Finding the right study guide to prepare for the Microsoft 62-193, Microsoft Certified Educator exam is not easy. Therefore, we have curated a study guide that will solve all your problems. In the same vein, let’s get you started with brief information regarding the exam first and then begin with the Study Guide.
Microsoft Certified Educator 62-193 certification exam is part of the Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE) program. It’s an intermediate-level exam designed to test your skills based on the 21st Century Learning Design (21CLD) framework. When you pass the Microsoft Certified Educator (62-193) Exam, you earn the Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE) certification. This certification shows that educators have the technology skills needed to create a personalized learning experience for students.
Target Audience
This Microsoft Certified Educator (62-193) exam is best suitable for –
- Individuals preparing to become classroom educators
- Current educators
- Faculty at teacher training or pre-service colleges
- Educational administrators
- Other professionals looking to provide validation of competency

Learning Objectives
Microsoft provides learning exam objectives for the 62-193 exam that help the candidates to understand and know about the concepts before preparation. Moreover, these exam concepts are provided with sections and subsections to make you learn about them in-depth. The Microsoft 62-193 exam includes training resources that provide a learning path to help you during the studying time. However, the Microsoft Certified Educator 62-193 exam objectives include:
- Advancing communication skills
- Student collaboration
- Simplifying knowledge construction
- Working on self-regulation
- Assisting in real-world problem solving and innovation
- Student use of Information and Communication Tools
- Using ICT to be an Effective Educator
Now that we have given you a brief regarding the exam, let’s begin with the study guide. However, if you somehow feel, you need to be well equipped with the details of the exam, CLICK HERE!
Microsoft Certified Educator 62-193 Study Guide
In this study guide, we’re going to provide you with each and every learning resource that is important for you to qualify the examination. Microsoft provides various methods and ways that will help you during the Microsoft Certified Educator (62-193) exam preparation. So, buckle up and get ready to prepare like you’ve never prepared before.

Begin with Microsoft Learning Platform
The learning platform by Microsoft gives candidates access to get information about the exam using the learning resources. For the Microsoft 62-193 exam, these study resources can be accessed from the official exam page. That is to say, you just have to search for the Microsoft 62-193 exam and the essential information will be provided that will help you in understanding it better. It will help the candidates to become a Microsoft Certified Educator.
Instructor Led Training
Microsoft has given an advantage to candidates providing instructor-led training. This Microsoft Certified Educator (62-193) exam training will help students to advance their communication skills, Knowledge Construction, Self-Regulation and the Real World Problem Solving and Innovation. Moreover, this will help candidates to understand the topics and sections over a short time duration.
Joining Study Groups
During the exam preparation time, it is good to join study groups. These groups will help you to stay connected with the other people who are on the same pathway as you. Moreover, here you can start any discussion about the issue related to the exam or any query. By doing so, you will get the best possible answer to your query.
Self-evaluate with Practice Tests
Practice tests are important during the time of preparation. Taking these tests will help you find out which areas you’re good at and which ones you need to work on. Time is important during the exam, so practicing with Microsoft Certified Educator 62-193 practice exams will help you get better at answering questions quickly. It’s a good idea to start doing practice tests after you’ve finished studying a whole topic because it’s like reviewing what you’ve learned. So, make sure to find good practice materials.