to guarantee automatic updates of the latest software. And, this service functions automatically. AWS Beanstalk is a timesaver. It automates the configuration, setup, and provisioning of additional services such as RDS, EC2, and S3.

What is AWS Elastic Beanstalk?

13. Amazon Kinesis

AWS is giving Amazon Kinesis assistance to manage big data in real-time. It enables developers to take any comprehensive amount of data from any reference that can operate on EC2 situations. It collects, recovery, and prepares the data from large categorized streams like social media feeds and log events. After completion of processing the data, it distributes the data to the consumers simultaneously.

An Introduction to AWS Kinesis Data Streams

14. Amazon SQS

Amazon SQS (Simple Queuing Service), which handles message line service. This assistance allows the information or messages to travel from 1 instance to another, even when those cases are not working or running. It can transmit messages between various instances, DynamoDB, EC2 instance, and so on. The maximum clarity timeout of a message is 12 hours in the SQS queue.

What is Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)?

15. AWS Auto-scaling

The Amazon Auto-scaling solution observes the apps and automatically harmonizes capacity to maintain steady, anticipated performance at the deepest possible price. Seamlessly configure application computing skills for many resources beyond multiple services instantly.

Auto-scaling has a feature-rich and outspoken user interface that allows us to formulate scaling plans for several assets. These resources incorporate Amazon EC2 situations and EC2 tasks, Spot Fleets, Dynamo DB tables and lists, and Amazon Aurora Replicas.

An Introduction to AWS Auto Scaling

To Conclude!

AWS is one of the famous cloud services in the industry. Most companies are utilizing AWS to manage their daily processes which not only saves time but also a piece of money that can be utilized for constructive proposals. The above mentioned are the top 15 AWS services in 2021, but we can’t forget the services such as Amazon Elastic Beanstalk, Amazon RedShift, AWS Identity, and Access Management, Amazon SageMaker, Amazon Lightsail, Amazon Chime, AWS Cognito, etc.

Further, AWS brings several opportunities for cloud specialists who are experienced to operate with these AWS Services. If you are the one, it’s time to confirm your skills with an AWS credential to seize the available opportunities. All the best!
