98-367: Microsoft Security Fundamentals Study Guide

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Exam 98-367: Microsoft Security Fundamentals checks what you know about different types of security: physical, Internet, operating system, network, and software security. Passing this exam shows that you have a basic understanding of security concepts and skills. It can act as a starting point for the Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) exams. The MTA is a beginner’s certification meant to assist people in beginning a career in IT or development. Plus, when you get an MTA Certification, you become part of the Microsoft Certified Professional group.

Preparation for an exam is no less than a challenge. There goes a lot of hard work, determination and consistency for you to achieve your dream of becoming Microsoft Security Fundamentals certified professional. This Study Guide will provide you with all the necessary details and resources to commence your journey into this exam.

Target Audience Microsoft 98-367

To take the Microsoft MTA Security Fundamentals exam 98-367, you should have practical experience with Windows Server, Windows-based networks, Active Directory, anti-malware tools, firewalls, network setups, devices, and network ports.

Learning Path 

Microsoft Security Fundamentals is made for those aiming to achieve the MTA: Security Fundamentals certification. MTA certifications are a good way to begin a career in technology. They cover essential technical concepts, test and confirm basic technical knowledge, and boost your technical reputation. This certification is suitable for the job role of an administrator.

Microsoft MTA 98-367 Study Guide

Passing the exam can be simple if you have the correct study materials. Be sure the content is accurate and trustworthy. Your choice of resources will affect how well you get ready and pass the exam. So, be cautious when selecting your study materials. The following study guide will show you some options for resources and outline steps to guarantee your success in the exam.

Exam 98-367: Study Guide

Review 98-367 Exam Objective

So the first step in this guide would begin with reviewing the exam objectives through the Official Guide. You must have all the objectives of the exam in your mind before commencing the preparations. Clarity of concepts is of utmost importance. Further, tailor your study plan around the exam domains to excel your preparations. The Microsoft MTA 98-367 exam objectives covers the following domains:

Domain 1- Understand security layers (25-30%)

Firstly, this domain covers concepts to understand core security principles. Then, understand physical security and understand Internet security. Also, understand wireless security.

Domain 2- Understand operating system security (35-40%)

This domain includes the concepts to understand user authentication. Further, understand permissions and password policies. Also, understand audit policies, encryption and understand malware.

Domain 3- Understand network security (20-25%)

Further, it included understand dedicated firewalls. Also, understand network isolation  and understand protocol security

Domain 4- Understand security software (15-20%)

Lastly, this domain focuses on the concepts to understand client protection. Also, understand email protection and understand server protection.

Microsoft Learning Platform 

Microsoft offers various learning paths, the candidate should visit the official website of Microsoft. For this exam, the candidate will find many learning paths and documentations. Finding the relatable content on the Microsoft website is quite an easy task. 

Microsoft Documentation 

Documentations are an important learning resource while preparing for Exam 98-367: Microsoft Security Fundamentals. The candidate will find documentation on every topic relating to the particular exam. This step is very valuable in preparing for the exam. 

Instructor-Led Training 

The training programs that Microsoft provides itself are available on their website. The Microsoft MTA Security Fundamentals exam 98-367 instructor-led training is an essential resource in order to prepare for the exam like 98-367. The candidate can find the instructor-led training on the page of the particular exam on the Microsoft website. There are various training courses available prior to one exam. The following is the training program offered by Microsoft. 

98-367  online tutorial

Course 40032-A: Networking and Security Fundamentals: Training 2-Pack for MTA Exams 98-366 and 98-367

  • Firstly, Module 1: Understanding Local Area Networking
  • Secomdly, Module 2: Defining Networks with the OSI Model
  • Thirdly, Module 3: Understanding Wired and Wireless Networks
  • Also, Module 4: Understanding Internet Protocol
  • Further, Module 5: Implementing TCP/IP in the Command Line
  • Then, Module 6: Working with Networking Services
  • Moreover, Module 7: Understanding Wide Area Networks
  • Furthermore, Module 8: Defining Network Infrastructures and Network Security
  • In addition to, Module 9: Understanding Security Layers
  • Not to mention, Module 10: Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting
  • Next, Module 11: Understanding Security Policies
  • Additionally, , Module 12: Understanding Network Security
  • Lastly, Module 13: Protecting the Server and Client

Course 40367-B: Security Fundamentals: MTA Exam 98-367

  • To begin with, Module 1: Understanding Security Layers
  • Then, Module 2: Understanding Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting
  • Aldo, Module 3: Understanding Security Policies
  • Further, Module 4: Understanding Network Security
  • Lastly, Module 5: Protecting the Server and Client

Books and Guides – your ultimate friends

Microsoft Official Academic Course: Security Fundamentals, Exam 98‐367

The candidate should read some books and guides and prepare for Exam 98-367. Here, we are suggesting some Microsoft MTA Security Fundamentals exam 98-367 books and guides for the exam 98-367:

  • Exam 98-367 Security Fundamentals 1st Edition by Microsoft Official Academic Course
  • Microsoft Windows Security Essentials 1st Edition by Darril Gibson 
  • Exam 98-367 MTA Security Fundamentals, 2nd Edition by Microsoft Official Academic Course
  • MTA 98-367: Security Fundamentals uCertify Course and Labs 1st Edition by uCertify

Join a Study Group 

Having a good discussion is helpful no matter where it happens. When more people join in, the chances of finding solutions to problems go up a lot. Different viewpoints make things more interesting and help you learn better. These discussions make your studies more complete. Plus, forums are great for building a community, which is important for understanding others. So, it’s a good idea to join a study group when you’re preparing for the exam.

Practice Practice and Practice!  

Evaluating how well you’re getting ready is a crucial part of your journey. You can do this by checking your own performance. Trying out Microsoft 98-367 exam questions is the way to test what you know and find areas where you need to improve. Getting better in the weaker areas will help you pass the exam. Additionally, practicing with Security Fundamentals MTA exam 98-367 practice tests gets you used to the real exam setup. You can work on being accurate and quick. Plus, doing multiple practice tests will make you feel more confident. Aim to do better with each test, and you can become a Microsoft Certified Associate. Start practising now!

 98-367 Free practice Tests
Enhance your skills and knowledge with Microsoft Security Fundamentals 98-367 exam.  Start Your Preparations Now!