Well, preparing for the Microsoft Security, Compliance & Identity Fundamentals SC-900 exam was never easy. But with the right set of learning resources and a complete SC-900 study guide, there are no hurdles. Moreover, many companies are looking for professionals certified in Microsoft Azure the demand for skilled professionals is sky-high. It is amongst the second-highest profession in demand today. So, whether you are a fresher or a seasoned professional, you must be having some basic and fundamental questions about the SC-900 exam. Let us hear from cloud expert, Aline Monteiro – Qualified Microsoft SC-900 Exam.
Aline Monteiro, is an experienced professional with over 3 years of experience in Cloud solutions. She completed her graduation in Marketing at Sumaré and is completing her Postgraduate Degree in Project Management at FIA Business School. She worked as a young apprentice at Volkswagen Financial Services, served as supervisor of a sales team at NXS Tecnologia & Serviços, as a bilingual service agent at Cognizant (where she provided services with Cloud solutions) and currently works as a support and pre-service analyst. cloud sales at ScanSource, Brazil.
We seek to understand and learn from your experience to pass the Microsoft SC-900 exam.
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Ques. How did you prepare for the Microsoft SC-900 exam?
Answer: I created a study routine, in which I studied every day from 1 hour to 3 hours every day. To prepare I used reading materials like Lerning by Microsoft, as well as a series of 10 video lessons available online. Another thing that helped me a lot in understanding each topic, in addition to some issues that I had on a daily basis in the support role, was studying and taking notes, I created my own summaries of what I understood, using my own words. In addition to attending training provided by institutions like Green and KáSolution as a summary to compile what I had already understood and check what was still pending.
Ques. How difficult is the Microsoft SC-900 exam?
Answer: The first was the language, taking exams or tests outside our native language is very difficult, even more so when we don’t have full command of the language. Luckily it’s now in Portuguese!
Another is to get material with text and video that explains it in a simpler way and with examples without using so many technical terms. Another thing is nervousness (it always hits, so if I can give you a tip, take the test even if you don’t know everything. Because that helps to take away the fear of the exam).
Ques. Is the Microsoft SC-900 exam worth it?
Answer: Yes, and not just because it opens doors, because certifications give companies a certain amount of security because they have or will have a collaborator who is certified by the manufacturer. And best of all, it proves to ourselves that we are capable and that we have the knowledge through Microsoft certification. In addition to opening opportunities for higher salaries inside or outside the current area. Because recruiters end up looking for certified professionals.
Ques. How will you describe your journey to becoming a successful Cloud professional?
Answer: I’m still on the journey to become a successful Cloud professional. And the secret is not so secret, i.e., studying, I can not say how many times I went and came home reading about some product/ service I wanted to understand. sometimes to support our dealer partners, others out of curiosity to know what it was or how it worked. And I was never ashamed to ask for help when I didn’t know.
Another thing that seems silly, more helps a lot, surround yourself with people with the knowledge you want and use them as your mentors. This allows us to understand what our next learning paths will be. And never be arrogant enough to think you have nothing left to learn. This at Microsoft is easy, because changes occur all the time.
Q. Can you please guide us through your certification journey?
Answer: I would suggest you to first try to decide if you want to start with what you like or what would be simpler. In my case, I had started with what I like. My first exam to try was the MS-900 (I am passionate about Microsoft 365 from Microsoft as they provide complete SaaS solutions and help employees already working to learn gradually). But unfortunately at the time I had little knowledge, did not know how to prepare myself or where to find study material and the main did not have discernment to understand that in Microsoft everything integrates.
So if you dear reader and future Microsoft certificate, you already have this clear vision. If not, start with simple learning methods but rather organic, that is a door to understand the principle and go slowly breaking through.
I see the SC-900 as a gateway to other knowledge. It focuses on the basic principles of security and this is necessary and is included in all Microsoft solutions not to say in all Cloud manufacturers. At SC-900 you will learn about defense in depth, zero trust and also need to learn how security tools integrate and that there are solutions for each service and the features complement me to the beds do not cancel each other.
Ques. Do you think cloud computing is the future?
Answer: Yes. But I don’t think that’s the only answer. There are scenarios that due to compliance issues or internal rules that do not allow and or do not fit only cloud solutions.
Q. What is the quote you live by in your life?
Answer: There are some, more in the pandemic this has become more true: Technology moves the world.