In the current business environment, SAP is one of the most sought after certification. The reason being, SAP-certified professional are highly in demand. In every part of the world, this demand is growing every year. Thereby making SAP certifications more and more popular than ever. In the same vein, SAP associate-level certifications are one of the most popular among the candidates. Recently, SAP Ariba Sourcing (C_ARSOR_2005) exam has become the most successful IT certifications. Since the demand for this particular certification is high, hence there is a huge demand for the preparation guide for the same.
Therefore, in this article, we’re going to provide you with a master study guide. This will provide candidates with each and every important information, that on require to qualify the exam with flying colours. So, before a further adieu, let’s begin.
Exam Description
The SAP Ariba Sourcing (C_ARSOR_2005) exam is an associate-level certification, as mentioned earlier. This certification test is recommended as a beginner’s credential for getting involved in SAP Ariba Sourcing projects involving design and implementation. Once you pass the SAP Ariba Sourcing (C_ARSOR_2005) exam, you will earn the title of an SAP Certified Application Associate.
This SAP Ariba Sourcing (C_ARSOR_2005) exam certifies candidate’s ability for the following sections-
- Firstly, he/she possesses the fundamental and core knowledge expected of the SAP Ariba Sourcing Associate Application Consultant profile.
- Secondly, it demonstrates that the candidate possesses a broad understanding and the essential technical abilities needed to contribute as a team member in a mentorship capacity on a project.
Please note: This exam is part of the Stay Current with SAP Global Certification program. After passing the exam, candidates need to start their stay current process in the next quarter. To do this, candidates must take a quarterly Stay Current Assessment for all upcoming SAP Ariba Sourcing updates through the SAP Learning Hub. This is necessary to keep your SAP Ariba Sourcing business consultant certification status and badge up to date.
Basic Details
As for the basic exam details, you need to just keep in mind that the exam comprises of 80 questions. And, the candidate will be given only 180 minutes to complete the C_ARSOR_2005 Exam. As for the qualifying bar, candidates must score 73% and above. However, the exam is only available in the English language. In addition to it, the exam registration fee is USD 549 plus the taxes. But one must check according to their own region since the price varies from country to country.

This marks the end of all the exam description that a candidate must be acquainted beforehand. And, finally, it’s time to examine and understand the topic areas of the C_ARSOR_2005 Exam.
Topics Areas: C_ARSOR_2005 Exam
Each particular certification comes with its own set of preparation tactics. SAP defines them as “Topic Areas”. Here We are making it clear that Topic Areas is the syllabus of your examination. This implies that all the question asked in the C_ARSOR_2005 Exam will incorporate the Topic Areas. So, focus and put your whole heart while learning and understanding this list of modules mentioned below.
Feeling a little anxious, don’t be. After this section, we’ll begin with the study guide that is all you ever needed to qualify the exam. But before we hit the study guide, let’s view this list of modules.
If you have any questions regarding the percentile mentioned here. Let’s make it clear, the percentile mentioned with each module implies its importance in the C_ARSOR_2005 Exam. To clarify, the more the percentile, the more important the module is.

Domain 1: Consulting (12%)
In the first module, you’ll get acquainted with planning for a design workshop and advise customers on user acceptance testing (UAT).
Domain 2: Event and Auction Creation (12%)
Here you will understand the different types of events available in SAP Ariba Sourcing and set up a new event.
Domain 3: Event Management: Advanced Features (12%)
In this section the candidate will learn to use event template rules and advance features, such as scoring, conditional content and global events; Use prepackaged reports.
Domain 4: Administration (12%)
This section introduces the candidate to the configuration of workflows, projects and tasks and manage data.
Domain 5: Project Management (8%)
Subsequently, here you will understand how to describe a sourcing project, including approval rules and sourcing requests.
Domain 6: Procurement Knowledge (8%)
Second, to last explains the basic procurement practices and match SAP Ariba Sourcing features and functionality to them.
Domain 7: Integration (8%)
Last but not least, explain the whole procedure of SAP Ariba Sourcing fits into the SAP Ariba and SAP product landscape and later identity what can be integrated.
SAP Ariba Sourcing, C_ARSOR_2005 Study Guide
Here we are providing you with each and every learning resources so that this C_ARSOR_2005 Exam doesn’t feel like a burden. Since SAP implementation is a complex process and it demands adequate education and preparation for the same. Hence in this master guide, we spare no details. For an expert, it takes years of practice to earn adequate expertise So, let’s prepare you as you’ve never prepared before!

Establish a Study Routine
Give yourself a plan for studying, and make sure you focus on your study time. If you don’t, it’s very tempting to put off or forget your study tasks.
Figure out when you can absorb new material the best. When will you have the least number of distractions? A quiet environment will help you concentrate and prepare well for the C_ARSOR_2005 Exam.
Review and Understanding the Objectives
While preparing for the certification exam, one must first go through all the exam objectives and details. This implies, to first review all the exam objectives, before sitting for the exam. Therefore, make sure to go through the following details-
- Firstly, acquainted with planning for a design workshop and advise customers on user acceptance testing (UAT)
- Secondly, understand the different types of events available in SAP Ariba Sourcing and set up a new event.
- Subsequently, learn to use event template rules and advance features, such as scoring, conditional content and global events; Use prepackaged reports.
- Also, the configuration of workflows, projects and tasks and manage data.
- Not to mention, understand how to describe a sourcing project, including approval rules and sourcing requests.
- Further, explains the basic procurement practices and match SAP Ariba Sourcing features and functionality to them.
- Last but not least, the whole procedure of SAP Ariba Sourcing fits into the SAP Ariba and SAP product landscape and later identity what can be integrated.
SAP Learning Hub
After reviewing all the exam objective, it’s time to head over to SAP learning Hub. You may not know this but on this very portal, you find everything you require to qualify the C_ARSOR_2005 Exam. This is one of the most important online SAP resources. To begin with this, you first have to register and then move on to SAP learning hub. Since formal training is a vital learning resource when it comes to certification exams. So, we highly suggest you work through theses formal pieces of training. Not only will these test your conceptual knowledge and ability. But also, strengthen your core competencies. As a result, we can easily say you’re in good hands over here.
Join Virtual Classroom Training
Every individual has a different take on different learning resources. What may suit you, may not suit your peer. Therefore, SAP offers Virtual Classroom Training. These are usually taught by competent SAP experts. Moreover, these include access to the live SAP system for comprehensive and immersive learning. So, you can subscribe to a single course or multiple courses.
Cut the pressure with SAP E-academy
If virtual classroom training doesn’t work for you, you may go E-learning. Interactive online courses are valuable because they support traditional classroom training. To get started, consider enrolling in the SAP E-academy, where you’ll find a wide range of training options for specific solution areas. This will help you prepare for your SAP certification exam. These self-paced courses are easily accessible and offer 1 to 5 months of access.
Join the Online Community
Online forums and study groups can be really helpful when getting ready for the C_ARSOR_2005 Exam. You can connect with fellow candidates in these forums or groups and ask questions about topics you find challenging. But remember, it’s optional, and it’s a personal choice. These online communities also let you stay connected with others on the same journey as you, giving you a chance to seek help when you’re stuck on a tricky topic.
Self Evaluation is a must!
With all the mentioned training course and documentation, your last step in preparation must be going through practice tests. Now, the internet is filled with so much noise. Therefore, for your convenience, we at Testprep Training are proud to announce, we provide free practice tests for you. Yes, all you ever asked for, we have got you covered. Since practice tests are one of the crucial steps you must not skip while appearing for the exam. We recommend going through as many practice tests as you can. FOR MORE PRACTICE TETS, CLICK HERE.
Before the examination
The day has finally arrived and the heart is pounding so fast. Never knew that exams can be this stressful? Not to fret! You know this is a crucial stage where you must not get anxious. Just relax and do your best to ensure that all the topic areas are in your mind and at your fingertips. Revision is the key today and try to pay more attention to topic areas that have high percentile. Most importantly, ensure that you know the exact address of the SAP examination centre.
On the examination day
Your examination day should not have to that stressful, you know that you’re prepared well. Besides, try following these instructions-
- First of all, make sure to wake up a bit early and take sufficient breakfast.
- Secondly, ensure that you have all your documents with you entering the exam room.
- To prevent any problems or having to change your exam date, make sure to arrive at least thirty minutes before your SAP exam’s scheduled start time.
Expert’s Corner
SAP certification act as a special cushion in every professional’s career. There are endless opportunities after qualifying the certification. Additionally, having this certification makes it simpler to achieve career objectives compared to not having it. In the professional world, individuals with SAP certification are given preference for promotions over those who don’t have it. Being certified in SAP makes them a valuable asset to the organization.
Better position and paycheck is automatically followed by reliability and recognition among peers and colleagues. This can even act as a motivator to encourage them to do better in their jobs and earn higher benefits. So, in order to get paid, we strongly recommend going through the above-mentioned study guide.