Do you want to enhance your skills and become a SAP Ariba Sourcing C_ARSOR_19Q2 certified professional? Then hold on as we provide you our Ultimate Cheat Sheet. This cheat sheet will provide a quick summary of all the essential resources to crack the exam. It will keep you loaded with the right resources and bridge the gap for your dream job. Furthermore, we will be adding a few quick links to ease your revision process. We suggest you to a quick glance at this cheat sheet before you appear for the exam.
SAP C_ARSOR_19Q2 is retired and updated to C_ARSOR_2102 – SAP Certified Application Associate – SAP Ariba Sourcing!
SAP C_ARSOR_19Q2 : Overview
The SAP Certified Application Associate: SAP Ariba Sourcing C (ARSOR_19Q2) is an entry-level qualification to participate in the SAP Ariba Sourcing design and implementation projects. The exam confirms that you hold the fundamental and core knowledge needed with the SAP Ariba Sourcing Associate Application Consultant profile. The SAP C_ARSOR_19Q2 certification demonstrates that you have overall knowledge and necessary technical skills to engage up like in a project team in a mentoring role.
Learning Objectives : SAP C_ARSOR_19Q2
The learning objectives for the C_ARSOR_19Q2 – SAP Certified Application Associate – SAP Ariba Sourcing exam includes –
- Firstly, Consulting
- Secondly, Event and Auction Creation
- Thirdly, Event Management: Advanced Features
- Subsequently, Administration
- Further, Project Management
- Then, Procurement Knowledge
- Also, Integration
Cheat Sheet | SAP C_ARSOR_19Q2
The cheat sheet will act as your golden ticket to achieve this credential. It will offer you a overview of all the important exam topics and resources. So get ready to pass the exam with flying colours.

Start with the Exam Objectives
Firstly, you must visit the SAP official website as it is an imperative step while preparing for the exam like C_ARSOR_19Q2 – SAP Certified Application Associate – SAP Ariba Sourcing. The official site offers a lot of solid information and sources which is very valuable in preparing for the exam. Also, familiarising with the course domain is indeed important before commencing on with your preparations. This exam covers the following domains-
Consulting 12%
Plan for a design workshop and advise customers on user acceptance testing (UAT).
Event and Auction Creation 12%
Define the different types of events available in SAP Ariba Sourcing and set up a new event. (SAP Documentation: SAP Ariba Sourcing: Creating Events & Managing Projects)
Event Management: Advanced Features 12%
Use event template rules and advance features, such as scoring, conditional content and global events; Use prepackaged reports. (SAP Documentation: SAP Ariba Sourcing: Advanced Features – Part 1 and SAP Ariba Sourcing: Advanced Features – Part 2)
Administration 12%
Configure workflows, projects and tasks and manage data. (SAP Documentation: SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing: System Administration)
Project Management 8%
Describe a sourcing project, including approval rules and sourcing requests. (SAP Documentation: SAP Ariba Sourcing: Creating Events & Managing Projects)
Procurement Knowledge 8%
Describe basic procurement practices and match SAP Ariba Sourcing features and functionality to them.
Integration 8%
Describe how SAP Ariba Sourcing fits into the SAP Ariba and SAP product landscape; Identity what can be integrated.
Know your Study Resources
Choosing the right resources with reliable content is very important. As a matter of fact, there are various resources to choose from. This makes it difficult to select the authentic and genuine ones. As you have probably been preparing for this exam we hope that you have made a wise choice in terms of your learning resources. However, here area few quick links that will definitely benefit your preparations and help you ace the exam:
SAP Training Courses
You can also opt for the SAP training programs. SAP offers training programs on every exam. These training programs contain all information of the exam such as description, intended audience, delivery method, duration etc. With the training courses with SAP, you will receive in-person instruction from SAP experts in one of their state-of-the-art training facilities. This offers a completely hands-on learning experience, with a subject matter expert guiding you through each exercise and addressing all your questions.
Learn from Books and Guides
Books stand out as invaluable resources for exam preparation, offering the best means to master exam topics. To get ready for the C_ARSOR_19Q2 exam, you can acquire authorized SAP certification manuals. Additionally, there are several books to choose from, so pick the one that aligns best with your preferences.
Online Tutorials and Study Guide
The roadmap to your success is only complete when you have the right strategy. Study Guides will be your support throughout your revision journey. Moreover, best way to enhance your knowledge is by referring Online Tutorials. These Tutorials provide in depth understanding about the exam and its concepts.
Attempt Practice Tests
Practice makes a man perfect! This saying is very apt for the revisions of C_ARSOR_19Q2 exam. Attempting practice tests helps you analyse your preparations and helps identify your weaker areas. Strengthening your weaker areas is surely going to help you ace this exam. Take as many tests as possible. Each test serves as a learning experience for you. Ensure that you improve your score with each subsequent attempt. This will ultimately guide you to achieve an exceptional score in the actual exam. Let’s Start Practising Now!