The LPI Linux Essentials exam, also known as exam 010-160, is a certification exam offered by the Linux Professional Institute (LPI). It is an entry-level certification exam that is designed to test a candidate’s understanding of essential Linux concepts and skills.

The exam covers topics such as the history of Linux, the basics of the Linux operating system, common Linux command-line tasks, and basic security and administration concepts. The exam also tests a candidate’s understanding of open-source software licenses and the use of Linux in cloud computing environments.

The Linux Essentials certification is designed for individuals such as students, educators, and those with an interest in delving deeper into Linux and open-source software. It serves as a valuable initial stage for anyone aspiring to enter fields like Linux system administration, DevOps, or cloud computing.

LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 Glossary

Here are some key terms and concepts related to the LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 certification exam:

  • Linux: An open-source and freely available operating system that enjoys extensive use in servers, supercomputers, mobile devices, and embedded systems.
  • Open source: Software that is licensed with a license that allows the user to view, modify, and distribute the source code freely.
  • GNU: A recursive acronym for “GNU’s Not Unix,” referring to a collection of free software developed by the GNU Project.
  • Command line interface (CLI): A text-based interface used to interact with a computer system by typing commands.
  • Graphical user interface (GUI): A visual interface used to interact with a computer system using icons, menus, and other graphical elements.
  • Shell: A program that provides a CLI to interact with the operating system, manage files, and execute commands.
  • Bash: A popular Unix shell that is the default shell in many Linux distributions.
  • File system: A method used to organize and store files and directories on a storage device.
  • Root: The superuser account in Linux with full access to all files, directories, and system resources.
  • Package manager: A tool used to install, update, and remove software packages in Linux.
  • Kernel: The foundation of the Linux operating system responsible for managing hardware resources and delivering services to other software components.
  • Apache: A popular open-source web server that is widely used to serve web content on the internet.
  • MySQL: An extensively used open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) renowned for storing and managing data within web applications.
  • Shell script: A program written in a shell scripting language, such as Bash, that can automate tasks and execute commands on a Linux system.
  • SSH: Secure Shell, a protocol used to secure remote access to a Linux system over a network.

LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 Study Guide

Here are some official resources for the LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 exam:

  1. Exam Objectives: The LPI Linux Essentials exam objectives outline the knowledge and skills required to pass the exam. They are available on the LPI website at
  2. Training Materials: LPI offers a variety of training materials to help candidates prepare for the Linux Essentials exam. These include books, online courses, and study guides. You can find a list of authorized training partners on the LPI website at
  3. Practice Exams: LPI offers practice exams for the Linux Essentials exam to help candidates prepare for the real exam. These exams are available on the LPI website at
  4. Community Resources: LPI has an active online community of Linux professionals who can help answer questions and provide guidance for exam preparation. You can join the community on the LPI website at
  5. Certification Verification: Once you have passed the Linux Essentials exam, you can verify your certification status on the LPI website at

LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 Exam Tips and Tricks

Here are some tips and tricks for preparing for and taking the LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 exam:

  • Know the exam objectives: The LPI Linux Essentials exam objectives outline the knowledge and skills required to pass the exam. Make sure you understand these objectives and use them as a guide for your exam preparation.
  • Use multiple resources: Don’t rely on just one resource for exam preparation. Use a variety of study materials, such as books, online courses, and practice exams, to help you prepare.
  • Practice hands-on skills: The Linux Essentials exam includes hands-on tasks that require practical experience with Linux. Make sure you have hands-on experience with Linux before taking the exam.
  • Familiarize yourself with Linux commands: The exam will test your knowledge of Linux commands and their usage. Make sure you are familiar with commonly use Linux commands and their options.
  • Review the exam policies and procedures: Before taking the exam, review the LPI exam policies and procedures to ensure you understand the exam rules and procedures.
  • Manage your time during the exam: Don’t spend too much time on any one question, and make sure you answer all the questions before time runs out.
  • Read the questions carefully: Make sure you read each question carefully and understand what is being ask before answering. Don’t make assumptions or jump to conclusions.

Quick Cheat Sheet: Linux Essentials 010-160

The examination holds significance when it comes to enhancing your academic credentials. Obtaining this certification can open up remarkable career prospects. Thus, it is crucial to initiate your review process and acquaint yourself with all the preparatory materials. You can rest assured as we have undertaken the effort of condensing the preparatory resources, and here, we present you with our Cheat Sheet. Follow these steps diligently to excel in the examination.

Cheat Sheet Linux Essentials 010-160

Deeply Analyse the Exam Objectives

LPI provides you with the  LPI Linux Essentials (010-160) Objectives covering a detailed overview of the objectives of the exam. This will help you get familiar with the exam pattern, and get an insight into the exam. Thereby, helping you in strategizing your preparation. Also, having the utmost clarity about the exam concepts is of utter importance in this exam given its vast syllabus. The major 5 domain that this exam covers are-

Topic 1: The Linux Community and a Career in Open Source
  • 1.1 Linux Evolution and Popular Operating Systems [Linux Documentation – Lesson 1.1]
  • 1.2 Major Open Source Applications [Linux Documentation – Lesson 1.2]
  • 1.3 Open Source Software and Licensing [Linux Documentation – Lesson 1.3]
  • 1.4 ICT Skills and Working in Linux [Linux Documentation – Lesson 1.4]
Topic 2: Finding Your Way on a Linux System
  • 2.1 Command Line Basics [Linux Documentation – Lesson 2.1]
  • 2.2 Using the Command Line to Get Help [Linux Documentation – Lesson 2.2]
  • 2.3 Using Directories and Listing Files [Linux Documentation – Lesson 2.3]
  • 2.4 Creating, Moving and Deleting Files [Linux Documentation – Lesson 2.4]
Topic 3: The Power of the Command Line
  • 3.1 Archiving Files on the Command Line [Linux Documentation – Lesson 3.1]
  • 3.2 Searching and Extracting Data from Files [Linux Documentation – Lesson 3.2]
  • 3.3 Turning Commands into a Script [Linux Documentation – Lesson 3.3]
Use the LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 Study Guide for better preparation!
Topic 4: The Linux Operating System
  • 4.1 Choosing an Operating System [Linux Documentation – Lesson 4.1]
  • 4.2 Understanding Computer Hardware [Linux Documentation – Lesson 4.2]
  • 4.4 Your Computer on the Network [Linux Documentation – Lesson 4.4]
Topic 5: Security and File Permissions
  • 5.1 Basic Security and Identifying User Types [Linux Documentation – Lesson 5.1]
  • 5.2 Creating Users and Groups [Linux Documentation – Lesson 5.2]
  • 5.3 Managing File Permissions and Ownership [Linux Documentation – Lesson 5.3]
  • 5.4 Special Directories and Files [Linux Documentation – Lesson 5.4]

Explore Learning Resources

The importance of choosing the right learning resources is really high. As a matter of fact, there are various resources to choose from. This makes it difficult to select the authentic and genuine ones. Here are some quick links to highly suggested learning resources to supplement your revisions.

Linux Essential Version 1.6

LPI has provided study resources for the candidates taking the LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 certification exam. This will help you gain command of the various know-how of the Linux administration system. Also, it is created by subject experts with the aim to train the candidates to achieve excellence in Linux Administration and earn their certification. Visit Linux Essential Version 1.6 and start preparing for the LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 Exam. The two study resources referred by LPI are –

LPI Training Partners

LPI offers several Training Partners to train candidates and give them the right exposure for its certification exam. Enrolling for this training will provide you with expert coaches to guide you to meet the various objectives of the LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 certification exam, and get certified in the first attempt. These are LPI-certified instructors, who instruct you, keeping the LPI training, and academic code of ethics in adherence. The study material provide is also approved by LPI, to help give a thorough insight to the candidates into the objectives of the exam.

  • To begin with, LPI Approved Training Partner (LPI-ATP)
  • Then, LPI Approved Academic Partner (LPI-AAP) Programs
Books are your Best Friends

To acquire a better understanding of the examination, it is essential to consult the appropriate books. Additionally, opt for trustworthy books authored by experts to help in your exam revisions. These books offer comprehensive explanations of the examination concepts, facilitating robust preparation for the LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 exam. To enhance your learning, ensure the incorporation of the following books in your preparations:

  • Firstly, Linux Essentials (010-160): A Time Compressed Resource to Passing the LPI Linux Essentials Exam by Jason Dion
  • Secondly, LPI Linux Essentials Study Guide by Christine Bresnahan 
Online Tutorials and Study Guide

The best way to enhance your knowledge is by referring to Online LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 Tutorials. These tutorials give you a deep understanding of the exam and what it covers. Plus, when you’re on the path to success, having the right strategy is crucial. Study guides act as your companions as you travel toward the exam, guiding you in the right direction.

LPI Linux Essentials 010-160  Online Tutorials

Self evaluate with Practice Tests

To get good at basic Linux administration skills needed for the Linux Essentials 010-160 certification, you should practice with test questions. This practice helps you get ready and better at handling real-world situations. When you review your answers from these practice tests, you can figure out the areas where you need more practice. It doesn’t matter how you’re preparing for the Linux Essentials 010-160 Exam; practicing with test questions is super important. Doing practice tests for LPI Linux Essentials 010-160 helps you prepare in different ways and gets you ready for the actual exam. Lets Start Practising Now!

LPI Linux Essentials 010-160  Free Practice Tests
Advance your skills by qualifying the Linux Essentials 010-160 Exam. Start your Preparations Now!