Market Demand for Docker Certified Associates has shown rapid growth in the IT sector. The application of Docker in enterprises has become the main driver of rising in demand. Above all, Docker container as a notion of modernization has changed the aspect of software conveyance. Docker Certification involves successfully passing the Docker Certified Associate (DCA) exam, which is a testament to your proficiency in Docker technology. Achieving such certifications can be demanding and necessitate substantial effort coupled with thorough preparation. We offer you the Docker Certified Associate Cheat Sheet, specially designed to offer a concise overview of the essential resources. Furthermore, this cheat sheet serves as a valuable guide to help you excel in the exam.
This certification helps you gain recognition for your enterprise container skills. Before diving into the cheat sheet lets first have a look at the exam details.
Docker Certified Associate Exam Details
Docker is a container platform suitable for enterprises, allowing them to effortlessly create, distribute, and operate applications across various environments. Docker’s capabilities are in high demand, and the Docker Certified Associate (DCA) exam is crafted to validate these competencies through real-world questions formulated by seasoned Docker professionals. Moreover, this exam evaluates the skills and knowledge acquired through an understanding of the responsibilities typically undertaken by existing Docker users.
Responsibilities of Docker Certified Associate
This exam is based upon critical job activities a Docker Certified Associate performs. The skills and knowledge certified by this exam represent a level of expertise where a certified Docker Associate can:
- To begin with, Run containerized applications from pre-existing images collected in a centralized registry.
- Then, Deploy images across the cluster.
- Also, Triage and resolve issue reports from stakeholders and resolve.
- Further, Standup up on Enterprise clusters with one UCP manager, one DTR replica, and one worker node.
- Moreover, Migrate traditional applications to containers.
- Eventually, Configure and troubleshoot Docker engine.
- Finally, Perform general maintenance and configuration.
Skills Required
The skills required for Docker Certified Associate certification exam include:
- Firstly, 6-months experience with Docker
- Secondly, Exposure to Docker Enterprise Edition
- Also, Experience with container security
- Further, Experience with at least 1 cloud provider
- Moreover, Understanding of Docker Best Practices
- Additionally, Experience with configuration management tools
- Finally, Experience with Linux and/or Windows Server
Quick Cheat Sheet for Docker Certified Associate
If you are revising for any exam, it is essential to get the basic details and right resources at the same time and place. This Cheat Sheet will provide you with the right strategy to ace the exam, Without further adieu lets discuss!

Docker Certified Associate Course Outline
First things first, you should deeply analyze the exam objectives as they are the most important part of your revisions. So, make sure you visit the Official website of the exam to have a clear view. Since it is the most authentic site to provide any information regarding the exam. After you’ve gone through the basic exam details. It’s time to hit the Course Outline. This Course Outline provides descriptive details about the exam concepts. It helps you tailor your study plan around the exam domains. The Docker Certified Associate exam objectives include:
Domain 1: Orchestration (25%)
- Complete the setup of a swarm mode cluster, with managers and worker nodes (Documentation: Swarm mode cluster, )
- State the differences between running a container vs running a service (Documentation: Container vs running a service)
- Demonstrate steps to lock a swarm cluster (Documentation: Lock a swarm cluster )
- Extend the instructions to run individual containers into running services under swarm (Documentation: Run individual containers into running services under swarm )
- Interpret the output of “docker inspect” commands (Documentation: Output of “docker inspect” commands)
- Convert an application deployment into a stack file using a YAML compose file with “docker stack deploy” (Documentation: “Docker stack deploy” )
- Manipulate a running stack of services (Documentation: Manipulate a running stack of services )
- Increase # of replicas (Documentation: Increase number of replicas )
- Add networks, publish ports (Documentation: Add networks, publish ports )
- Mount volumes (Documentation: Mount volumes )
- Illustrate running a replicated vs global service (Documentation: Replicated vs global service )
- Identify the steps needed to troubleshoot a service not deploying (Documentation: Steps needed to troubleshoot a service not deploying )
- Apply node labels to demonstrate placement of tasks (Documentation: Node labels to demonstrate placement of tasks )
- Sketch how a Dockerized application communicates with legacy systems (Documentation: Dockerized application communicates with legacy systems )
- Paraphrase the importance of quorum in a swarm cluster (Documentation: Importance of quorum in a swarm cluster )
- Demonstrate the usage of templates with “docker service create (Documentation: Usage of templates with “docker service create” )
Domain 2: Image Creation, Management, and Registry (20%)
- Describe Dockerfile options [add, copy, volumes, expose, entrypoint, etc) (Documentation: Dockerfile options(add, copy, volumes, expose, entrypoint, etc) )
- Show the main parts of a Dockerfile (Documentation: Main parts of a Dockerfile )
- Give examples on how to create an efficient image via a Dockerfile (Documentation: How to create an efficient image via a Dockerfile )
- Use CLI commands such as list, delete, prune, rmi, etc to manage images (Documentation: Use CLI commands such as list, delete, prune, rmi, etc to manage images )
- Inspect images and report specific attributes using filter and format (Documentation: Inspect images and report specific attributes )
- Demonstrate tagging an image (Documentation: Tagging an image)
- Utilize a registry to store an image (Documentation: Utilize a registry to store an image )
- Display layers of a Docker image (Documentation: Display layers of a Docker image )
- Apply a file to create a Docker image (Documentation: Apply a file to create a Docker image )
- Modify an image to a single layer (Documentation: Modify an image to a single layer )
- Describe how image layers work (Documentation: How image layers work)
- Deploy a registry (not architect) (Documentation: Deploy a registry)
- Configure a registry (Documentation: Configure a registry )
- Log into a registry (Documentation: Log into a registry )
- Utilize search in a registry (Documentation: Utilize search in a registry )
- Tag an image (Documentation: Tag an image )
- Push an image to a registry (Documentation: Push an image to a registry )
- Sign an image in a registry (Documentation: Sign an image in a registry )
- Pull an image from a registry (Documentation: Pull an image from a registry )
- Describe how image deletion works (Documentation: Image deletion )
- Delete an image from a registry (Documentation: Delete an image from a registry )
Domain 3: Installation and Configuration (15%)
- Demonstrate the ability to upgrade the Docker engine (Documentation: Upgrade the Docker engine )
- Complete setup of repo, select a storage driver, and complete installation of Docker engine on multiple platforms (Documentation: Complete installation of Docker engine on multiple platforms )
- Configure logging drivers (splunk, journald, etc) (Documentation: Configure logging drivers)
- Setup swarm, configure managers, add nodes, and setup backup schedule (Documentation: Setup swarm, configure managers, add nodes)
- Create and manager user and teams (Documentation: Create and manager user and teams )
- Interpret errors to troubleshoot installation issues without assistance (Documentation: Interpret errors to troubleshoot installation issues)
- Outline the sizing requirements prior to installation (Documentation: Outline the sizing requirements prior to installation )
- Understand namespaces, cgroups, and configuration of certificates (Documentation: Configuration of certificates )
- Use certificate-based client-server authentication to ensure a Docker daemon has the rights to access images on a registry (Documentation: Use certificate-based client-server authentication )
- Consistently repeat steps to deploy Docker engine, UCP, and DTR on AWS and on premises in an HA config (Documentation: )
- Complete configuration of backups for UCP and DTR (Documentation: Configuration of backups for UCP and DTR )
- Configure the Docker daemon to start on boot (Documentation: Docker daemon to start on boot )
Domain 4: Networking (15%)
- Create a Docker bridge network for a developer to use for their containers (Documentation: Docker bridge network for a developer to use for their containers )
- Troubleshoot container and engine logs to understand a connectivity issue between containers (Documentation: Troubleshoot container and engine logs )
- Publish a port so that an application is accessible externally (Documentation: Publish a port )
- Identify which IP and port a container is externally accessible on (Documentation: IP and port a container is externally accessible on )
- Describe the different types and use cases for the built-in network drivers (Documentation: Use cases for the built-in network drivers)
- Understand the Container Network Model and how it interfaces with the Docker engine and network and IPAM drivers (Documentation: Docker engine and network and IPAM drivers )
- Configure Docker to use external DNS (Documentation: Configure Docker to use external DNS )
- Use Docker to load balance HTTP/HTTPs traffic to an application (Configure L7 load balancing with Docker EE) (Documentation: Use Docker to load balance HTTP/HTTPs traffic to an application )
- Understand and describe the types of traffic that flow between the Docker engine, registry, and UCP controllers (Documentation: Understand and describe the types of traffic )
- Deploy a service on a Docker overlay network (Documentation: Deploy a service on a Docker overlay network )
- Describe the difference between “host” and “ingress” port publishing mode (Documentation: Host, Ingress )
Domain 5: Security (15%)
- Describe the process of signing an image (Documentation: Signing an image )
- Demonstrate that an image passes a security scan (Documentation: Security scan )
- Enable Docker Content Trust (Documentation: Enable Docker Content Trust )
- Demonstrate creation of UCP client bundles (Documentation: UCP client bundles )
- Configure RBAC in UCP (Documentation: Configure RBAC in UCP)
- Describe MTLS (Documentation: Describe MTLS)
- Integrate UCP with LDAP/AD (Documentation: Integrate UCP with LDAP/AD )
- Describe default engine security (Documentation: Default engine security )
- Describe swarm default security (Documentation: Swarm default security)
- Identity roles (Documentation: Identity roles)
- Describe the difference between UCP workers and managers (Documentation: UCP workers and managers)
- Describe process to use external certificates with UCP and DTR
Use the ultimate Docker Certified Associate study guide for passing the exam!
Domain 6: Storage and Volumes (10%)
- State which graph driver should be used on which OS (Documentation: State which graph driver should be used on which OS )
- Demonstrate how to configure devicemapper (Documentation: Configure devicemapper )
- Compare object storage to block storage, and explain which one is preferable when available (Documentation: Compare object storage to block storage, )
- Summarize how an application is composed of layers and where those layers reside on the filesystem (Documentation: Summarize how an application is composed of layers )
- Describe how volumes are used with Docker for persistent storage (Documentation: Describe how volumes are used with Docker )
- Identify the steps you would take to clean up unused images on a filesystem, also on DTR (Documentation: Steps you would take to clean up unused images on a filesystem, also on DTR )
- Demonstrate how storage can be used across cluster nodes (Documentation: Cluster Nodes )
Quick Links to your learning resources
Choosing the right learning resources goes without saying as your resources determine your preparation level. However, there are numerous resources to choose from. Therefore, you have to make a wise decision to select only authentic learning resources from genuine sources. Here we highlight some of these resources to supplement your revisions.
Docker Training
You also have the option to enroll in Docker’s training programs. Docker offers training programs for each exam, including the Docker Certified Associate. These training programs enhance your understanding and equip you with the necessary skills for the Docker Certified Associate certification. They enrich your learning experience and support your exam preparations by offering a comprehensive Docker Certified Associate exam guide. The Docker training for the Docker Certified Associate exam includes:
- Firstly, Docker Fundamentals
- Secondly, Docker for Enterprise Developers
- Thirdly, Docker Security Course
Grab Reference Books
Books: your old school friend, remember! Books are an easy source to acquire knowledge. So make sure you read a few and develop a great understanding of the Docker concept. You can easily read books on Docker too. But other related books will always provide an extra edge to you. Here are a few Docker Certified Associate exam books that you can go though-
- Firstly, Docker Deep Dive book by Nigel Poulton.
- Secondly, The Docker Book: Containerization is the new virtualization by James Turnbull.
Online Tutorials and Study Guides
The best way to enhance your knowledge is by referring Docker Certified Associate Exam Online Tutorials. These Tutorials provide an in-depth understanding of the exam and its concepts. Additionally, it also covers exam details and policies. Moreover, the roadmap to your success is only complete when you have the right strategy. Study Guides will be your support throughout your journey towards the exam. These guides will help you stay consistent and determined.
Attempt Practice Tests
Now, we’ve reached the final phase of exam preparation, which offers candidates valuable insights into areas requiring improvement. Are you prepared for self-assessment? It’s all about practice, practice, and more practice.
To excel in this exam, you must dedicate significant time to practice. Therefore, taking Docker Certified Associate practice exams is essential to develop your stamina for the actual exam. Engaging with practice tests will familiarize you with the nuances of the real exam. Furthermore, the results from these practice tests can either validate your existing knowledge or indicate the need for further enhancement in your study approach. Start using Docker Certified Associate (DCA) Practice Tests Now!