Are you planning to sit for the Microsoft 98-368 Mobility and Device Fundamentals Exam? Looking for a study guide to prepare for the exam? We have got you covered, look no further as we present you a step-by-step study guide. This guide is an information goldmine that will equip you with the right resources and expert guidance. Get ready to embark on your preparation journey with our step by step guide. But before beginning lets sail through all the exam details required to pass the exam.
About Exam 98-368: Mobility and Device Fundamentals
Exam 98-368 Mobility and Device Fundamentals measures your understanding to accomplish technical responsibilities such as understanding device arrangement; understanding data access and management; device security; understanding cloud services; and conjecturing enterprise mobility.
The Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) is a special certification program that helps people start their careers in technology. It teaches the basics of technology and gives students the confidence to do well in more advanced courses and jobs. This program is designed to help instructors teach essential technology ideas to students.
Learning Path
This entry-level certification provides students with the confidence, credibility, and differentiation. By successfully passing the Exam 98-368: Mobility and Device Fundamentals, the candidate will achieve the MTA: Mobility and Device Fundamentals credential.

Exam Prerequisites
People taking this exam should have some practical experience with Windows devices, using networks with Windows, knowing about Active Directory, understanding anti-malware tools, firewalls, different types of network setups, and network connections.
Microsoft 98-368 Study Guide
Now that we have all the information we need, let’s move forward and gather the help of experts to get ready. To begin preparing well for the Exam 98-368: Mobility and Device Fundamentals, we will outline the important steps you should follow to create a good study plan

Step 1 – Review the Exam Objectives
Let’s take a closer look at each part of the Microsoft 98-368 exam to better understand what it expects from you. You should start by reading the Official Exam Guide to learn the concepts. The Course Outline is crucial for your preparation. Make sure to concentrate your studies on the subjects that the exam covers. The Microsoft 98-368 objectives for the exam are as follows:
- Firstly Domain 1- Understand device configurations (20-25%) : This domain covers the concepts to Configure device options and Configure desktop settings. Also, Configure drive encryption and Configure updates.
- Then, Domain 2- Understand data access and management (20-25%): This domain is focused on the topics to Describe cloud storage services, Describe local storage and file systems. Further, Describe file and print sharing and Describe data encryption.
- Further, Domain 3- Understand device security (20-25%): This domain includes the conceps to Describe the differences between the Internet, an intranet, and an extranet. Then, Describe user authentication. Moreover, Describe permissions and Describe malware.
- Also, Domain 4- Understand cloud services (20-25%): This domain is much focused on topics like Describe the types of cloud services. Then, Describe Microsoft Intune and Microsoft Azure.
- Lastly, Domain 5- Understand enterprise mobility (20-25%): Finally it covers Describe identity services. Further, Describe business data access and Describe Bring Your Own Device (BYOD).
Step 2 – Refer Microsoft Learning Platform
Microsoft offers various learning paths, the candidate should visit the official website of Microsoft. The candidate can find every possible information on the official site. For this exam, Microsoft offers a wide range of learning paths and documentations. Finding the relatable content on the Microsoft website is quite an easy task.
Boost your learning with Microsoft Documentation
Microsoft Documentations are an important learning resource while preparing for Exam 98-368: Mobility and Device Fundamentals. The candidate will find documentation on every topic relating to the particular exam. This step is very valuable in preparing for MTA: Mobility and Device Fundamentals exam.
Step 3 – Go for Instructor-Led Training
The training programs that the Micorosft provide itself is available on their website. The instructor-led training is an essential resource in order to prepare for the exam like 98-368. The candidate can find the instructor-led training on the page of the particular exam on the Microsoft website. There are various training courses available prior to one exam. The following is the training program offered by Microsoft.
Course 40368-A: Mobility & Devices Fundamentals: MTA Exam 98-368
Step 4 – Books your Best Friends

Now, the next thing to do in your preparation is to find good books and study guides. Look for books written by experts that are reliable and related to your exam. Books provide a lot of useful information for getting ready for the certification test. They explain various concepts in detail, especially for the Microsoft (98-368) Mobility and Devices Fundamentals exam. We recommend checking out this particular book: [Book Title].
Step 5 – Join a Study Group
Joining an Online Community is certainly an ideal way to know your actual stand in the competition. Here, you can interact with your competitors, and keep yourself focused. This will provide you the right exposure to appear for the exam, ensuring an increase in your expertise. Moreover, these groups will not only be beneficial in the exam prep but will also help get your doubts cleared and get you trained well, for success.
Step 6 – Self Evaluate with Practice Test
Practice tests are like a reflection of what you’ve learned and are a key part of your preparation. So, try to take as many practice tests and quizzes for the Microsoft 98-368 exam as you can. They’ll show you how well you’re prepared, where you need to improve, and what areas you should focus on more. Practicing with these tests is really important. Answering lots of Microsoft 98-368 practice questions will boost your confidence. Let’s self-evaluate with practice tests now!