The certification exam can be a bit stressful than your regular exams. That is the reason why candidates always in search of a study guide that can help them clear the exam. Keeping that in mind, we at Testprep Training have curated study guides that will allow the candidates to achieve their goals. This study guide incorporated all the updated and advanced learning resources that will allow you to look and understand the objective in a different light. So, with a further due, let’s begin with C_C4HMC92 SAP Marketing Cloud (1902) study Guide. However, we believe, it would be better for you to first have a brief about the exam. So, here you go.
Exam Description
The globally recognised SAP certifications help you validate your skills and expertise. The SAP Certified Technology Associate (C_C4HMC92 ) – Marketing Cloud (1902) Implementation exam is one such certification that verifies your knowledge and technical skills as an SAP Technology Associate in Sap Marketing Cloud (1902) Implementation projects.
The “SAP Certified Technology Associate – SAP Marketing Cloud (1902) Implementation” certification exam checks if you have the basic knowledge needed for the role of a technology consultant. It shows that you have a good overall understanding and deep technical skills to work on an SAP Marketing Cloud project with guidance. However, remember that this certification is recommended for beginners.
Learning Objectives
The SAP C_C4HMC92 certification exam covers the following Learning Objectives:
- Dynamic Customer Profiling
- Segments, Campaigns and Journeys
- Administration Tasks
- Integration and Data Upload
- Onboarding and getting started
- Extensibility
- Analytics and Reporting
- Marketing Planning and Performance
- Commerce Marketing
- Lead and Account-Based Marketing
Now that we have provided you with a brief, it’s time for you to begin and understand all the learning resources. But, in case you wish to deeply dive in the exam details and syllabus, then you can visit the SAP C_C4HMC92 Learning Tutorial page here!

Study Guide for C_C4HMC92 SAP Marketing Cloud (1902)
This is no ordinary exam guide, here we are providing you with each and every learning resource so that this SAP C_C4HMC92 Certification Exam doesn’t feel like a burden. So, let’s begin with our first step in the guide.

Establish a Study Routine
Give yourself a study plan and make sure you focus on your study time. If you don’t, it’s easy to delay or avoid studying. Find out when you learn best and have the fewest distractions. A peaceful place will help you stay focused and get ready for the SAP C_C4HMC92 Exam.
Review and Understanding the Objectives
While preparing for the SAP C_C4HMC92 certification exam, one must first go through all the exam objectives and details. This implies, to first review all the exam objectives, before sitting for the exam. Therefore, make sure to go through the following details-
- First and foremost, Dynamic Customer Profiling
- Secondly, Segments, Campaigns and Journeys
- Subsequently, Administration Tasks
- Moving on, Integration and Data Upload
- Also, Onboarding and getting started
- Extensibility
- Furthermore, Analytics and Reporting
- Marketing Planning and Performance
- Commerce Marketing
- Lastly, Lead and Account-Based Marketing
SAP Learning Hub
SAP also provides you with cloud-based access to a comprehensive SAP skill-building knowledge base called the SAP Learning Hub. This is inclusive of the following –
- Self-paced digital learning content – learning journeys, e-books
- Expert-led social learning forums
- Preconfigured training systems for real-world practice
You will have access to a community of learners and self-paced e-learning courses with expert-led live sessions, and collaborative social learning rooms. Moreover, this will enhance your SAP skills as well as it will help you to connect with SAP experts. It also offers access to SAP live that provides you hands-on system experience which is very important for this practically oriented exam.
Go for a Training Course
Training Courses are a must while preparing for any exam. They provide you with real-world experience of the concepts. There are various SAP C_C4HMC92 training courses available in the market. Remember to select the one that helps you accomplish the goals for the exam.
SAP also offers its own Training Course for this exam. Training from SAP guarantee high-quality content and hand-on training. SAP provides Instructor-led training as well as online classes for the exam.
SAP Marketing Cloud Key Features & Extensibility
This course is created to help you really understand how to use the SAP Marketing Cloud solution for important business situations. By taking this course, you will be ready to:
- Understanding the underlying technical concepts in SAP Marketing Cloud
- Developing an understanding about how SAP Marketing Cloud supports different marketing processes
- Performing configurations using the “Manage Your Solution” application
- Enhancing the standard features of the solution by leveraging various extensibility applications
Join Online Community
Online discussion boards and study groups are excellent resources for preparing for the SAP C_C4HMC92 Exam. You can reach out to other candidates through these forums or groups if you have questions about a topic you’re struggling with. But remember, it’s your choice to join or not; it’s subjective. These online groups also keep you connected with others who are on a similar journey. Plus, you can ask questions about any topic you find challenging.
Don’t Forget Practice Tests
Practice tests prepare you for the real exams in a very systematic manner. Self-evaluation is the key hence attempting practice tests is the final nail in your preparation journey. We know practice makes a man perfect. Therefore attempting an ample number of SAP C_C4HMC92 practice questions will make sure that you are ready for the exam. Moreover, these exams help you analyse areas that need improvement. Strengthening your weaker domains will surely bring success in the exam. Start Practicing Now!