DevOps is a software development technique that has revolutionised the way software is created and distributed. The DevOps philosophy focuses on regular, smaller feature upgrades rather than a few large feature sets. One must master the interview process in order to win the job of their dreams. For any organisation, DevOps will be a high-impact, hard, and vital function. We’re seeing an increase in demand for DevOps talent. Many of you in the technical sector or in the IT industry are aware of how DevOps is changing the way software is developed and deployed in businesses. As a result, there will be no disagreements between the development and operations teams. Now that you have decided to build a career let’s get started with the top DevOps Interview Questions, that will help you prepare better.
1. What do you understand by DevOps?
DevOps stands for Development and Operations. DevOps can be described as a blend of software development methods and devices utilized for improving organizations’ expertise while presenting applications, services, and more in close alignment with business purposes.
2. How is DevOps different from agile methodology?
DevOps is a culture that permits the development and the operations unit to work collectively. This ends in constant development, deployment, integration, testing, and monitoring of the software during the lifecycle.
On the other hand, Agile is a software development method that concentrates on incremental, iterative, small, and fast releases of software, with customer feedback. Further, it places gaps and disputes between the client and developers.
3. What are some major reasons for choosing DevOps?
- Enhanced expression and collaboration
- Slower development periods
- Decreased deployment failures
- Faster modifications
- More firm operating circumstances
- Improved efficiencies
- Decreased Expenses and IT Headcount
4. What the key principles behind DevOps?
The key principles behind DevOps are:
- Continuous deployment
- Security
- Automation
- Infrastructure as code
- Monitoring
5. Explain why do we need DevOps?
We need DevOps to meet the need of delivering larger and faster and more reliable applications to reach more and more requirements of users. DevOps benefits deployment to happen very fast related to any other traditional means.
6. Name some of the famous tools for DevOps.
- Jenkins
- Git
- Ansible
- Nagios
- Docker
- ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana)
7. What are the technical advantages of DevOps?
Some of the technical benefits are:
- Limited complex problems to fix
- Constant software delivery
- More active resolution of problems
8. What are the business benefits of DevOps?
Some of the business benefits are:
- More firm operating environments
- Speeder delivery of features
- More time possible to add value (rather than fix/maintain)
9. What are core operations of DevOps for application development?
Application development includes the following core processes:
- Code coverage
- Packaging
- Code building
- Unit testing
- Deployment
10. What are the different phases in DevOps?
The several phases of the DevOps cycle are as follows:
- Planning – Originally, there should be a design for the type of application that requires to be generated. Getting a severe view of the development method is perpetually a great idea.
- Coding – The application should be coded as per the end-user demands.
- Building – Create the application by combining different codes created in the earlier steps.
- Testing – This is the critical step of application advancement. Test the application and restore, if needed.
- Integrating – Versatile codes from various programmers are combined into one.
- Deploying – Code is expanded into a cloud environment for additional usage. It is guaranteed that any new variations do not influence the functioning of a high-traffic website.
- Operate – Next, operations are implemented on the code if needed.
- Monitoring – Application execution is monitored. Adjustments are prepared to reach the end-user demands.
11. Define version Control System (VCS).
Version Control System is software that supports software developers to strive together and keep a full history of their work.
12. What are the focus operations of DevOps for infrastructure?
The operations of Infrastructure are:
- Provisioning
- Configuration
- Orchestration
- Deployment
13. What are the features of the Version Control System?
Feature of Version Control System are:
- Allow developers to work together
- Do not permit overwriting on each other changes.
- Sustain the history of every version.
14. What are the advantages of practicing the Version Control System?
The advantages of Version Control System are:
- With the VCS, all the workers are permitted to obtain the file freely at any time. It also supports blending all the modifications that are made in a standard version.
- It is produced to assist many people by collaboratively update text files, which makes sharing relatively easy among multiple computers.
- It allows all the team members to have a way to a complete history of the design so that in case of any failure in the central server, we can handle any teammate’s storehouse, etc.
15. List the purpose of configuration management in DevOps.
- Allows management of and adjustments to multiple systems.
- Regulates resource configurations, which in shift, maintain IT infrastructure.
- It benefits the administration and management of many servers and manages the honesty of the whole infrastructure.
16. Which language is practiced in Git?
Git is basically written in C language, and it is very fast and decreases the overhead of runtimes.

17. Why the Opensource tools boost DevOps?
Opensource tools predominantly utilized by any business which is adjusting (or) adopted DevOps pipelines because DevOps began with the center of automation in many aspects of foundation build and release and transformation management and also infrastructure management fields.
18. Clarify how “Infrastructure code” is treated or beheaded in AWS?
- The code for infrastructure will be in plain JSON form
- This JSON code will be arranged into files called templates
- These templates can be deployed on AWS DevOps and then accomplished as stacks
- Following the CloudFormation service will do the Creating, removing, updating, etc. service in the stack
19. What do you understand by git stash?
Git stash command is practiced to save the modifications temporarily in the working register. This provides developers a complete directory to work on. They can next consolidate the variations in the git workflow. Git stash command can be utilized many times in the git directory.
20. Which scripting language is essential for a DevOps engineer?
Python is a simple scripting language which will be good for a DevOps engineer.
21. Explain the function of AWS in DevOps.
- Flexible assistance – Gives ready-to-use, manageable services without the requirement to establish or set up the software.
- Formulated for scale – You can handle a single instance or scale to thousands utilizing AWS services.
- Automation – AWS lets one automate duties and processes, providing more time to innovate.
- Secure – Using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), one can set user agreements and procedures.
- Large partner ecosystem – AWS maintains a large ecosystem of partners that combine with and extend AWS services.
22. How does constant monitoring support manage the entire architecture of the system?
Constant monitoring in DevOps is a method of detecting, recognizing, and reporting any faults or warnings in the whole infrastructure of the system.
- It guarantees that all services, applications, and sources are operating on the servers accurately.
- Also, it observes the status of servers and defines if applications are working perfectly or not.
- Facilitates constant audit, transaction investigation, and controlled monitoring.
23. What are the various elements of Selenium?
The elements of Selenium are as follows:
- Selenium IDE
- Selenium RC
- Selenium WebDriver
- Selenium GRID
24. What is the difference between continuous deployment and continuous delivery?
Continuous Delivery | Continuous Deployment |
It ensures code can be securely deployed on to make. | Every change that moves the automated tests is extended to production automatically. |
Guarantees business applications and services function as anticipated. | Performs software development and the release method faster and more strongly. |
Remits every change to a production-like atmosphere through accurate automated testing. | There is no specific consent from a developer and needs a detailed culture of monitoring. |
25. Define Selenium IDE.
Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is one of the most simplistic structures in the selenium suite. It has a simple record and playback purpose, which assists in estimating the tool that implements easy learning. If the examiner is informed of the basics of JavaScript, HTML, and DOM, then it is easier to employ Selenium IDE.
26. What is Selenium WebDriver?
Selenium WebDriver is essentially the continuation of selenium RC, but it maintains all the latest browsers and several platforms. Also, it is designed to sustain vital web pages in which components present on the page can change without reloading the page, and it immediately asks the browser for automation.
27. Explain SubGit.
SubGit is a mechanism for transferring SVN to Git. It generates a writable Git mirror of a regional or remote Subversion repository and practices both Subversion and Git if you like.
28. How do you think DevOps is essential to developers?
DevOps can be accommodating to developers to fix the defect and execute new features promptly. It also serves for more open communication between the crew members.
29. What is Selenium GRID?
Selenium GRID is a mechanism that operates multiple test cases against various browsers and machines in correspondence. Many nodes are not fixed in the grid, and they can be driven on various browsers and platforms. It is used mutually with Selenium RC.
30. What do you understand by Selenium RC?
Selenium RC is a mechanism that assists in learning test scripts and implementing support for various programming languages like PHP, Ruby, Java, etc. It essentially depends upon JavaScript for automation and does not hold the record and playback features.’
31. Describe three significant DevOps KPIs.
The three necessary KPIs are:
- Meantime to failure recovery – This is the normal time taken to retrieve from a failure.
- Deployment frequency- The rate at which the deployment happens.
- Percentage of failed deployments – The figure of times the deployment breaks.
32. What are DevOp’s key performance indicators (KPIs)?
The DevOps key performance indicators are:
- Deployment Failure
- Mean Time Between Failures
- Change Lead Time
- Mean Time To Recovery
- Deployment Frequency
- Performance
- Mean Time To Detection
- Change Failure Rate
- Productivity
- Pipeline Adoption
33. Describe the term “Infrastructure as Code” (IaC) as it associates with configuration management.
- It helps to write code to handle configuration, deployment, and spontaneous provisioning.
- Ensures all servers and other infrastructure elements are provisioned consistently and effortlessly.
- Governing cloud computing environments, also known as infrastructure as a service (IaaS).
34. What is the distinction between Ansible and chef(or) puppet?
Ansible is considered an Agentless configuration management tool, where puppet or chef requires agent, demands to be run on the agent node.
35. How can one clone a Git repository through Jenkins?
First, one needs to enter the e-mail and user name for their Jenkins system, then turn it into their job directory and perform the “git config” command.
36. Explain the DevOps toolchain.
A pile of tools consolidates to form a DevOps toolchain, it automates the duties like generating and deploying the application. DevOps can be accomplished manually with modest steps, but the requirement for automation quickly escalates with the expansion in its complexity, and toolchain automation is necessary for continuous delivery. GitHub a Version Control Repository is the center element of a DevOps toolchain. More extra tools may comprise backlog tracking, delivery pipelines, etc.
37. At what instance will you use the SSH?
I will use SSH to log into a remote machine and run on the command line. Besides this, I will also use it to tunnel into the system in order to expedite safe encrypted communications among two untrusted hosts over an unsafe network.
38. What git command downloads any repository from GitHub to the computer?
Git Clone is the git command that downloads any repository from GitHub to the computer.
39. What is the most significant thing that DevOps supports us to achieve?
According to me, the most significant thing that DevOps serves to achieve the changes into production as expeditiously as possible while decreasing risks in software quality support and compliance. This is the prime goal of DevOps.
40. What are the benefits of Ansible?
- Agentless, it doesn’t need any special package/daemons to be placed
- Extremely low overhead
- Good production
- Idempotent
- Very easy to acquire

41. How would you manage revision (version) control?
My plan to handling revision control would be to post the code on GitHub or SourceForge so everyone can see it. Also, I will post the checklist from the last revision to make certain that any unsolved problems are solved.
42. What is the method for reverting a commit that has already been stirred and made public?
There are two ways:
- Eliminate or fix the defective file in a new commit and push it to the remote repository. Then commit it to the remote repository using:
git commit –m “commit message” - Generate a new commit that unhitches all the changes that were presented in the bad commit. Use the following command:
git revert <commit id>
43. Explain the distinctions between Git fetch and git pull?
git fetch | git pull |
the unit to use this feature is: git fetch <remote> | command to use: git pull <remote> <branch> |
It draws the changes from the remote repository but doesn’t mix them with the local depository. | It draws the changes of the part from the remote repository and blends them with the local repository. pull = fetch + merge |
Done at latter stages, since no merging is included, there are no disputes to be determined. | There are speculations of merge conflicts if two or more people are working on various copies of the same code/file. |
44. What is the folder construction of roles in ansible?
- common/
- roles/
- files/
- defaults/
- handlers/
- tasks/
- vars/
- meta/
- webservers/
- templates/
- tasks/
- meta/
45. Describe the theory of branching in Git.
Suppose you are operating on an application, and you need to add a new characteristic to the app. You can generate a new branch and formulate a new characteristic on that branch.
- By default, you perpetually work on the master branch
- The circles on the branch express various commits made on the branch
- After you are done with all the changes, you can merge them with the master branch
46. Explain the use of Ansible.
Ansible is principally employed in IT infrastructure to maintain or extend applications to remote nodes. Suppose we want to expand one application in 100’s of nodes by just completing one command, then Ansible is the one really coming into the picture but should have some information on Ansible script to read or execute the same.
47. Name some kinds of HTTP requests.
The kinds of Http requests are
48. What are docker engine and docker compose?
Docker engine communicates the docker daemon inside the machine and produces the runtime atmosphere and method for any container. On the other hand, docker composes links various containers to create as a stack used in building application stacks like a WAMP, LAMP, XAMP.
49. Name some cloud platforms which are used for DevOps Implementation.
Some famous Cloud computing platform used for DevOps implementation are mentioned below:
- Amazon Web Services
- Google Cloud
- Microsoft Azure
50. Describe Jenkinsfile.
Jenkinsfile is a text file which contains the definition of a Jenkins pipeline and is checked into the source control repository.
- It acknowledges code review and iteration on the pipeline.
- It authorizes an audit trail for the pipeline.
- There is a singular cause of truth for the pipeline, which can be seen and corrected.
51. Can you list some of the most-used DevOps means?
- Ansible – A arrangement management and application deployment mechanism
- Docker – A containerization tool
- Nagios – A continuous monitoring tool
- Git – A version control system (VCS) tool
- Jira – An agile team collaboration tool
52. What is Git Bisect?
Git bisect helps one to find the commit which introduced a defect using binary search.
53. What is the distinction between Ansible Playbook and Roles?
Roles | Playbooks |
Roles are reusable subsets of a play. | Playbooks include Plays. |
A set of responsibilities for performing a certain role. | Mapps among hosts and roles. |
Example: webservers, common. | Example: site.yml, webservers.yml, fooservers.yml. |
54. What is the importance of NRPE in Nagios?
“Nagios Remote Plugin executor” commonly known as NERP permits us to complete the Nagios plugins remotely. With the guidance of this mechanism, we can control the performance parameters of the remote Machine.
55. What do you understand by build?
A build is a process in which the source code is put collectively to check whether it serves as a single unit. In the build production process, the source code will encounter compilation, testing, inspection, and deployment.
56. How does Nagios work?
Nagios operates on a server either as a background method or as a service. Also, Nagios will run the plugins frequently with the aid of the hosts or servers present in the Network. We can monitor the status information by utilizing the web interface. It will administer the scripts based on a program.
57. What is Selenium used for?
Selenium is used for constant testing in DevOps. The mechanism trains in functional and regression forms of testing.
58. How do you make a backup and copy files in Jenkins?
- In order to generate a backup file, systematically back up your JENKINS_HOME directory.
- In order to generate a backup of the Jenkins setup, copy the JENKINS_HOME directory. Also, you can also copy a job directory to clone or replicate a job or rename the directory.
59. Explain Trunk-Based development.
A Trunk-Based development is a source control branching paradigm for software development where developers associate on code in a separate branch called trunk and apply documented techniques to produce long-lived development branches. The process is a key enabler of constant integration and by extension constant delivery.
60. What do you mean by Puppet in DevOps?
It is a configuration management mechanism that is utilized for automating administration assignments. Puppet makes use of the Master-Slave architecture in which the two entities interact via an encrypted channel.
61. Define two-factor authentication.
Two-factor authentication is a security process in which the user provides two ways of identification from different categories.
62. Name three security tools Jenkins practices to authenticate users.
- Jenkins practices an internal database to save user data and credentials.
- Jenkins can utilize the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server to validate users.
- Jenkins can be configured to operate the authentication mechanism that the arrayed application server uses.
63. What is Blueocean in Jenkins?
Blue Ocean rethinks the user expertise of Jenkins. Created from the ground up for Jenkins Pipeline, but still cooperative with freestyle jobs, Blue Ocean decreases clutter and improves clarity for every member of the team. Also. it gives advanced to recognize each stage of the pipeline and pinpoint issues and it is a very rich Pipeline editor for beginners.
64. Define Docker image.
Docker image is the source of Docker container. Or in other words, Docker images are used to create containers.
65. What is Canary Release?
A canary release is a design that reduces the danger of introducing a new version of software into the production conditions. It is done by presenting it available in a controlled manner to a subset of the user.
66. Name the top Jenkins plugins.
There are various plugins in Jenkins.
- Amazon ECS Container Service
- Dashboard view plugin
- Monitoring plugin
- Kubernetes plugin
- Git plugin
- Performance plugin
67. What types of testing are important to guarantee that the new service is ready for production?
One needs to conduct constant testing to make sure that the new service is ready for production.
68. Define kernel.
A kernel is the lowest level of replaceable software that interfaces with the hardware in the computer.
69. Explain docker swarm.
Collection of Virtual machines with Docker Engine can be assembled and managed as a separate system and the resources also being distributed by the containers and docker swarm master plans the docker container in any of the machines under the cluster according to resources availability.
70. State the testing characters supported by Selenium?
- Functional Testing: It supports each function of the software application against the functional requirements.
- Regression Testing: In this, test cases are re-executed to check the earlier functionality of the application.
71. What does CAMS in DevOps stand for?
The CAMS is usually used for stating the core creeds of DevOps process. It stands for:
- Culture
- Automation
- Measurement
- Sharing
72. What is a Jenkins Pipeline?
Jenkins Pipeline is a suite of plugins that advocates implementing and integrating constant delivery pipelines into Jenkins.
73. Define Puppet Manifest.
Ans. Puppet Manifest is a base element for the Puppet configuration management plan. In Puppet Master, each Puppet node or Puppet Agent has its configuration specifications inscribed in the native Puppet language.
74. What are the benefits of Jenkins?
- Bug tracking is easy at an early stage in a development environment.
- Presents a very large number of plugin support.
- Iterative enhancement to the code, code is primarily divided into small sprints.
- Formulate failures are cached at the integration stage.
- Achieves continuous integration agile development and test-driven development environment.
75. What is Puppet Codedir?
Puppet Codedir is the central directory for Puppet code and data. It is principally used by Puppet master and Puppetapply. It involves a global modules directory, Hiera data, and circumstances.
76. Define Ansible.
Ansible is produced in Python language. Ansible is a software arrangement management mechanism to deploy an application using ssh without any downtime. It is also practiced for the management and arrangement of software applications.
77. Define Vagrant.
A vagrant is a mechanism which can make and manage virtualized environments for testing and generating software.
78. How does a Cookbook distinct from a Recipe in Chef?
A Recipe is a compilation of resources, and originally configures a software combination or some part of the infrastructure. On the other hand, a Cookbook clubs together Recipes and other knowledge in a way that is more adaptable than having just Recipes alone.

79. What is Forking Workflow?
Forking Workflow provides developer with their service side repositories, thereby supporting open source projects.
80. What do you understand by the docker motor and docker form?
Docker motor connects the docker daemon inside the machine and makes the runtime requirement and method for any compartment, docker make connects some holders to develop as a stack utilized in making application stacks like WAMP, LAMP, XAMP.
81. What is Test Kitchen in Chef?
Test Kitchen is a command-line mechanism in Chef that turns up an instance and examines the cookbook on it before expanding it on the actual nodes.
82. What do you mean by class in Puppet?
Classes are designated as blocks in the manifest that configure several functionalities of the node, such as files, services, and packages.
83. How can we guard Jenkins?
We can guard Jenkins in the following ways:
- Assuring that global security is on
- Examining if Jenkins is combined
- Automating the method of setting uprights and opportunities
- Restricting physical access to Jenkins data
- Employing security audits regularly
84. What is the Dogpile effect?
The Dogpile effect is referred to the situation when a cache expires, and websites are hooked by the multiple inquiries made by the client at the very same time.
85. What are the kinds of Ansible in DevOps?
There are two kinds of Ansible in DevOps which involve,
- Controlling machines.
- Nodes.
86. Discuss post mortem meeting with reference to DevOps.
Post mortem meeting discuss what went wrong and what steps one should take in to avoid failures.
87. Can we place Ansible on the controlling machines?
Of course, we can install Ansible on the controlling machine by utilizingthe machine nodes that are accomplished with the help of SSH.
88. How considerably do Docker containers scale?
Large web deployments like Twitter and Google, and platform providers such as dotCloud and Heroku all run on container technology.
89. Describe the main configuration file and its place in Nagios.
The main configuration file includes many directives that influence how Nagios works.
A sample main configuration file will be placed into your settings directory:
90. What do you understand by Application Containerization?
It is a method of OS Level virtualization procedure that is used to expand the application without originating the entire VM for each application where multiple separated applications or services can obtain the same Host and run on the same OS.
91. Explain Nagios Network Analyzer.
It implements an in-depth gaze at all network traffic sources and security warnings. Also, it implements a central view of your network traffic and bandwidth data. Further, it enables one to be proactive in fixing abnormal behavior, outages, and warnings before they influence critical business processes.
92. Name the Software Configuration Management Features.
- Cooperating Enablement
- Enable Change Control Methods
- Version Control Friendly
93. Why should a Puppet be determined?
- It has an excellent community assistance
- Comfortable to Study Programming Language DSL
- Also, it is an open-source
94. How we stop a container?
- “docker kill “command to kill a container
- “docker stop “command to stop a container
95. How to download the images?
Using “docker pull” command, one can download a docker image.
96. What is the use of EXPOSE command?
The EXPOSE command is used for publishing ports of a docker container.
97. Define YAML.
It is yet another markup language. It is way of saving data in a constructed text format like JSON.
98. Do you have any kind of certification to expand your opportunities as a DevOps Specialist?
Usually, interviewers look for applicants who are solemn about improving their career options by producing the use of further tools like certifications. Certificates are obvious proof that the candidate has put in all attempts to learn new abilities, comprehend them, and put them into use at the most excellent of their capacity. Insert the certifications, if you have any, and do hearsay about them in brief, describing what you learned from the programs and how they’ve been important to you so far.
99. Do you have any prior experience serving in an identical industry like ours?
Here comes an outspoken question. It aims to evaluate if you have the industry-specific abilities that are required for the contemporary role. Even if you do not hold all of the skills and experience, make certain to completely describe how you can still make utilization of the skills and knowledge you’ve accomplished in the past to serve the company.
100. Why are you preparing for the DevOps Specialist/ Professional position in our company specifically?
By this question, the interviewer is attempting to see how well you can influence them concerning your knowledge in the subject, besides the requirement for practicing DevOps methodologies. It is always an advantage to already know the job specification in particular, along with the company’s return and aspects, thereby achieving a comprehensive knowledge of what tools, every subject methodologies are needed to work in the role triumphantly.

To Conclude!
That concludes the list of the Top DevOps interview questions and answers. In interest to increasing your possibilities of securing a DevOps job, these will clearly help you evaluate as well as improve your current level of DevOps understanding. We hope, this helped! Stay safe and practice with Testpreptraining!