Is AWS Certified Data Engineer Associate (DEA-C01) Exam hard?

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Is AWS Certified Data Engineer Associate (DEA-C01) Exam hard

The AWS Certified Data Engineer – Associate (DEA-C01) exam validates your ability to design, develop, and maintain data pipelines in the AWS cloud. It’s a valuable credential for data professionals seeking to demonstrate their expertise in this in-demand field. But with any certification, the question of difficulty arises. This blog post dives deep into the DEA-C01 exam, exploring its format, content areas, and factors that influence its perceived difficulty. We’ll also analyze the actionable tips to help you approach the exam with confidence and achieve success.

Understanding the AWS Certified Data Engineer Associate (DEA-C01) Exam

The AWS Certified Data Engineer – Associate (DEA-C01) exam assesses your technical skills and knowledge in designing, developing, and maintaining data pipelines within the AWS cloud environment. Earning this credential demonstrates your ability to leverage AWS services to ingest, store, transform, and analyze data at scale. It’s a valuable asset for data engineers, data analysts, and other professionals seeking to validate their expertise in cloud-based data management. Further, the exam assesses the capability to perform these tasks:

  • Manage data ingestion, transformation, and orchestration of data pipelines, utilizing programming concepts.
  • Select suitable data storage solutions, design data models, organize data schemas, and oversee data lifecycle management.
  • Operate, maintain, and monitor data pipelines efficiently. Conduct data analysis and uphold data quality standards.
  • Implement proper authentication, authorization, data encryption, privacy measures, and governance protocols. Enable comprehensive logging practices.

Target Audience:

The ideal candidate should possess practical experience equivalent to 2–3 years in data engineering. They should comprehend how volume, variety, and velocity impact various aspects of data processes like ingestion, transformation, modeling, security, governance, privacy, schema design, and optimal data store design. Moreover, they should have hands-on experience with AWS services for at least 1–2 years.

Exam Format:

  • Number of Questions: 65 total questions
  • Question Types: Primarily multiple choice and multiple select
  • Exam Duration: 130 minutes (2 hours and 10 minutes)
  • Passing Score: The passing score is 720 (scaled score of 100-1000).

Exam Content Areas:

The exam blueprint outlines the specific areas of knowledge assessed during the DEA-C01 exam. Understanding this breakdown of exam content areas will help you prioritize your study efforts and ensure you’re covering the most crucial topics. These areas are weighted based on their relative importance in the role of a data engineer:

  • Data Ingestion and Transformation (34%)
  • Data Store Management (26%)
  • Data Operations and Support (22%)
  • Data Security and Governance (18%)

Factors Affecting DEA-C01 Exam Difficulty

The perceived difficulty of the DEA-C01 exam hinges on several key factors, each playing a role in your test-taking experience. Let’s delve deeper into these key influences:

1. Data Engineering Experience:

Prior experience in data engineering, especially with cloud-based data pipelines, gives you a significant advantage. You’ll already possess an understanding of common data engineering challenges (data cleansing, schema design, performance optimization) and best practices (version control, automation, monitoring) that directly translate to the exam. Experience with specific data processing tools like Apache Spark or ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) frameworks can further enhance your preparedness.

2. Cloud Computing and IT Experience:

Even if your data engineering experience hasn’t been specifically cloud-based, a general understanding of cloud concepts like scalability, elasticity, and managed services will give you a solid foundation. Familiarity with alternative cloud platforms like Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud Platform can also be helpful, as many core cloud concepts are transferable to AWS. The general IT knowledge for the exam include:

  • Setting up and maintaining extract, transform, and load (ETL) pipelines throughout the data ingestion to destination process.
  • Applying high-level programming concepts that are language-agnostic, as per the pipeline’s requirements.
  • Proficiency in using Git commands for effective source control management.
  • Utilizing data lakes as a storage solution for data storage and retrieval.
  • Understanding general concepts related to networking, storage, and compute resources.

3. Existing AWS Knowledge:

A strong grasp of core AWS services significantly reduces the learning curve, particularly those heavily covered in the exam blueprint (S3 object storage, DynamoDB NoSQL database, Redshift data warehouse). Prior exposure to these services, gained through personal projects, coursework, or certifications like AWS Cloud Practitioner, can be very beneficial. Understanding how these services work individually and interact within a data pipeline architecture is crucial.

Furthermore, familiarity with additional AWS services beyond the core exam topics can also be advantageous. Services like AWS Glue (managed ETL service), AWS Kinesis (real-time data streams), and AWS Lake Formation (data governance) may appear in scenario-based questions, and a general understanding of their functionalities can help you eliminate wrong answers. This exam validates your AWS knowledge in the following:

  • How to utilize AWS services to perform the tasks outlined in the Introduction section of this exam guide
  • Understanding of AWS services for encryption, governance, protection, and logging of data within data pipelines
  • Ability to compare AWS services to evaluate their cost, performance, and functional differences
  • How to structure and run SQL queries on AWS services
  • Knowledge of how to analyze data, verify data quality, and ensure data consistency using AWS services

4. Practical Application and Problem-Solving:

Don’t expect the DEA-C01 exam to be a simple test of memorization. The emphasis is heavily placed on your ability to apply your knowledge of AWS services to solve real-world data engineering problems. The exam will present you with scenarios that require you to choose the most appropriate AWS service for a specific task, configure service parameters to achieve a desired outcome, and troubleshoot potential issues within a data pipeline. Understanding best practices for data security and cost optimization within the AWS cloud is also crucial.

5. Hands-on Experience:

AWS itself emphasizes the importance of hands-on experience with AWS services for success on the exam. This means going beyond theoretical knowledge and actually building and managing data pipelines in the AWS cloud. This experience can be gained through personal projects (e.g., building a data pipeline to analyze website traffic logs), participating in hackathons focused on AWS data engineering, or utilizing the AWS Free Tier to experiment with various services.

AWS Certified Data Engineer Associate (DEA-C01) practice exam

Navigating the Challenge: Data Engineer Associate (DEA-C01) Exam

The DEA-C01 exam’s perceived difficulty is a complex topic with various perspectives. Here, we’ll explore the experiences of real test-takers, explore potential challenges, and shed light on the factors that contribute to the perceived difficulty:

1. Comparison to Other AWS Certifications:

Many test-takers report that the DEA-C01 is noticeably more challenging than other Associate-level AWS certifications like the AWS Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C02). This is likely due to the deeper dive into specific data engineering services and the emphasis on practical application and problem-solving.

2. Specific Challenges Encountered:

Real test-takers often mention the following as hurdles they faced:

  • Lengthy and Detailed Questions:
    • The exam questions can be quite wordy and require careful reading to grasp the variation of the scenario presented. This can be particularly time-consuming if you haven’t practiced efficiently reading and comprehending exam-style questions.
  • Focus on SQL Queries:
    • A strong understanding of SQL is crucial for success, as many questions involve writing or interpreting SQL queries for data manipulation and analysis within AWS services like Amazon Redshift or Athena.
  • Scenario-Based Approach:
    • The exam heavily relies on presenting real-world data engineering scenarios and asking you to choose the most appropriate AWS service or troubleshoot potential issues within a data pipeline. This can be challenging if you haven’t practiced applying your knowledge to practical situations.

3. Factors Contributing to Perceived Difficulty:

  • As mentioned earlier, the hands-on aspect of the exam can be a significant hurdle for those who haven’t had the opportunity to build and manage data pipelines in the AWS cloud. The ability to translate theoretical knowledge into practical application is crucial for success.
  • If your preparation primarily focuses on rote memorization of service features, you may struggle with the scenario-based approach of the exam. Practicing with questions that require applying your knowledge to real-world data engineering problems is essential.
  • The time pressure associated with the exam can add to the perceived difficulty. Developing effective time management strategies through timed practice tests is crucial for ensuring you can complete all questions within the allotted timeframe.

Tips for AWS Certified Data Engineer Associate (DEA-C01) Exam Success

The DEA-C01 exam may present a challenge, but with proper preparation and a strategic approach, you can significantly increase your chances of success. Here are some valuable tips to guide you on your certification journey:

1. Master the AWS Exam Guide and Use Quality Training Resources:

The AWS-published exam guide is your roadmap to success. It outlines the exam blueprint, detailing the specific AWS services and concepts covered. Make sure you have a comprehensive understanding of each topic area. There are numerous high-quality training resources available, including online courses, video tutorials, and practice exams. Choose resources that align with your learning style. Some of them are:

– Fundamentals of Analytics on AWS (Part 1):

This course marks the initial part of a two-part series aimed at familiarizing learners with the latest analytics trends in the industry. In Part 1, you’ll delve into foundational concepts such as various analytics types, the 5 V’s characterizing big data and the hurdles involved in managing vast data volumes. Additionally, the course illustrates how AWS aligns its analytics services with the 5 V’s of big data, highlighting AWS’s comprehensive service offerings in the market. Upon finishing this course, learners are encouraged to advance to the next stage of their learning journey with “Fundamentals of Analytics on AWS – Part 2.

– Fundamentals of Analytics on AWS (Part 2):

This course serves as the second part of a two-course series aimed at familiarizing learners with the latest trends in analytics. Expanding upon the concepts covered in Part 1, this course provides an overview of data lakes, data warehouses, and modern data architectures on AWS. Participants will explore the AWS services applicable for constructing data warehouses, data lakes, and modern data architectures. Additionally, the course presents common use cases and a reference architecture for modern data architectures.

– Planning Large Scale Data Migrations to AWS:

In this course, you will thoroughly comprehend the concepts and factors essential for planning extensive data migrations to Amazon Web Services (AWS). The curriculum covers the motivations behind migrating data to AWS, assessing the range of AWS services suitable for data migrations, and analyzing the planning prerequisites for large-scale data transfers to AWS. Through exploration of typical large-scale data migration scenarios and recommended strategies, students will develop insights into crafting a data migration blueprint utilizing the suitable AWS service.

– Digital Classroom – Cloud Operations on AWS:

In this course, you will be responsible for cloud operations and system administration and will learn the skills needed to effectively manage and oversee automated and repeatable deployments of networks and systems on AWS. The curriculum delves into various cloud operations tasks including installation, configuration, automation, monitoring, security, maintenance, and issue resolution for these services, networks, and systems. Additionally, the course explores pertinent AWS features, tools, and recommended methodologies associated with these operational functions.

2. Focus on Hands-on Labs and Scenario-Based Questions:

Don’t just passively consume information. Actively participate in hands-on labs to gain practical experience building and managing data pipelines in the AWS cloud. The AWS Free Tier provides a cost-effective way to experiment with various services. You can also explore personal projects or hackathons to solidify your practical skills. Move beyond rote memorization and delve into scenario-based questions that copy the exam format. Many training resources and online platforms offer practice exams specifically designed to test your ability to apply your knowledge to real-world data engineering problems.

3. Advance Time Management Skills

The exam has a time constraint, so develop effective time management strategies. Practice with timed practice tests to get comfortable reading and comprehending questions efficiently. Learn to prioritize answering questions you’re confident about first, and then come back to more challenging ones if time allows.

4. Create a Study Plan with Positive Mindset

Once you’ve prepared diligently, schedule your exam at a time when you’re feeling well-rested and focused. Minimize distractions during your exam window to maximize your performance. Believe in yourself and your preparation. Approach the exam with a confident and focused attitude. Remember, even if you don’t pass on your first attempt, the valuable knowledge and skills you gain will significantly benefit your data engineering career.


The AWS Certified Data Engineer – Associate (DEA-C01) exam validates your expertise in a highly sought-after field. While the exam presents a challenge, it’s achievable with the right preparation and approach. This blog post has equipped you with valuable insights into the exam format, content areas, and factors influencing its difficulty. We’ve also explored the experiences of real test-takers and provided actionable tips to guide you on your certification journey.

Remember, a strong foundation in AWS services, practical experience with data pipelines, and a focus on scenario-based problem-solving are key to success. For those with relevant experience and a commitment to preparation, the DEA-C01 exam represents a rewarding step toward advancing your data engineering career. If you’re not quite ready for the DEA-C01, consider pursuing other AWS certifications to build your cloud credentials or explore foundational data engineering courses to strengthen your core competencies. The path to becoming a certified AWS Data Engineer is within your reach.

aws data engineer - associate practice tests