Are you preparing for the SAP C_S4FCF_1809 exam ? Looking for a cheat sheet to start your revisions? Then you have hit the goldmine. This expert Cheat Sheet is all you need to pass the exam. It is your ideal instrument to add this credential to your resume. Becoming a SAP Certified Application Associate makes your resume shine and helps you elevate your career. We know that certifications from SAP convey that you are a capable and professionally driven person but studying for them is a challenge. So lets equip you with all the right tools you need to crack this exam.
SAP C_S4FCF_1809 Overview
C_S4FCF_1809- SAP Certified Application Associate – Central Finance in SAP S4HANA certification exam confirms that a candidate possesses the essential knowledge needed for the Central Finance profile. This exam attests that the candidate has a comprehensive understanding and advanced technical skills to contribute effectively as a team member in a mentoring role within a project.
Learning Objectives : C_S4FCF_1809
The main objective of SAP Certified Application Associate C_S4FCF_1809 Exam are-
- Firstly, Understanding the use cases of sap central finance
- Secondly, Explaining the concept and architecture of central finance
- Thirdly, Understanding the main requirements in the sap central finance project
- Further, Providing basic knowledge on how to setting up and configuring a sap central finance landscape
- Also, Providing basic knowledge on how to execute a sap central finance project
Cheat Sheet | SAP C_S4FCF_1809
Preparing for an exam involves a considerable amount of effort and consistent revision. It serves as the gateway to a successful career, unlocking various opportunities. Achieving SAP C_S4FCF_1809 Certification is not an overnight feat; it demands time, dedication, passion, effort, and an open mind. Our Cheat Sheet is your companion throughout this journey. Follow it diligently to succeed in your first attempt at the exam.

Review the Exam Objectives
The official site for the SAP C_S4FCF_1809 exam provides information on various technicalities and other aspects of the exam. It is the most authentic source of information and updates. Additionally, familiarizing yourself with the course is an important step for your revisions. Remember to have complete clarity about the exam course and concepts. The SAP C_S4FCF_1809 exam covers the following domains:
1. Initial Load in Central Finance (> 12%)
- Firstly, Describing how to set a filter for the initial load of cost object.
- Secondly, Resolving errors of cost object initial load.
- Thirdly, Executing initial load of fi/co postings.
- Also, Resolving errors of fi/co posting initial load.
- Further, Set filter for the initial load of co internal posting, and resolving errors of co internal posting initial load.
- Furthermore, Defining validation and reconciliation in central finance.
- Lastly, Performing reconciliation reports in central finance.
(SAP Reference: Initial Load in central Finance)
2. Real time Replication in Central Finance (8% – 12%)
- To begin with, Describing prerequisites to activate real time replication.
- Then, Starting real time replication.
- Subsequently, Correcting errors of real time replication.
- Further, Explaining the document flow functionality of central finance.
- Lastly, Performing document drill back from target system to source system.
(SAP Reference: Central Finance)
3. System Landscape Transformation Server (SLT) (8% – 12%)
- Describing options for activating data replication and how to transfer data, including how to change structures to source tables during replication.
- Also, Configuring client specific and cross client replication.
- Moreover, Describing starting recording and replication.
(SAP Reference: SLT Configuration for Data Replication)
4. SAP Master Data Governance (8% – 12%)
- To begin with, Describing mdg central governance and mass processing.
- Then, Describing the general concepts and capabilities of sap mdg, central governance.
- Further, Activating and configuring the default processes for mdg. defining mdg data models.
(SAP Reference: Central Finance Configuration-A Pathway to S/4HANA)
5. Central Finance Setup and Configuration (8% – 12%)
- Firstly, Configuring the scope for the initial load of fi/co posting.
- Secondly, Defining decimal places for currencies.
- Thirdly, Differentiating between key mapping and value mapping.
- Also, Defining mapping actions for mapping entities.
- Further, Defining key mapping and value mappings.
- Subsequently, Configuring cost object mapping scenarios.
6. Enhancements in the Controlling Area (CO-PA, WBS) (8% – 12%)
- Explaining improvements made when replicating from costing-based co-pa into profitability analysis in the universal journal.
- Then, Understanding account-based co-pa cogs split in central finance.
- Defining account-based co-pa price split in central finance.
- Additionally, Describing the new replication scenario for internal ec-pca postings.
- Explaining the simulation tool for ec-pca and the profit center comparison report.
- Likewise, Describing how wbs elements and project structures can be transferred to central finance to enable a central reporting on projects.
(SAP Reference: Defining Versions)
7. Corporate Finance Processes supported by Central Finance (8% – 12%)
- Defining centralization of finance operations.
- Describing intercompany reconciliation in central finance.
- Determine open item management in central finance.
- Configuring central payments and central down payments.
- Describing ar/ap reporting in central finance.
- Defining sap credit management.
- Describing the integration of credit management with central finance and the relationship between credit management and central payments.
(SAP Reference: Central Finance, Different views on what is Central Finance)
8. System Integration Concepts (< 8%)
- Describing technical communications modes and processes.
- Designing the types of communication transfer modes.
- Explaining business scenarios and the business hierarchy used by sapconfiguring rfc between two sap systems, or non-sap system.
9. Run Phase in Central Finance (< 8%)
- Designing the sap s/4 hana central finance project phases.
- Determining the sap s/4hana central finance pilot approach.
- Describing the required organizational change with sap s/4hana central finance.
- Determining the stakeholders involved in a central finance project.
- Defining the change enablers and key success factors.
- Designing the operation model for central finance, and daily operations that might be needed in central finance.
10. Central Finance Landscape Architecture (< 8%)
- Defining options to sap s/4hana central finance architecture links source systems to the central finance system.
- Designing slt techchnical integration platform for central finance.
- Describing mdg function in central finance for master harmonization.
- Descripting aif as interface and monitoring for central finance.
11. Integration Technology ALE (< 8%)
- Differentiating application link enabling (ale) from electronic data interchange (ed).
- Defining logical system or logical system name, message type, and distribution model.
- Designing distribution model.
- Configuring logical system names and assign them to clients in sap systems.
(SAP Reference: ALE Integration Technology
12. Additional Features (< 8%)
- Describing the new replication scenario for internal ec-pca postings.
- Explaining the simulation tool for ec-pca and the profit center comparison report.
- Describing how wbs elements and project structures can be transferred to central finance to enable a central reporting on projects.
Start preparing using the SAP C_S4FCF_1809 Study Guide!
Have a look at Study Resources
There are plenty of online and offline study resources available for the SAP C_S4FCF_1809 exam preparation. You should definitely refer all these study resources and choose the one that best suits you.
SAP Learning Hub
SAP gives candidates access to learning hubs to help them in building and maintaining their skills with:
- Firstly, self-paced digital learning content that includes e-books.
- Then, expert-led social learning forums.
- Also, access to preconfigured training systems for real-world practice.
Candidates will have access to a community of learners and self-paced e-learning courses with expert-led live sessions, and collaborative social learning rooms. Moreover, this will enhance your SAP skills as well as it will help you to connect with SAP experts. It provides access to SAP live that helps candidates to get hands-on system practice.
Self-paced Training
SAP offers self-paced training, providing candidates with various learning styles and meeting subject-matter requirements. This training is beneficial for project team members, support professionals, end-users, and power users, catering to their needs from any location. It encompasses two modes:
SAP E-Learning
SAP E-Learning offers access to individual courses that are highly interactive and web-based. It allows candidates to undertake and provide timely, focused training for organizations. E-learning students have the flexibility to choose when and where they access their training, and they can review learning units as many times as necessary. Additionally, E-learning courses incorporate highly effective instructional elements and simulations based on real-world business scenarios.
SAP E-Academy
SAP E-Academy refers to an e-learning solution-based course that helps students to achieve expertise in specific SAP solution areas or prepare for a certification exam. However, with SAP E-Academies, you will have access to a self-paced learning environment enabling them to access:
Firstly, Online Learning Content
In this the content is delivered to candidates in an e-learning format consisting of presentation slides with audio commentary, system demonstration/practice simulations, slide notes, and mentor tips. This will provide a brief SAP C_S4FCF_1809 syllabus.
Secondly, SAP Training Systems
With this the student can use the live training systems hands-on to test their own business process scenarios, complete exercises from their student manual and view demonstrations.
Also, Help Desk Support
SAP offers help desk support during the entire learning access period, addressing all queries within 24 hours from Monday to Friday. Students receive technical support for the unique features of their learning environment.
Instructor Led Training
SAP offers Instructor-led training, providing candidates with a hands-on learning experience guided by a subject matter expert. Additionally, there’s the option of virtual live classroom (VLC) training, offering the same comprehensive live training from SAP experts but without the need to travel, thanks to seamless over-the-web connectivity. Lastly, there is customer-specific training, where candidates receive the same comprehensive live training from SAP experts but tailored for their company.
SAP Training Course
To ensure success, SAP recommends training courses to help candidates prepare for the exam. These SAP C_S4FCF_1809 training courses are intended to ensure that the candidates strong understanding of SAP exams, starting from their basics. Also, Training courses by SAP increases your ability to apply the knowledge you have gained in training. Each domain covered in the exam has its respective trianing courses that be taken online at the SAP official website.
Online Tutorials and Study Guide
Online Tutorials boost your understanding and provide in-depth knowledge of exam concepts. Furthermore, SAP C_S4FCF_1809 Study Guides will be your companions throughout your exam preparation journey. These resources assist in maintaining consistency and determination, enhancing your overall learning experience.
Practice Test
The evolution of practice tests from pen-paper to online mode has done nothing but added more efficiency to exam preparation process. The use of SAP C_S4FCF_1809 practice exam tests helps the potential aspirants to sail through the exam with complete ease. Reason being, candidates are already aware of the exam environment. Also, they have a cue regarding questions that will appear in the actual scheduled exams. Moreover, attempting multiple practice tests is vital for boosting confidence. Lets Self Evaluate our performance with Practice Tests!