Are you preparing for the EXIN ITAMOrg IT Asset Management Foundation exam but confused about the preparations? Don’t worry, as we present you the step-by-step Study Guide to help you ace the exam. This study guide has been prepared by experts with all the required learning resources to pass the exam. Furthermore, the learning resources and study guide has been collated to ease your process of preparation. So before we begin lets first look at the exam details.
About EXIN ITAMOrg IT Asset Management Foundation Exam
EXIN ITAMOrg IT Asset Management Foundation certification is high on demand among professionals in the Information and Technology sector. This certification is a must-have one to showcase your proficiency and knowledge in the efficient management of IT assets. EXIN is a worldwide self-supporting certification institute for ICT-professionals. It is the foremost and trusted official in the IT-market.
Who Should Take the Exam?
The EXIN ITAMOrg IT Asset Management Foundation exam is focussed on the key personnel in an organisation who are involved in the IT lifecycle. This certification is specifically designed for non-IT personnel. This is a foundation-level exam primarily for the management professionals who are into finance, risk, security, and business continuity fields.
This certification is primarily for the professionals in the following fields –
- Firstly, Overall management
- Secondly, IT Management
- Thirdly, Procurement Management
- Subsequently, Financial Management
- Also, IT Operations Management
- Then, Project Management
- Moreover, Process Management
- Further, Contract Management
- Furthermore, Risk Management
- Additionally, Business Continuity Management
- Lastly, Security Management
EXIN ITAMOrg IT Asset Management Foundation Study Guide
Passing the exam can be simple if you have the correct tools at your disposal. Ensure that the materials you use are accurate and dependable. Your choice of resources will have a big impact on how well you get ready and pass the exam. So, be cautious when selecting these materials. The following study guide will highlight some highly recommended resources to consider. It also outlines the steps that will guarantee your success in the exam.

Refer the EXIN ITAMOrg Exam Objectives
Taking a closer look at each part of the EXIN ITAMOrg IT Asset Management Foundation exam can give you a better idea of what to expect. To get the most accurate information, visit the official EXIN website because it’s the most reliable source for exam details. Once you’ve checked out the basic exam info, it’s time to dive into the exam guide. Make sure you spend enough time on each of the exam areas. This exam covers the following topics:
- Firstly, Domain 1- Introduction to IT Asset Management (ITAM) [10%] : This domain covers the Definition and goal of ITAM. Then, Standards and best practices. Also, ITAM models.
- Subsequently, Domain 2- Hardware Asset Management (HAM) [20%] : It focuses on the Introduction to HAM. Then, identify and manage hardware assets. Further, It includes the best practices, tools, and mobile devices.
- Moreover, Domain 3- Software Asset Management (SAM) [25%] :This domain includes the definition and objectives of SAM. Also, the concept of compliance. Moreover, the risks/costs related to software audits.
- Further, Domain 4- Services and Cloud Asset Management (SEAM) [20%] :This domain aims to includes concepts like Definition and objectives of SEAM. Then, the concept of services and cloud. Also, the practice of SEAM. Moreover, contracts and contract negotiation in SEAM.
- Then, Domain 5- People and Information Asset Management (PINAM) [20%] :It covers the definition and objectives of PINAM. Moreover, the guiding principles of PINAM and practice of PINAM. Also, Services and Cloud: BYOD (Bring Your Own Device).
- Lastly, Domain 6- IT Asset Management Interfaces [5%]: It is much focused on the interfaces of IT Asset Management. Also, IT Asset Management roles.
Follow the EXIN Preparation Guide
EXIN provides candidates Preparation Guide covering a detailed overview of the objectives of the exam. This will help you get familiar with the exam pattern, and get an insight into the exam. Thereby, helping you in strategizing your preparation. The guide contains an elaboration of the exam domains, along with exam requirements and the necessary resources for reference. You must go through the guide to crack the exam and attain your certification in an easier way.
Enrol for EXIN Training
EXIN recommends the candidates seeking to take the exam, to enroll for a training program. The training is offered by EXIN Accredited Training Organizations. However, the training is not mandatory in case of the EXIN ITAMOrg IT Asset Management Foundation Exam. But the training will surely help you gain expertise in the exam domains and attain your certification. The total number of contact hours for the training course is 16 hours. The EXIN ITAMOrg IT Asset Management Foundation training is inclusive of group assignments, exam preparation, and short breaks. EXIN suggests an indication study effort of 60 hours. This depends on the prior knowledge and experience of the candidates.
Refer Books, your Best Friends
EXIN has provided study resources for the candidates taking the EXIN ITAMOrg IT Asset Management Foundation certification exam. This will help you gain command of the various know-how of IT Asset Management. It is created by subject experts with the aim to train the candidates to achieve excellence in IT Asset Management and earn their certification. EXIN recommends the given workbook to help candidates gain a better understanding of the exam domains and the type and pattern of questions asked in the exam.
Join Online Community
Joining an online community is a great way to see how you measure up against others in your competition. In this community, you can talk to your fellow competitors and stay focused on your goals. It gives you the right exposure to prepare for the EXIN IT Asset Management Exam and improves your expertise. This not only helps with your exam preparation but also clears your doubts and prepares you well for success.
When more people are involved, the chances of finding solutions to problems increase significantly. Having different perspectives makes discussions more dynamic, and it makes your studies more thorough. Even if you’re usually shy, online forums provide a platform for you to express yourself, which you might not do in regular conversations. Forums are great for building a community that’s important for understanding others.
Self Evaluate with Practice Tests
To grasp the basic IT Asset Management skills and get ready for the EXIN ITAMOrg IT Asset Management Foundation certification, it’s essential to solve practice tests. This will make you well-prepared and capable of handling real-world situations. By reviewing your answers, you can pinpoint the areas that need extra attention.
No matter how you study for the exam, practicing with test questions a few times can benefit you in more ways than you might think. Taking the EXIN ITAMOrg IT Asset Management Foundation practice test is an excellent way to diversify your study approach and ensure you achieve the best results in the actual exam. Let’s self evaluate our preparations with practice tests!