Suddenly, a global pandemic hit the entire world. As a result, all educational institutions in our country and many others have been closed due to quarantine measures. Governments around the world have taken this step to reduce the risk of the new Covid-19 virus spreading rapidly, and it’s understandable. However, this situation raises questions about what healthy individuals can do and how they can use their time productively in the future. It’s unlikely that schools and universities will reopen anytime soon. Some government agencies are attempting to use various mobile apps like Viber to continue the academic year.
Government agencies are making efforts to use various mobile apps like Viber to finish the academic year. However, some types of courses, such as continuing education and language courses, face difficulties and are completely halted due to restrictions on movement and work. But there’s no need to be discouraged and delay your studies. There are now many educational programs available that allow a large number of people, who may not have the time or resources for traditional higher education, to master their favorite subjects. Online education is particularly useful in light of recent events, like the global pandemic. There is an ongoing debate about how useful, affordable, and effective online learning is. can help you navigate through all of this and explore the advantages and disadvantages of online learning.

Who needs online education?
For many years, the government has allowed distance learning, which is available to a large number of people. Anyone can learn the required curriculum, and there are even online schools that provide secondary education to children. It can be challenging to organize schooling for children, but it’s a solution for parents who work abroad and travel with their families. When young people finish school or want to pursue a career, they have to decide what to do next: continue studying or start working. Traditional students typically don’t have an income, and basic survival needs are often a priority, especially for young families. However, it’s possible to combine online learning with work.
Distance learning has a clear advantage: it allows communication over the Internet, which benefits both students and teachers. However, this alternative has its pros and cons. On the positive side, it offers students the freedom to choose their study schedule, unlike universities where some courses are mandatory. Another advantage is avoiding the early morning rush since you can set your own schedule when studying online. In other words, you’re not tied to a strict timetable. Additionally, lectures are accessible even at night, and you can study on the go using just your smartphone.
Communication with the best teachers
Not everyone can afford to travel to the capital to study at prestigious universities. Traveling can be very expensive, and there’s fierce competition for university spots. Nowadays, many universities offer distance learning programs in various subjects. This means you can gain knowledge from experienced experts and earn a diploma from a renowned university without having to leave your home.
Affordable prices
Even if you’re on a good budget, traditional education can be expensive. Students from other cities have to pay for food and a place to stay. Even if you’re lucky enough to study in your own city, you might not have time to work and earn a decent salary. However, with distance learning, you can continue working, and the cost of courses is often lower than traditional education. This flexibility is also helpful for people who live in remote areas and have a hard time attending in-person seminars or training sessions. Online courses have become a popular and convenient option for both organizers and participants.
The opportunity to study for any category of citizens
Online education has opened up new opportunities for people with disabilities to pursue a career. Some individuals struggle with social interactions and may feel uncomfortable in traditional classrooms. Learning from home through online courses is more comfortable for them because there’s no need for face-to-face interactions, and they don’t have to worry about how they look or what others think.
The ability to choose the pace and channels for the exchange of information
Nowadays, you can find recorded lessons on almost any challenging subject. This means you can skip parts you don’t need and save time. You can also pick the way you want to learn, like joining online webinars or Skype meetings. Messaging apps are handy for quick communication and problem-solving, and email can be used to receive study materials and documents.
What are the interests of teachers?
Teachers also take advantage of online learning. They can achieve good results and efficiency with helpful tools like tests, presentations, videos, live broadcasts, screenshots, and chats. Students can revisit tough lessons if needed. Teachers can easily monitor how students are doing. Special programs with useful tests, grading, and statistics are made for this purpose. If someone has knowledge, experience, and a passion for teaching, they can earn extra money.
Online courses and webinars are a great help for business leaders. You can train your employees without spending a lot of money and without dealing with issues when they’re away. This is really useful in companies that watch their employee turnover. When you create your own training program or use existing ones, you don’t have to hire and continually pay a coach. You can also work from anywhere and still look professional. Even if you’re running late for a lecture, you can join using your smartphone and apps.
Cons of online learning
Distance learning is attractive and has a lot of good points, but we can’t ignore the clear downsides. In theory, people of all ages can learn online, but it’s true that older folks might not have the needed tech skills. Let’s take a look at some other drawbacks.
Lack of control
This can be seen as both an advantage and a disadvantage. Not everyone thrives without a boss or teacher overseeing their work. There’s no one to share the responsibility with. You are entirely responsible for being diligent and submitting your work on time. You don’t have the support of friends who can help with answers or remind you to do your assignments. Plus, online students need to be highly organized and self-motivated.
Lack of credibility
When communicating with a tutor online, it’s hard to prove that you’re the one who did the assignment. That’s why many organizations don’t fully trust online certificates. To address this issue, reputable educational institutions use various verification methods like video conferences and special software. They may also ask for original student documents. These concerns are more common during final exams. However, students can use certain resources to get help with essays, and this can happen in traditional education too.
Service quality
The verification problem we talked about goes both ways. Students may also have limited access to the course material. Sometimes, after paying for courses and attending a few classes, they realize that the quality is not good. To avoid this, it’s important to carefully choose programs, read reviews, and check ratings before enrolling.
Is practice necessary
Some professions, like doctors, engineers, and biologists, need hands-on skills. Surgeons or test pilots can’t rely solely on theory. While distance learning is advancing, practical training is still essential. But is it a good idea to study remotely?
What are the disadvantages of online learning for the organizer?
When we talk about using various tools for online learning, we assume that teachers can use them effectively. E-learning platforms require some knowledge. Teachers need to learn how to conduct online seminars and keep students engaged, which is different from in-person teaching. It’s crucial for teachers to make online learning interesting, or students might lose interest. Each online task requires preparation, not just in terms of content but also technically. Some experienced teachers in universities may have trouble with technology, which can make them hesitant to try online teaching.
Online education has both pros and cons, and it’s evolving quickly. It offers many benefits, but there are also some drawbacks, similar to traditional methods. Nowadays, we need professionals who are willing to keep learning, so online learning remains appealing.
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