Over the past years, people have started opting out for professional exams more, and it has started gaining more and more popularity. AWS machine learning specialist exam is one of the professional exams to build a strong career and for better opportunities. Indeed, you will need a lot of preparation to clear this exam, as it is a professional exam and requires authentic learning resources. But with the right sort of preparation, you can definitely prepare better and clear the exam.
Now, before appearing for this exam you really need to know all the details of the exam so it will become easy for you to prepare for the exam. This article will help to know all the details and insights about the exam. So, let’s plan accordingly and start your preparation with the best of your abilities.
AWS Machine Learning Specialist: Exam Overview
The AWS Machine Learning Specialist exam will help you learn all the details and facilitate towards becoming a specialist. AWS provides the most extensive range of machine learning services along with robust cloud infrastructure, making machine learning accessible to developers, data scientists, and expert practitioners. This empowers us to achieve more than what was previously possible, doing so efficiently and confidently.
AWS machine learning has been a dominant force in today’s world and has accelerated progress in all the fields. This examination will build skills to efficient to face the real world as well as strengthen your career opportunities. Moreover, given any industry today, machine learning knowledge is something that is a must.
Exam Format
After having the overview of the exam now, let’s see the format of the exam:
- The format of the exam will comprise of 65 multiple-choice questions.
- Multiple-choice: It includes one right answer and three wrong ones for the single-response questions. For multiple-response questions, there are two correct answers out of five options.
- The scoring will be from 100-1000, with a minimum passing score of 750
- You will be given 170 minutes of time for the examination.
- This exam will cost you a total of 300 USD.
- There will be no negative marking.
Course Outline
The AWS Certified Machine Learning – Specialty exam is designed to provide deep technical training to the candidates in the field of Machine Learning. This exam will consist of 4 domains, namely- Data Engineering, Exploratory Data Analysis, Modelling, Machine Learning implementation, and also operation. Below mentioned is the detailed information regarding the domains and also the weightage of each domain
Domain 1: Data Engineering – 20%
- 1.1 Create data repositories for machine learning.
- 1.2 Identify and then implement a data-ingestion solution.
- 1.3 Identify and then implement a data-transformation solution.
Domain 2: Exploratory Data Analysis – 24%
- 2.1 Sanitize and prepare data for modeling.
- 2.2 Perform feature engineering.
- 2.3 Analyze and also visualize data for machine learning
Domain 3: Modeling – 36%
- 3.1 Frame business problems as machine learning problems.
- 3.2 Select the appropriate model(s) for a given machine learning problem.
- 3.3 Train machine learning models.
- 3.4 Perform hyperparameter optimization.
- 3.5 Evaluate machine learning models.
Domain 4: Machine Learning Implementation and Operations – 20%
- 4.1 Build machine learning solutions for performance, availability, scalability, resiliency, and fault tolerance.
- 4.2 Recommend and implement the appropriate machine learning services and features for a given problem.
- 4.3 Apply basic AWS security practices to machine learning solutions.
- 4.4 Deploy and also operationalize machine learning solutions.
Learning Resources for AWS Machine Learning Specialist Exam

There are thousands of resources available for the preparation of the exam. Make the best choice and choose suitable study resources to help you excel in the exam. You can visit the official website of AWS to get the study material, and can also go for instructor-led training programs for understanding the concept more deeply. You must also appear for the practice tests provided by the official website as well as it will be very beneficial for you. Machine learning at scale, managing machine learning projects, machine learning foundations, and evolution are some of the topics that should be given more focus.
For a well-strategized preparation guide, candidates can refer to the AWS Machine Learning Specialty (MLS-C01) Tutorial, which is designed for aspiring candidates to help them with collecting suitable learning resources and online training to strengthen their grasp on machine learning and hence achieve excellence.
Expert’s Corner
Taking the AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialist exam will definitely be worth it. Start preparing with full dedication as it will bridge the gap towards your dream career. Practice as much as you can as it will be very beneficial. The best way to familiarize yourself with the exam format of any exam is to take a sufficient number of practice tests. This will not only help you manage your time during the exam but will also improve your answering skills to a great extent. Be confident, get a proper plan and then execute it while taking the exam.