The GCP Cloud Developer certification is not one in which you can study one afternoon and take the test the next morning.
The key to prepare is long term learning and not the cramming sessions. Though, cramming session may sometimes give you good results. However, there is no denying that its a risky and stressful strategy.
Considering that the students have established that cramming that worked in high school will also work for the certification examination. Certification exams ask for much more than that. Therefore, to prepare you well for the GCP Developer Exam, we’re going to provide you with a step by step preparatory guide. But, first, we must go through the details of the examination so, that everything is clear in your mind. So, let’s begin with the GCP Developer Exam Overview.

Exam Overview: GCP Cloud Developer
The GCP Cloud Developer Exam is a professional certificate. These certifications are advocated for candidates with industry experience and familiarity with Google Cloud products and solutions.
A Professional Cloud Developer is an individual who develops scalable and highly available applications with the help of Google recommended practices and tools. These tools are fully managed services. In addition, they have familiarity with next-generation databases, runtime environments and developer tools as well. Also, they have proficiency with at least one general-purpose programming language. Nonetheless, they are skilled in using Stackdriver to deliver meaningful metrics and logs to debug and trace code.
As, professional certifications include technical job functions and assess advanced expertise in design, implementation, and management. Therefore, a GCP Cloud Developer Exam evaluates candidate’s ability to do the following tasks-
- Firstly, they should be able to design highly scalable, available, and reliable cloud-native applications.
- Secondly, they must build and test applications.
- Subsequently, they should be able to integrate Google Cloud Platform services.
- Also, manage application performance monitoring.
- Lastly, they are able to deploy applications.
Also, professional certifications are not easy to work with. So, before venturing on this journey one must have at least a 3+ years of industry experience including the 1+ years of experience on Google Cloud.
Why opt GCP certifications?
Before we go on with more exam details, let’s just remind you of various advantages of your GCP Cloud Developer Certification.

Google Certifications lets the candidate help demonstrate his/her proficiency and skill. After you successfully qualify the certification exam, you’ll be able to promote yourself to the various associations, communities, projects, and employers.
Since all the certification exams are backed by rich training content hence there is no chance of you ever failing. As you have trained from the very best.
Moreover, the moment you’ll qualify the examination, you’ll be featured on the official certification directory. You can even incorporate your digital mark in your email signature and embed it on various social media platforms. Further, this will allow you to stand out from the crowd.
All Exam Details here!
Now that you are more motivated to prepare for the examination. And, have acquired the basic idea about the GCP Cloud Developer exam. So, now we’ll move on to the next most crucial step of the certification i.e. exam details. Since this is a professional certification exam, it becomes all the more important to understand and go through each and every detail. Therefore, in this section, we spare no details!
Basic Exam Details
It’s always good to be familiar with the exam pattern beforehand. Not only will this give you an edge to perform better than any other candidate but also work as a morale booster.
In the same vein, understand the GCP Cloud Developer exam is 2 hours long. The candidate will encounter various questions such as Multiple choice and multiple select. The registration fee for the same is USD 200. However, the exam is only available in English and Japanese language. And, the examination is only valid for 2 years.

Finally, that’s all for the exam details. Now, it’s time for you to understand all the domains of the examination. These domains comprise the course structure, which in our perspective the most important aspect for your preparation. So, let’s begin with the Course Outline.
Course Outline: GCP Cloud Developer Exam
As mentioned earlier, the course outline forms the most important part of your preparation. So, without wasting any more time, let’s get it to it.

Domain 1: Designing highly scalable, available, and reliable cloud-native applications
- First of all, designing performant applications and APIs
- Secondly, designing secure applications
- Subsequently, managing application data
- Lastly, re-architecting applications from local services to Google Cloud Platform
Domain 2: Building and Testing Applications
- Firstly, setting up your development environment
- Secondly, building a continuous integration pipeline
- Also, testing
- In addition, writing code
Domain 3: Deploying applications
- To begin with, implementing appropriate deployment strategies based on the target compute environment
- Secondly, deploying applications and services on Compute Engine.
- Subsequently, deploying applications and services on Google Kubernetes Engine
- In addition, deploying an application to App Engine
- Also, deploying a Cloud Function
- Further, creating data storage resources
- Moreover, deploying and implementing networking resources
- Not to mention, automating resource provisioning with Deployment Manager
- Last but not least, managing Service accounts
Domain 4: Integrating Google Cloud Platform Services
- First of all, integrating an application with Data and Storage services
- Secondly, integrating an application with compute services
- Also, integrating Google Cloud APIs with applications
Domain 5: Managing Application Performance Monitoring
- Firstly, integrating Google Cloud APIs with applications
- Secondly, managing VMs
- Also, viewing application performance metrics using Stackdriver
- Furthermore, diagnosing and resolving application performance issues
This sums up the course outline. Now, make sure to understand each and every topic in detail. This forms the basic foundation for your preparation. If you still have any query related to the course outline or any particular topic, make sure to visit the Official Website. Here you’ll find each and every detail regarding the course outline. After the completion of the course outline, it’s time for the preparatory guide. So, let’s begin with the step by step preparatory guide.
Preparatory Guide 
As you commence your preparation for GCP Cloud Developer certification exam, there are some common-yet-powerful methods that are beneficial in your preparation. There are so many candidates who prepare for certification by studying a book and later are disappointed if they can’t qualify the exam. However, the reality is much different than the expectation. Just acknowledging the source information is only a small part of the preparation guide.
Obviously, there are many websites which offer practice questions and study tests for certification exams. As practising mock/ practice tests are the most important step a professional undertakes while preparing for a certification exam. However, going through the practice sets is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of certification exams.
So, we are providing a step by step guide to qualify the GCP Cloud Developer exam with flying colours.
Review All Exam Objectives 
Before, venturing on any journey, one must have a clear idea of what he/she is putting themselves into. With that being said, reviewing each and every exam objective becomes the most important part of your preparation. So, make sure you visit the Official website of Google Cloud, to have a clear view. Since it is the most authentic site to provide any information regarding the GCP Cloud Developer Exam. After you’ve gone through the basic exam details. It’s time to hit the exam guide.
Download the Exam Guide 
Exam Guide comprises of all the domains and topics of the examination. So, make sure to download the exam guide. In this exam guide, you’ll be able to understand each and every topic in detail. This will help you prepare each domain with every minute detail in accordance with the exam.
Don’t underestimate the power of GCP Training! 
Some may find training not as important as books. But, let us remind you that GCP Training is the best training offered to candidates. With the help of training, you’ll able to conduct online on-demand classes without any hassle. Training Offered-’Developing Applications with Google Cloud Platform’
- Best Practices for Application Development
- Google Cloud Client Libraries, Google Firebase SDK and Google Cloud SDK
- Overview of Data Storage Options
- Best Practices for Using Google Cloud Datastore
- Performing Operations on Buckets and Objects
- Best Practices for Using Google Cloud Storage
- Handling Authentication and Authorization
- Using Google Cloud Pub/Sub to Integrate Components of the Application
- Adding Intelligence to Your Application
- Using Google Cloud Functions for Event-Driven Processing
- Managing APIs with Google Cloud Endpoints
- Deploying an Application with the help of Google Cloud Cloud Build, Google Cloud Container Registry, and Google Cloud Deployment Manager
- Execution Environments for Your Application
- Debugging, Tracking, and Tuning Performance with the help of Google Stackdriver
Practical experience with Hands-on labs 
After this, the most crucial step is the hands-on experience. The scenario-based questions examined in the GCP Cloud Developer exam requires prior hands-on experience.
A candidate can register for the GCP free tier under the free trial GCP products, services, and technologies. You can even utilize the USD300 free credit for gaining hands-on expertise. For better understanding, one can even register for paid hands-on experience.
Self-Evaluation makes you better 
And, finally, it’s time for self-evaluation. Take it from us, Self Evaluation is the last step of your success. The more you’re going to practice, it’s better for you.
Not only does it assists you in understanding the areas where you lack but also, ensures you’re improving your skills as well. So, keep on practising as many practice tests as much you can. FOR MORE PRACTICE TEST, CLICK HERE!
Tips and Tricks directly from the Experts
Now, that we’re all through with the preparation guide. Let’s just have a look at few of the tips and trick that have helped many candidates before. Hopefully, these will be beneficial to you as well. So, let’s begin-

- Once, you’re done with your preparation, make sure to practice as much as you can. Well. practising is the ultimate key to reach your goal. Also, you will become faster in answering the questions.
- Try to join a study group or any other online forum. These study groups will help you stay motivated in your journey. Moreover, you ask any query related to the GCP Cloud Developer certification exam and even form a discussion group.
- Since the internet is cluttered with so many free resources. Make sure to utilize these free learning resources.
Closing Thoughts 
One must always keep in mind that preparing for a certification exam does not always have to be hard. Therefore, it’s highly recommended that you start by reviewing the exam objectives first and also join a study group so you have the support and motivation the entire time. Afterwards, be thorough with course outline and practice as much as you can. And, don’t forget the instructor-led training and hands-on experience. All the learning resources will help you qualify for the examination.
And, in the end, we would suggest working hard for your certification as they are the proof that you are a professional who can survive under any circumstance. So, work hard and try as many practice sets as you can.
A great career is just a certification away. So, practice and validate your skills to become a Certified GCP Cloud Developer!