Preparing for the Oracle 1Z0-631 exam varies from person to person. Different methods work for different people, and there are various tips and tricks to get ready and stay prepared for the exam.
To begin with, there are three time-tested and well-researched elements for preparing yourself to take any major certification exam. These include-
- Firstly, staying physically ready for an exam
- Secondly, staying mentally ready for an exam
- Thirdly, staying emotionally ready for an exam
Many candidates are naturally very good at one or two of these areas. Perhaps you may have a strong memory, or you don’t get rattled by the significance of the test. However, it takes practice to get good at all three. No matter what the reason is, it really takes practice to come close to perfection.
And, if somehow you master all three of these areas. Qualifying the Oracle 1Z0-631 exam will not only be a much easier task for you but also you will get used to the challenges and routines of staying “on the ball” for future hurdles. Keeping that in mind, it’s time to get you started with the Oracle 1Z0-631 exam. So, first, we will begin by getting familiarized with all the exam details and the benefits you will gain being certified.
Why opt for Oracle 1Z0-631 Exam?
Most corporations yearn to find out how Oracle 1Z0-631 certification helps them with their professional aspirations. Considering the fact that every candidate is from different background, the result cannot be generalized. However, there are some, who are already in some way linked to the finance industry, some proceeding with IT backgrounds, some already maintain a solid knowledge of financial products and associated instruments and a good general understanding of the industry. In this case, scenario, getting certified with Oracle will help you put your best foot front. In the same vein, here are a few benefits, that you will enjoy-
- First of all, becoming Oracle certified will convert you into a more skilled technologist.
- Secondly, you can gain new skills that will make you an expert in the global IT industry.
- Also, it will help you learn to implement, develop and administer critical systems.
- In addition, you will step outside your comfort zone to develop a new sense of confidence in your technical abilities.
- Finally, you’ll earn respect from your managers and peers, and your career opportunities will expand.

Every Information regarding the Oracle 1Z0-631 Exam
Getting certified with Oracle 1Z0-631 certification will help the candidate to demonstrate the following-
- To begin with, you can show that you have the knowledge needed to shorten the time it takes to complete period-end closing processes.
- Secondly, they also are able to maximize cash from financial operations.
- Subsequently, they can lower the cost of compliance and controls.
- Finally, you know how to implement modules like General Ledger, Payables, Receivables, Billing, and eSettlements.
Basic Details
This is an associate-level certification exam which comprises of 75 multiple-choice questions. And, the exam must be completed within 120 minutes. As for the registration fee, it’s USD 245. Additionally, one has to score a minimum of 69% and above to qualify the certification.
So, these are all the details, you need to keep in mind before preparing for the certification exam. And, now it’s time for you to get acquainted with all the exam topics. This will enable you to understand each and every topic very closely.

All Exam Topics
To prepare for any certification exam, the candidate must be acquainted with all the exam topics. As mentioned above, this will help you to prepare well for the exam. So, make sure to check out all the exam topics below.

Finally, we are done with the exam topics. And, now it’s time for you to go through the preparatory guide, set by our experts.
A comprehensive Preparation Guide
For obvious reasons, studying is the best way to prepare for a certification exam. However, the question arises, how can you prepare to study? Whether you’re cramming or, hopefully, preparing gradually over a long period of time: Low stress and a good space always help.
But, how does one overcome stress quickly, and without the aid of a beach?

The answer to this question, follow this preparatory guide from heart and soul. And, we assure you that you will definitely qualify the certification with flying clours.
Time to Review Exam Objectives
Before embarking on any journey, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of what you’re getting into. In this regard, thoroughly reviewing each exam objective is the most crucial part of your preparation. To do this, visit the official Oracle website for the most authentic information about the Oracle 1Z0-631 Exam. Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the basic exam details, it’s time to delve into the exam guide.
Download all the Exam Topics
The second most important step is to download the Course outline. It consists of all the domains and topics of the examination. So, make sure to download the Course Outline. This allows you to prepare for the Oracle 1Z0-631 Exam, keeping in mind all the objectives clear.
Prepare with Oracle Training Course
After reviewing the exam details, it’s time for you to go through the training course. Oracle Training course is the gold standard when it comes to online learning. So, make sure to check it out.
Oracle PeopleSoft Applications Learning Subscription
After the completion of the training course, you will be able to do the following tasks-
- Firstly, working with PeopleSoft browser-based applications
- Secondly, retrieving data using keys, search pages, and PeopleSoft search technology
- Subsequently, using PeopleSoft Applications with mobile devices
- Also, working with Fluid homepages and dashboards
- In addition, personalizing Classic homepages and dashboards
- Moreover, navigating through data in layout grids
- Not to mention, running batch processes
- Last but not least, sending and receiving notifications
This online training is perfect for configuration consultants, functional implementers, end-users and implementation consultants. PeopleSoft Applications training instruct you how to use various PeopleSoft applications that provide greater visibility into critical information with a single, accurate view of all project-related activities.
Back to basics with Books
Now that you’ve gained knowledge from your training, it’s time to turn to traditional books. As you may know, books are a reliable resource for acquiring knowledge without distractions. So, here are some recommended books for you to consider.
- Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise Financial Management 9.1 Implementation by Ranjeet Yadav
- Implementing Peoplesoft Financials: A Guide for Success by Early Stephens
Go strong with Practice Sets
Now, we’re at the final stage of the preparation guide. This last step will provide you with a clear understanding of the areas where you might need improvement. So, be sure to take sample tests after you’ve covered the entire syllabus. These practice tests are crucial for simulating the actual exam environment. You can find practice papers from different sources. Keep in mind that the more you test yourself, the more you’ll improve. SO START PRACTICING NOW!
Master with Expert’s Tips and Tricks
We believe in preparing well when it comes to certification exams. So, in this section, we’re providing you with tips and tricks. Try not to skip this. Here are some tips that have helped so many candidates just like you, who qualified.

- Following this single routine and paying attention to your short-term health will help drastically reduce stress in your body. Further, this stress reduction will allow you to memorise more for the exam and feel more relaxed while taking it.
- After you comprehend what routine you’ll be using, the next step is to identify your study space. So, for this, find a calm space where you won’t be interrupted and spend time on your subject.
- Make sure, you’re not just cramming the night before, but instead using and preparing with all of your study materials.
- Also, try to take short breaks, and while studying, write down notes in your preferred format. As this will improve memorising what you’re having trouble with as well as what you are learning at the moment.
- Additionally, remember that it’s best to move from broad concepts to fine details. In other words, don’t just try to commemorate everything at once. First, you must understand the concept you’re reading.
- Furthermore, swear to yourself to take practice tests or going through sample questions will help you get a sense of how the exam expects you to be thinking about these concepts.
- And, for short-term memory tricks, you can try out mnemonic devices or techniques like acronyms, acrostics, or picture-word association.
- Lastly, remember a lack of confidence and an ailing lifestyle can also rise the difficulty of staying ready for an exam. Whatever you do, don’t stress yourself out!
Expert’s Corner
Lastly, it important to understand that it is just an exam. Certainly, it is a brief and intense moment in your life. However, remember that there are always do-overs and more opportunities down the road. And, it’s just a small part of your very large career, and you shouldn’t start to feel like it is a life-defining moment.
With a solid grasp of the knowledge needed, a concerted attempt to keep yourself stress-free, a routine you’ve designed specifically for exam preparation, and some of these helpful tips and tricks along the way, there’s a lot to help you stay ready for any important exam.

Stand out from the crowd with advanced learning skills under Expert’s guidance on Oracle 1Z0-631 Exam. Prepare and become a financials Certified Implementation Specialist.