If you are revising for any exam, it is essential to get the basic details and right resources at the same time and place. You are definitely in luck today as we provide you with the C_BW4HANA_20 SAP Reporting Modeling & Data AcquisitioCheat Sheet. This Cheat Sheet is the ideal instrument to have an overview of the exam. It provides access to all the right tools and resources you need to pass the exam, with flying colours. But before diving into your revision journey lets have an overview of the exam.
SAP C_BW4HANA_20: Overview
The SAP Reporting, Modeling and Data Acquisition C_BW4HANA_20 exam certifies that the candidate maintains the fundamental and core knowledge required in the profile of modelling, data acquisition and query design with SAP BW/4HANA. To become an SAP Certified Application Associate, one has to clear this exam. This certification validates that the candidate has an overall knowledge and in‐depth technical abilities to join as a member of a project team in a mentoring role.
Target Audience
SAP C_BW4HANA_20 Reporting Modeling & Data Acquisition exam is recommended for candidates having entry-level qualification with understanding of SAP BW/4HANA in query design, modelling and data acquisition.
Cheat Sheet | SAP C_BW4HANA_20
Revising for any exam is no less than a job. Lots of hard work, determination and consistency are required day in day out to achieve this credential. Our Cheat Sheet will help you to have a smooth journey towards your Reporting, Modeling and Data Acquisition with C_BW4HANA_20 Exam.

Review the C_BW4HANA_20 Exam Objectives
While revising for the certification exam, one must first go through all the exam objectives and details. This implies, to first review all the exam objectives, before sitting for the exam. The course domains should be very clear in your mind. You need to have complete understanding of all the concepts to achieve this credential. Therefore, make sure to go through the following domains covered in this exam:
Topic 1: SAP BW/4HANA Modeling (12%)
- Describing SAP BW/4HANA 2.x model options and recommend best-practice standards like LSA++ (SAP Documentation: BW430 (SAP BW/4HANA 2.0) )
Topic 2: SAP BW Query Design (12%)
- Creating and executing a BW query with SAP BW/4HANA 2.x (SAP Documentation: BW405 (SAP BW/4HANA 2.0 SP00)
Topic 3: Data Acquisition into SAP HANA8% (12%)
- Integrating different sources to SAP HANA.(SAP Documentation: BW450 (SAP BW/4HANA 2.0)
Topic 4: SAP BW/4HANA Project and the Modeling Process (8%-12%)
- Guiding an SAP BW/4HANA 2.x project.(SAP Documentation: BW430 (SAP BW/4HANA 2.0)
Topic 5: Native SAP HANA Modeling (8%-12%)
- Describing native SAP HANA model options. (SAP Documentation: BW410 (SAP BW/4HANA 2.0 SP01 and BW430 (SAP BW/4HANA 2.0)
Topic 6: Fundamentals (8%-12%)
- Defining the terms and basic concepts of SAP BW/4HANA 2.x
- (SAP Documentation: BW405 (SAP BW/4HANA 2.0 SP00), BW430 (SAP BW/4HANA 2.0) ,BW450 (SAP BW/4HANA 2.0))
Topic 7: SAP BW/4HANA Data Flow (8%-12%)
- Loading data with SAP BW/4HANA 2.x (SAP Documentation: BW410 (SAP BW/4HANA 2.0 SP01))
Topic 8: InfoObjects and InfoProviders (8%-12%)
- Using InfoObjects and InfoProviders with SAP BW/4HANA 2.x (SAP Documentation: BW410 (SAP BW/4HANA 2.0 SP01))
Topic 9: SAP Analytics Tools (8%-12%)
- Analyzing data with analytics tools such as Lumira, SAC, and Analysis for Office (SAP Documentation: BW405 (SAP BW/4HANA 2.0 SP00))
Topic 10: Data Acquisition into SAP BW/4HANA (8%-12%)
- Integrate different sources to SAP BW/4HANA 2.x. (SAP Documentation: BW450 (SAP BW/4HANA 2.0))
Resources to enhance your learning
Clearing the certification becomes difficult when the set of resources chosen is not apt. You should be very careful while choosing the resources as they will determine how well you will pass the exam. There are numerous resources available. Lets look at some of these resources that will boost your revisions
SAP Learning Hub
On this SAP learning Hub you will find everything you require to qualify the SAP C_BW4HANA_20 Exam. This is one of the most important online SAP resources. To begin with this, you first have to register and then move on to SAP learning hub. Since formal training is a vital learning resource when it comes to certification exams. So, we highly suggest you work through theses formal pieces of training. Not only will these test your conceptual knowledge and ability. But also, strengthen your core competencies. As a result, we can easily say you’re in good hands over here.
Join Virtual Classroom Training
Every individual has a different take on different learning resources. What may suit you, may not suit your peer. Therefore, SAP offers Virtual Classroom Training. These are usually taught by competent SAP experts. Moreover, these include access to the live SAP system for comprehensive and immersive learning. So, you can subscribe to a single course or multiple courses.
Cut the pressure with SAP E-academy
If virtual classroom training doesn’t work for you, you may go E-learning. Interactive e-learning courses are also important because they complement classroom training. To begin with this, you can join the SAP E-academy. Here you can scroll through so many training about specific solution areas. Further, this will aid you and prepare for the SAP certification examination. Easily accessible, you can get between 1 and 5 months of access to the self-paced courses.
Online Tutorials and Study Guide
Online Tutorials enhance your knowledge and provide in depth understanding about the exam concepts. Moreover, Study Guides will be your support throughout your journey towards the exam. Keeping a guide ensures that you are on a right track throughout the journey of learning. These resources will enrich your learning experience
Self Evaluation is a must!
Finally, it is time to check your preparations. Self-Evaluation is the key and hence your next step is to go for practice tests. The more you’re going to practice, the better for you. These practice tests provide you with the real exam environment and also help you analyse areas that need improvement. Strengthening your weaker domains will surely help you pass with flying colours. So, attempt as many practice tests as you can. Start practising Now!