Do you want to upgrade your career by qualifying for the Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin (SPLK-1003) Exam? Are you looking for the right set of exam preparation guide? Want to understand and learn about the difficulty level of the exam? If yes, then you are in the right place. We will guide you with the Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin study guide and exam resources to focus your effort in the right direction and help qualify for the exam.
Certifications, no doubt, are the best way to upgrade career without devoting too much of time. But it is necessary to ascertain the level of difficulty in order to get a clear idea of how to proceed while preparing. So, let us look at some important details of the exam and then look at the difficulty level of the exam. Let us get started.
About Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin Exam
The Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin exam is the final step towards completion of the Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin certification. This upper-level certification exam evaluates a candidate’s knowledge and skills to manage various components of Splunk on a daily basis, including the health of the Splunk installation.
Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin Prerequisites
Splunk has provided the list of prerequisites out of which some are necessary and some are recommended in order to have more understanding of the subject.
Required Prerequisite Certification
- Splunk Core Certified Power User
Recommended Prerequisite Courses
- Splunk Enterprise System Administration
- Also, Splunk Enterprise Data Administration
Furthermore, the following content areas are general guidelines for the content to be included on the exam:
- Splunk deployment overview
- Also, License management
- Moreover, Splunk apps
- Splunk configuration files
- furthermore, Users, roles, and authentication
- in addition, Getting data in
- also, Distributed search
- Introduction to Splunk clusters
- in addition, Deploy forwarders with Forwarder Management
- subsequently, Configure common Splunk data inputs
- Customize the input parsing process
Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin Exam details
The Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin exam is the final step towards the completion of the Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin certification. This upper-level certification exam is a 57-minute exam. Talking about the Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin exam questions, this is a 56-question assessment. Find the further details in the table mentioned below.
1. Exam Name Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin | 2. Exam Code (SPLK-1003) |
3. Exam Duration 57 mins | 4. Exam Format Multiple Choice and Multi-Response Questions |
5. Exam Type Upper-level certification exam | 6. Number of Questions 56 Questions |
7. Eligibility/Pre-Requisite NIL | 8. Exam Fee $125 USD |
9. Exam Language English |
Now that we are done with all the basic details of this exam, let us look at the content outline. After we know about the exam content outline we will jump to our main question of How hard is Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin (SPLK-1003) Exam?
Course Structure
The Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin exam guide covers the following topics:
- Splunk Admin Basics
- License Management
- also, Splunk Configuration Files
- Splunk Indexes
- furthermore, Splunk User Management
- Splunk Authentication Management
- also, Getting Data In
- Distributed Search
- moreover, Getting Data In – Staging
- in addition, Configuring Forwarders
- subsequently, Forwarder Management
- also, Monitor Inputs
- Network and Scripted Inputs
- furthermore, Agentless Inputs
- Fine Tuning Inputs
- in addition, Parsing Phase and Data
- lastly, Manipulating Raw Data
For more insight and detailed description of the certification and documentation visit Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin Online Tutorial.
How hard is the Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin Certification Exam?
The difficulty level of the exam can be accessed through the syllabus of the exam or the prerequisites of the exam to a certain level. This exam has a very vast content outline so you need to put in enough effort in order to crack the exam combined with the right set of resources to crack the exam. The official site has also provided a lot of resources that help in creating the Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin blueprint to prepare for the exam. Therefore, the exam is not difficult if prepared with the right strategy and proper resources.
Some of the resources that you can refer are mentioned in the following paragraphs. To know more about the exam as exam policies and preparation guide, you can refer to the online tutorials on Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin by!
Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin Study Guide
There are many resources that can be used for preparation. But is essential to pick the right set of resources that suits your requirements. Let us have a look at some resources that can be beneficial for preparation –

Splunk Fundamentals 1 – Self Paced Course
This self-paced Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin training course educates you how to search and navigate in Splunk, use fields, get statics from your data, create reports, dashboards, lookups, and alerts. It will also make you aware of Splunk’s datasets features and Pivot interface. Access it here.
Splunk Fundamentals 2 – Virtual course
This 4 virtual-day course concentrates on additional SPL commands, using field aliases and calculated fields, creating tags and event types, using macros, creating workflow actions and data models, and normalizing data with the CIM. Access it here.
Prepare for Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin Exam using the Cheat Sheet!
Online communities
You can find various professionals here who are certified in the same or related area and can readily give answers to your doubts. One of the best ways to ensure your preparation is when you are having doubts.
Evaluate yourself with Practice Tests
This is a very important part of your preparation. This will help in identifying the loopholes and weak portions of your preparation along with giving the right direction to your preparation. We all know practicing the Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin exam questions is the way to perfection. So, practicing more and more will help you score good and help in handling the tricky portions of the exam. Try a free Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin practice test now!