COBIT 5 is a recognized ISACA framework-based professional IT certification. This contains the COBIT 5 Foundation certification, which will assist you in entering this professional sector. This exam covers ISACA’s COBIT framework, which is based on expert knowledge and provides best practices for understanding, designing, implementing, and managing effective enterprise IT governance.
But wait, there’s more to talk about! In this article, we’ll explore and get to know more about the COBIT 5 foundation certification.
COBIT 5 foundation: Exam Overview
COBIT 5 Foundation exam is an introductory exam that will assist you in gaining a fundamental grasp of COBIT 5 advice, concepts, and models. This exam will assist you in the following areas:
- Firstly, gaining a full understanding of the governance and management of an organization’s internal information systems and technology.
- Secondly, this provides top management with an overview of current IT enterprise findings, identifying key problem areas of improvement.
- Lastly, this also recommends improvements, by implementing aspects of COBIT 5.
Who is best suitable for COBIT 5 Foundation?
This question may emerge, and it is also necessary to understand the target audience for the exam you are studying for. COBIT 5 is, nevertheless, appropriate for businesses of all sizes and sectors. The COBIT 5 Foundation test is designed for professionals working in assurance, security, risk, privacy/compliance, and business executives and stakeholders involved in information and IT system governance and management. Check out the roles below for a better understanding:
- Firstly, IT Manager
- Secondly, IT Quality Professionals
- IT Auditors
- Then, IT Consultants
- Next, IT Developers
- IT Operational Management
- After that, ΙT Business Leadership Management
- Lastly, Managers in IT Service providing firms
You should be aware that COBIT 5 certification comes with a free Digital Badge service. This digital emblem, which you can add to your email signature, CV, or LinkedIn after receiving certification, allows you to display your professional qualification.
COBIT 5 Certification: Skills Enhancement
- This certification will assist you in implementing the COBIT 5 framework to achieve world-class business IT governance.
- Secondly, it will aid in the creation of a common language between the IT department and the rest of the company, as well as maximizing the value provided by corporate IT.
- Eventually, you will be able to comprehend company needs, mission objectives, and priorities. You will also be able to assist firms in complying with applicable laws, rules, contractual agreements, and policies.
- Lastly, by gaining knowledge and comprehension of the COBIT 5 directions, concepts, and models, you will be able to further your career.
Knowledge Facts:
You should be aware that APMG has been a COBIT 5 certification partner with ISACA since 2012. APMG and its training partners have also given over 50,000 COBIT 5 tests throughout the world. Most significantly, the COBIT 5 architecture is adaptable to a wide range of situations and job functions.
COBIT 5 foundation: Exam Details
The COBIT 5 Foundation certification test is an entry-level, closed-book exam. There will be 50 questions on each paper in this test. In addition, the COBIT 5 Foundation Questions will be multiple choice. A total of 40 minutes will be given to you to finish the exam. Furthermore, passing the test necessitates a score of 25 or above (50%) on the exam. Questions for the COBIT 5 Foundation Exam are accessible in the following languages: English, French, German, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), and Latin Spanish.

COBIT 5: Exam Learning Areas
In the COBIT 5 Foundation exam, the key things you will learn are:
- To start, we’ll dive into the IT management problems and difficulties that impact businesses.
- Next up, we’ll explore the 5 main principles of COBIT 5, focusing on governing and managing enterprise IT.
- Then, we’ll understand how COBIT 5 allows for the comprehensive governance and management of IT across the whole enterprise.
- Finally, we’ll cover the fundamental ideas for putting COBIT 5 into action.
Continuing the above learning area section, Now we will understand the five major principles of COBIT 5.
COBIT 5 principles
The COBIT 5 Foundation Syllabus contains five fundamental COBIT 5 concepts. This includes the following:

Principle 1: Meeting Stakeholder Needs
- Firstly, enterprises exist to create value for their stakeholders. That is to say, enterprises have many stakeholders, and ‘creating value’ means sometimes conflicting.
- Secondly, governance is about negotiating and deciding amongst different stakeholders’ value interests.
- Thirdly, the governance system should consider all stakeholders when making a benefit, resource, and risk assessment decisions.
- Next, the stakeholder needs have to be transformed into an enterprise’s practical strategy.
- COBIT 5 goals cascade turns stakeholder needs into clear, practical, and tailored goals. These goals are set within the framework of the enterprise, IT-related objectives, and enabler goals.
Principle 2: Covering the Enterprise End-to-end:
- Firstly, COBIT 5 addresses the governance and management of information and related technology from an enterprise-wide, end-to-end perspective. However, this means that COBIT 5 integrates governance of enterprise IT into enterprise governance as well as covers all functions and processes within the enterprise.
Principle 3: Applying a Single Integrated Framework:
- Firstly, COBIT 5 aligns with the latest relevant other standards and frameworks used by enterprises:
- Enterprise: COSO, COSO ERM, ISO/IEC 9000, ISO/IEC 31000
- IT-related: ISO/IEC 38500, ITIL, ISO/IEC 27000 series, TOGAF, PMBOK/PRINCE2, CMMI
- However, this allows the enterprise to use COBIT 5 as the overarching governance and management framework integrator.
- Lastly, the ISACA plans a capability to facilitate COBIT user mapping of practices and activities to third-party references.
Principle 4: Enabling a Holistic Approach
COBIT 5 enablers are:
- Firstly, factors that, individually and collectively, influence whether something will work.
- Secondly, driven by the goals cascade. Therefore, higher-level IT-related goals define what the different enablers should achieve
- Lastly, described by the COBIT 5 framework in seven categories.
Further, enabling a Holistic Approach include:
- Firstly, Processes. This is to describe an organized set of practices and activities for achieving certain objectives and produce a set of outputs in support of achieving overall IT-related goals
- Secondly, Organisational structures. These are the key decision-making entities in an organization.
- Thirdly, Culture, ethics, and behavior. This means of individuals and of the organization.
- Next, Principles, policies, and frameworks. These are the vehicles for translating the desired behavior into practical guidance for day-to-day management.
- Next, Information. This is general throughout any organization.
- After that, Services, infrastructure, and applications. This includes the infrastructure, technology, and applications for providing the enterprise with information technology processing and services.
- Lastly, People, skills, and competencies. These are linked to people and are necessary for the successful completion of all activities and for making correct decisions and taking corrective actions.
Systemic governance and management through interconnected enablers
For achieving the main objectives of the enterprise, it must always consider an interconnected set of enablers.
- Firstly, it needs the input of other enablers to be fully effective. For example, processes need information, organizational structures need skills and behavior.
- Secondly, it delivers output to the benefit of other enablers. For example, processes that deliver information, skills and behavior make processes efficient.
- However, this is a KEY principle emerging from the ISACA development work around the Business Model for Information Security (BMIS).
Principle 5: Separating Governance From Management:
- Firstly, the COBIT 5 framework makes a clear distinction between governance and management. Where these two disciplines are responsible for:
- Encompassing different types of activities
- Requiring different organizational structures
- Serving different purposes
- Governance is the responsibility of the board of directors under the leadership of the chairperson.
- Secondly, governance ensures that stakeholders’ needs, conditions, and options are evaluated for determining balanced, agreed-on enterprise objectives to be achieved.
- Next, it sets direction through prioritization and decision making. Thus, monitoring performance and compliance against agreed-on direction and objectives (EDM).
- Management is the responsibility of the executive management under the leadership of the CEO. It plans, builds, runs, and monitors activities in alignment with the direction set by the governance body for achieving the enterprise objectives (PBRM).
In the upcoming sections, we will learn about the study methods that will be useful during the exam preparation time.
COBIT 5 Foundation Study Guide:
1. ISACA: Study and Training Resources
ISACA offers a variety of COBIT 5 Foundation Test Study Materials to aid in your exam preparation. This is also working on a portfolio of education and training to support COBIT 5. This allows applicants to train with an expert face-to-face and professionals to learn more precisely.
ISACA training will provide you with the necessary tools, strategies, and insights. And, by directly contacting you from top teachers and practitioners in information systems and IT, these COBIT 5 Foundation Online Courses will assist you in addressing all of your questions. It will also assist you in expanding your network, employment skills, and professional progression chances.
Next, ISACA provides a reference COBIT 5 Foundation Book:

The COBIT 5 framework offers an end-to-end business view of enterprise IT governance. This emphasizes the importance of information and technology in generating value for businesses. COBIT 5’s principles, practices, analytic tools, and models, on the other hand, reflect worldwide thought leadership and advice from business, IT, and governance professionals.
You should be aware that COBIT 5 is the sole business framework for corporate IT governance and management. This document outlines widely accepted ideas, techniques, analytical tools, and models for improving information system trust and value.
2. COBIT 5 foundation: Practice tests
It is critical to appraise oneself throughout exam preparation. And the most effective method to do it is, to begin with, the COBIT 5 Foundation Practice Exam. This will not assist you in improving your time management or response abilities. However, it will enable you to comprehend and learn about your areas of weakness. What’s more, getting the one-of-a-kind exam practice exams is crucial. This may be accomplished by doing some research and devoting some effort to finding the test; however, there are several places available where you can obtain Practice tests for the COBIT 5 Foundation exam.
Testprep Training’s practice exams, for example, give a full analysis of your performance, highlighting your strengths and weaknesses. It also includes full-length practice tests with 150 unique objective-based questions based on the exam syllabus. And, you will get a detailed explanation for every question with lifetime access to the practice tests.
Expert’s Corner
COBIT 5 foundation might be the initial step toward reaching your career in GRC and IT Governance for people interested in these subjects. You may earn digital badges by becoming ISACA certified. Acclaim manages these badges and ensures that your credentials are secure and protected. You may also safely exhibit your skills online and share your real-time, verifiable achievements with potential employers, as well as export them for use on other platforms and social media. In general, getting the COBIT certification can help you advance in your profession. Furthermore, for COBIT 5 Foundation Exam Preparation, you can get assistance from approved training providers and assess yourself utilizing practice exams. So study hard and pass the exam.