The CIS-Application Portfolio Management certification exam validates your proficiency in ServiceNow APM implementation. Taking this certification will enhance your experience in configuring, implementing, and maintaining the ServiceNow Application Portfolio Management, which is inclusive of associated reports, portals, and integrations.
Target Audience: CIS-Application Portfolio Management:
The CIS-APM Servicenow exam is designed primarily for all ServiceNow customers, partners, sales engineers, employees. This exam aims to boost up the expertise of candidates to become a ServiceNow APM Certified Implementation Specialist.
Recommended Knowledge & Education:
Candidates seeking to take the ServiceNow Application Portfolio Management Certification exam must have completed the given training and courses –
- Firstly, ServiceNow Fundamentals (ILT)
- Secondly, ServiceNow Implementation Methodology (SIM) Fundamentals (eLearning)
- Subsequently, ServiceNow Platform Implementation (ILT)
- Further, ServiceNow Certified System Administrator
- Then, Performance Analytics Essentials
Exam Prerequisites:
ServiceNow requires the finishing of the accompanying essential preparing course(s) in groundwork for the application Portfolio Management In Servicenow exam.
- Application Portfolio Management Fundamentals
- And,Servicenow Application Portfolio Management Implementation – After completing this training course, candidates will be eligible to collect a voucher to take the official certification exam
Additional Recommended Experience:
- To begin with, candidates must have at least six months of field experience in working on ServiceNow deployment projects and also in the maintenance of ServiceNow instances
- Then, candidates must also have participated in at least two ServiceNow deployment projects
- Also, candidates must be familiar with the industry concepts, terminology, acronyms, and initialisms
Study Guide for CIS-Application Portfolio Management Exam
How thoroughly you prepare for the exam will impact how well you do. To ace the exam, select the materials that are most suited to your learning style and level of comprehension. In the marketplace, there are several resources to choose from. Make sure to include resources in your preparations list that are relevant to your needs and will help you learn more effectively. So let’s have a look at this study guide and see what we can learn about these sites.

Step 1 – Refer the Exam Guide
Before heading towards your preparation journey, you must get yourself familiar with the main objectives of the CIS- Application Portfolio Management (APM) certification exam. ServiceNow provides the candidates taking its certification, with a well-structured Exam guide. Knowing the exam objectives is very important to get an insight into the exam. So visit the Official website of ServiceNow, to have a clearer view of the exam guide. A thorough analysis will let you align yourself more deeply with the chief objectives if the exam. And hence, enabling you to gain the required command to earn your desired certification. This exam covers the following domains:
- Firstly, Domain 1- Introduction: This domain covers the concepts of APM in ServiceNow and Plugins & Roles. Then, CSDM and Maturity Model.
- Secondly, Domain 2- Applications Under Management : This domain is much focused on Categorization, Data Certification, Application Services and Guided Setup.
- Further, Domain 3- Basic Rationalization : This domain includes the APM Scoring, Business Capabilities, Demand/Information Portfolio and Integration with ITSM.
- Lastly, Domain 4- Advanced Rationalization : It focuses on Technology Portfolio Management and Application Cost Model.
- Lastly, Domain 5-Fundamentals : This domain covers topics for Rationalization Process, Navigating APM and The Big Picture. Also, APM Portal & Dashboards and Stakeholders.
Step 2 – Explore Learning Path
ServiceNow publishes every minute update and details related to the CIS-Application Portfolio Management (APM) certification exam, on its Learning Platform. Here, you can get all the exam related details. The ServiceNow Learning Path will also provide you with several training and courses for the reference of the candidates taking the CIS-Application Portfolio Management (APM) exam.
Step 3 – Enrol for Servicenow Application Portfolio Management Training
Moreover, ServiceNow offers Instructor-led Training, with the help of subject matter experts, for the candidates seeking to take the CIS-Application Portfolio Management certification exam. The course is specifically framed to give candidates, the ability to apply their skills in Application Portfolio Management. It aims to enhance your proficiency as an Application Portfolio Management Implementation Specialist. This course is primarily for experienced ServiceNow customers, partners, sales engineers, employees, and helps them gain knowledge in the field of assets management.
- Firstly, ServiceNow Fundamentals (ILT)
- Secondly, ServiceNow Implementation Methodology (SIM) Fundamentals (e-Learning)
- Thirdly, ServiceNow Platform Implementation (ILT)
- Also, ServiceNow Certified System Administrator
- Then, Performance Analytics Essentials
Step 4 – Join the Online Community/ Forum
A healthy discussion is always beneficial, no matter where it is done. The prospects of getting resolutions to an issue increase steeply when a greater number of people are involved. Also, multiple viewpoints make the stuff more dynamic. These discussions make the studies more comprehensive. Introverts get a chance to express themselves, who might otherwise prefer staying out of discussions. Forums work really well to build a community that is essential for understanding others.
Step 5 – Self-evaluation Time – Practice Exam
Regardless of how you prepare for the CIS-Application Portfolio Management Exam, a practice run or two can help you in more ways than you might expect. Taking a practice test is a great way to diversify your study strategy and ensure the best possible results. Analyzing your answers will help you identify the areas where you need to give special attention to, and will also let you know your alignment with the exam objectives. Further, you must attempt multiple Servicenow Application Portfolio Management practice tests to boost your confidence. Lets start practising to analyse our preparations!