Vue.js 3 Practice Exam
Vue.js 3 Practice Exam
About Vue.js 3 Exam
The Vue.js 3 exam is designed to assess your understanding and proficiency in using Vue.js, a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications (SPAs). Vue.js 3 brings significant improvements in performance, composition API, and TypeScript integration. This exam will test your knowledge of core Vue.js concepts, the Composition API, Vue Router, Vuex, and other advanced features that are essential for developing modern web applications.
Skills Required
- Knowledge of Vue instance, directives, components, templates, and data binding.
- Understanding of reactive state, computed properties, lifecycle hooks, and ref/reactive for managing state and logic in components.
- Proficiency in using Vue Router to manage navigation, routes, and dynamic routing.
- Experience with Vuex for state management, actions, mutations, getters, and modules.
- Familiarity with props, events, slots, and provide/inject for inter-component communication.
- Experience with libraries like Vue CLI, Vue DevTools, and Vue Router, and knowledge of integrating them into Vue applications.
- Techniques for optimizing Vue.js applications, including lazy loading, code splitting, and efficient reactivity.
- Basic knowledge of testing Vue.js components using tools like Jest and Vue Test Utils.
Who should take the Exam?
- Developers who want to demonstrate their proficiency in using Vue.js for building interactive, performant web applications.
- Full-Stack Developers and JavaScript Developers
- Professionals working on creating single-page applications (SPAs) and interactive UIs using Vue.js.
- Software Engineers
- Teams looking to standardize their front-end framework with Vue.js for building scalable and maintainable web applications.
Course Outline
The Vue.js 3 Exam covers the following topics -
Domain 1 - Course Introduction
- Introduction to Vue.js
- Setting Up Your Development Environment
- Building Your First Vue.js Application
- Adding Template Properties
- Handling User Interactions with Methods
- Control Flow with v-if and v-else
- Iterating with v-for
- Understanding Computed Properties
- Binding Classes Dynamically
- Implementing Input Validation
- Mastering the v-model Directive
- Creating Your First Component
- Passing Props to Components
- Communication Between Parent and Child Components with Events
Domain 2 - Project 1: User Sign-up Form with Validation
- Overview of the User Sign-up Form Project
- Working with Single File Components
- Building a Custom Button Component
- Creating Custom Input Foundations
- Implementing Dynamic Validation
- Rethinking the Form State
- Validating the Form Data
- Submitting and Finalizing the Form
Domain 3 - Project 2: Pokémon Evolutions
- Introduction to the Pokémon Evolutions Project
- Setting Up the Card Foundations
- Fetching Remote Data with fetch
- Handling Multiple Data Sources
- Utilizing Lifecycle Hooks
- Rendering Dynamic Content
- Modularizing Components with Slots
- Reusing Code for Fetching Evolutions
- Styling Components with Class Bindings
- Separating Business Logic from Presentation Components
Domain 4 - Composition Fundamentals
- Introduction to Composition Fundamentals
- Exploring the Composition API
- Managing Reactivity with ref
- Using reactive for Complex Values
- Composing Computed Properties
- Working with watch and watchEffect
- Using watch Before and After Changes
- Creating the useNumbers Composable
- Leveraging Open-Source Libraries like Vue Use
Domain 5 - Project 3: Composing a Microblog
- Overview of the Microblog Project with the Composition API
- Setting Up the Microblog Store
- Rendering Posts with the Card Component
- Creating the Hashtag Component
- Emitting Events with the Composition API
- Filtering Posts Using Computed Properties
- Refactoring the Posts Store
- Implementing Post Liking Functionality
- Searching for Hashtags
- Refactoring and Exercise Solutions
Domain 6 - Vue Router Fundamentals
- Introduction to Vue Router
- Working with the RouterLink Component
- Managing Nested Routes and Child Components
- Using Route Params with the Composition API
- Creating a New Post Route
- Designing a New Post Form
- Implementing usePosts Composable
- Handling Redirects with Vue Router
- Refactoring with the Options API
Domain 7 - Vuex Fundamentals
- Introduction to Vuex State Management
- Setting Up a Vuex Store and State
- Updating State Using Mutations
- Advanced Mutation Techniques
- Dispatching Actions in Vuex
- Mocking Server Calls and Fetching Posts
- Displaying the Current Post
- Using Vuex Getters
- Scaling Vuex with Modules
- Refactoring with the Options API
Domain 8 - Project 4: Capstone Project
- Introduction to the Capstone Project
- Setting Up Vuex in the Project
- Creating Reusable Layouts
- Fetching Albums with fetch
- Streamlining the Data Fetching Workflow with Vuex
- Creating the Album Component
- Fetching Large Data Sets of Photos
- Adding and Improving Routing
- Using RouterLink for Navigation
- Managing Routing Parameters with watchEffect
- Implementing Vuex Level Caching for Better Performance
- Final Recommendations and Parting Thoughts