Do you advance your career prospects with a professional certification? Are you going to take the C_BW4HANA_20 SAP exam to make it through this competitive world? Then you are definitely at the right place. It is certain that certifications help you breathe life into your career aspirations and also you begin fulfilling your real potential. Furthermore, by acing the SAP C_BW4HANA_20 Reporting Modeling & Data Acquisition exam, you position yourself for a salary above the market average and open doors to new opportunities and responsibilities.
Before embarking on your preparation journey for the exam you may want to take have a look at the exam format, that also includes the type of questions you are going to see on the exam day. It is really important to do your research first to ensure this exam is right for you. To help you out on this we are here with all you need. Lets understand more about the exam format to ace the exam.
SAP C_BW4HANA_20 : Overview
The Reporting, Modeling and Data Acquisition with SAP BW/4HANA 2.x certification exam certifies that the candidate maintains the fundamental and core knowledge required in the profile of modelling, data acquisition and query design with SAP BW/4HANA. To become an SAP Certified Application Associate, one has to clear this exam. This certification confirms that the candidate has a broad understanding and advanced technical skills to contribute as a mentor in a project team. It is often suggested as a starting point for those entering the field.
Target Audience
C_BW4HANA_20 SAP certification exam is recommended for candidates having entry-level qualifications with an understanding of SAP BW/4HANA in query design, modelling and data acquisition.
Exam Format | SAP C_BW4HANA_20
The exam format acts as a blueprint for the exam. It covers all the aspects and helps you understand the exam more clearly. Before we dive deeper let’s make sure we have all the details in check before finally testing our feet for the final race.
- Firstly, talking about the C_BW4HANA_20 SAP exam questions, there will be a total of 80 questions. Also, you get only 180 minutes to complete the exam. Therefore you need to maintain adequate speed with great accuracy.
- Secondly, this exam covers Multiple Choice questions. You need to be very sure of your answer before marking it. We suggest you to use the method of elimination. It will help you strike out all the wrong options and figure out the right one easily.
- Moreover, the exam is available in English and German language only.
- In addition to it, the exam registration fee is USD $549 plus the taxes. But one must check according to their own region since the price varies from country to country.
- Further, as for the qualifying bar, candidates must score 64% and above to pass the exam.
Registering for the exam
To register for the exam, follow the below-mentioned steps:
- Firstly, Go to to Registers or login
- Then, Select the certification you want to buy and add that to the basket.
- Further, Purchase the exam by making payment and then you will also get access to the learning hub.
- Upon entering the learning hub, you’ll encounter a dashboard displaying your purchased exam and its status. You can proceed to schedule your exam from this interface.
Rules for registration in Asia-Pacific region
The registration rules for SAP certification vary significantly in the Asia-Pacific region, including India. It’s crucial to delve into these differences in more detail as they directly impact the total cost of becoming a certified SAP specialist.
- To take the associate level certification without attending an SAP course, you must have at least one year of SAP implementation experience or two years of support experience.
- Additionally, you need a minimum of six months of experience in the specific SAP module and version you want to be certified in.
- Your most recent year of work experience should be with your current employer, who must be a customer or partner of SAP.
Recertification Policy
SAP certifications are valid for 3 years. To renew your certifications, you have to pass delta or stay current assessments when a newer version of a solution is released.
Retake policy
Candidates can take the exam up to three times in one release of the exam. If the candidate does not pass the exam after three attempts, then he/she have to re-register for the next release of the exam. If a candidate does not pass the next release after three attempts then, they will not be able to retake the exam until the next edition is released, that is within 1 year.
Course Outline
Every certification exam comes with its own preparation tactics. SAP defines them as the “Topic Areas”. These topic areas form the syllabus of the exam. So you must focus and put your whole heart while learning and understanding this list of modules mentioned below. For better C_BW4HANA_20 SAP preparation, go through the below topics:
Topic 1: SAP BW/4HANA Modeling (12%)
- To begin with, Describing SAP BW/4HANA 2.x model options and recommend best-practice standards like LSA++
Topic 2: SAP BW Query Design (12%)
- Then, Creating and executing a BW query with SAP BW/4HANA 2.x
Topic 3: Data Acquisition into SAP HANA (8%- 12%)
- Also, Integrating different sources to SAP HANA.
Topic 4: SAP BW/4HANA Project and the Modeling Process (8%-12%)
- Moreover, Guiding an SAP BW/4HANA 2.x project.
Topic 5: Native SAP HANA Modeling (8%-12%)
- Further, Describing native SAP HANA model options.
Topic 6: Fundamentals (8%-12%)
- Additionally, Defining the terms and basic concepts of SAP BW/4HANA 2.x
Prepare for C_BW4HANA_20 SAP Certification Exam using the Study Guide!
Topic 7: SAP BW/4HANA Data Flow (8%-12%)
- Furthermore, Loading data with SAP BW/4HANA 2.x
Topic 8: InfoObjects and InfoProviders (8%-12%)
- Likewise, Using InfoObjects and InfoProviders with SAP BW/4HANA 2.x
Topic 9: SAP Analytics Tools (8%-12%)
- Subsequently, Analyzing data with analytics tools such as Lumira, SAC, and Analysis for Office
Topic 10: Data Acquisition into SAP BW/4HANA (8%-12%)
- Finally, Integrate different sources to SAP BW/4HANA 2.x.
Are you feeling anxious after viewing this vast course outline? Don’t worry as we have the best resources for you in our next section. They will enrich your preparations and help you achieve this certification.
Preparatory Resources for SAP C_BW4HANA_20

You need the best preparation strategy to pass the exam with flying colors. This means you need to use a combination of resources to enrich your preparations. But selecting the best resources according to your ease and level of understanding is quite tough. Moreover, this selection of resources will determine how well will you qualify for your exam. Therefore, you must begin with the Official Site of the C_BW4HANA_20 SAP exam. You need to have complete understanding of all the concepts to achieve this credential.
After reviewing all the exam objectives, it’s time to head over to SAP learning Hub. On this very portal, you find everything you require to qualify for the SAP C_BW4HANA_20 Exam. Moreover, you can join the SAP Virtual Classroom Training. These are usually taught by competent SAP experts. Additionally, these include access to the live SAP system for comprehensive and immersive learning. So, you can subscribe to a single course or multiple courses.
Moreover, you can ease the pressure with SAP E-academy, which helps you prepare for the SAP certification exam. It’s easily accessible, offering self-paced courses with access ranging from 1 to 5 months. In the same vein to learn from experts you may join the SAP Online Community. Also online forums are fruitful as they connect you with other candidates appearing for the same.
Finally, you must refer Online Tutorials and Study Guide to stay on the right track. Tutorials cover all you need to know about the exam from its policies to the strategies. Moreover, the study guide will enable you to devise the right study plan that helps you stay consistent and determined. All in all these resources will definitely broaden your knowledge horizon and make you an asset for your organisation.
Expert Corner
This new model of virtual economy has brought colossal opportunities for everyone. To attain this competitive advantage, one needs to have an edge over others in terms of creativity, imagination, and credentials. With a clear objective to improve and raise one’s professional benchmark, a person should enhance his/her sphere through certifications. Therefore the C_BW4HANA_20 SAP exam is all you need to climb your career ladder. But before everything else, you must be ready with all the important details of the exam. Knowing the exam format goes a long way in your preparations. Once you are done preparing for the exam, its time to check your preparations. Self-Evaluation is the key and hence your next step is to go for practice tests. The more you’re going to practice, the better for you. So, attempt as many practice tests as you can. Start using C_BW4HANA_20 practice tests Now!